
            2016 Summer new strategy
           Welcome, SCGGROUP,
                        international business summer demand strategy paper file to
                        in Europe European business community view file.
                        Would like to welcome you very much.

                        SCG Sawada & consulting guru-(plastic model), co., Ltd
                                      National Director koichi Sawada


investment, stock, country, politics and Central Bank, banks,
companies and personal.
Gold was steady even? ...
Instability in world affairs.

The world economy credit turmoil period, inventory accumulation period
to get through what?

Plunged in the recession period in the economic cycle figure 12 cycles, 4 years of
this fiscal year one year, prices are falling and the stock pace along with the inventory buildup is falling, and companies. Credit confusion

Corporate strategy papers defining the economic circulation figure was unfounded, unfolds in the domestic summer.
By registering the date of first publication, and notarized and registered as no. 1 originator and no. 1 Numata,
eliminating similar acts and spying the visitors other than specified, no file browsing rules violations?

An economic recovery? Recession ending rush? Strategies to resolve inventory accumulation problem credit turmoil in the company.
75 billion yen a company year earnings expected by scale.

As an EU bailout strategies for demand-led economic growth strategy to catch up, according to terrorism and refugee problems
also international corporate rescue strategy, international strategy of management consultant as
to over 4 years of recession period strategy.

UK, EU to withdrawal = Europe division, the big crossroads - referendum

LONDON current affairs] the UK of the European Union (EU) national referendum to ask whether the residual or withdrawal,
Vote counting from pm June 23, 10 pm (6 pm Japan time morning) is carried out, according to the BBC,

Withdrawal support vote has become expected to become a majority, to win.

If the British EU withdrawal 'Lehman beyond' shock wave super-strong yen 90 yen stock market crash also

Britain has become the credit turmoil ... price decline and stock prices are state ... big crash that is not also to keep pace ...
The impact is a major factor than I expected major earthquake .... in the world ...
Also for the UK, also for the EU Member States, also for the world

It became an important turning point in the economy.

Downturn in the world economy, what is halted?
No, it must be halted.

Already, it rushes to the 2017 economic market trends ...
First of all, if not halted industrial activities plateau of 2017 ...
We must halt the downturn in the world economy!

Strategy over to be halt the downturn in the over world economy

Refugee problem economic recovery solving strategy Shingaiju-led economic growth strategy (DFS50)
IS terrorism problem economic recovery solving strategy Shingaiju-led economic growth strategy (FFS50)

Greece country debt problems Greece countries +
EU European country firms Community strategy external demand-led economic growth strategy (GFS50)

From being halted the downturn in the world economy,
Europe EU Council, Germany, France ... is a decision of the Greek national leader.

          Insurmountable in 2016, a company that

     business capital depletion recession period determination

    and 2017 to plunge into stagnation period of industrial activity.

               The iBra & ivy theory.

           To overcome the stagnation period,

     new demand-led economic growth strategy (FFS50 DFS50)

     to non-domestic-led economic growth strategy(GFS50)

    there is no strategy to turn around the economic cycle track.

                                                配信試験期間 2016年 2月25日
                                                   確定日    2016年 2月26日

GROUP社 国際企業向け夏季外需戦略




1 著作物の題号                 エスシージーグループシャ コクサイキギョウムケ カキガイジュセンリャク 

                            SCG GROUP社 国際企業向け夏季外需戦略 

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3 登録の目的                  第一公表年月日の登録

4     前登録の年月日及び登録番号   な 

5 申請者(著作権者)        郵便番号049-3104 電話番号(0137)64-3015

     住所(居所)               北海道二海郡八雲町内浦町151番地の10

   フリガナ                  エスシ-ジ-サワダ・コンサルティンググル-プ・カブシキカイシャ

     氏名(名称)           SCG澤田・コンサルティンググル-プ・株式会社

                                     ダイヒョウトリシマリヤク サワダ コウイチ

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                        掲載証明書            1


1 著作物の題号                    SCG GROUP社 国際企業向け夏季外需戦略

2 著作者の氏名(名称)          エスシ-ジ-サワダ・コンサルティンググル-プ・カブシキカイシャ


3 著作者の国籍   

4 最初の公表の際に表示された著作者名  SCG澤田・コンサルティンググル-プ・株式会社

5 最初の公表年月日                    平成28年2月26日

6 最初に公表した国の国名

7 著作物の種類                   論文

8Copyrighted content or materials

SCG GROUP's international corporate summer domestic strategies is 12 cycles in the economic circulation figure,
plunge into recession during 4 years. Fiscal year, falling and stocks keep pace with along with falling prices,
airlines affected by crude oil prices in the domestic airline surcharge 0 yen,
expected from 4/2016 fuel surcharges on domestic tickets from April to zero.

In this world 'credit chaos-inventory accumulation period' with the first edition of the recession period.

7/2016, the world's people go to travel abroad during the Summer vacation.
And accumulate inventory strategies during the summer season events attract as a domestic strategy that companies are
not alert to the market. Also, by the terrorist attacks Paris, France 11/13/2015
any catastrophes, terrorist attacks eased the alert stage, and a relaxation area resorts in tourist resorts received a blow
international airlines international flights will suffer a severe blow.

Does not allow prejudice to be running deals in the world of credit turmoil period,

international companies around the world and maintained profit?

For recovery?

Or the recession ending rush?

World companies credit turmoil in the hypothetical strategies based on business Fund is never exhausted as serious competition to win strategy
strategy through this recession period. In this credit mess in international companies
SCG Sawada & consulting guru-(plastic model), co., Ltd. announced during the summer, a domestic strategy.

DPM collective reasoning rules announced in the economic circulation figure definition with2014 12 .17
i Bra & i vy first publication date (1/14/2015) registration number: No. 2762, one rationale, based on
in the international corporate demand strategy papers unfolded in demand during the summer.

文化庁長官 殿

                                                  掲 載 証 明 書

                        題号 SCG GROUP社 国際企業向け夏季外需戦略







                                                   氏名                               印

       SCG GROUP,
international enterprise summer demand strategy


Creditchaos Accumulate a stock is falling, and companies, as well as keep pace with prices falling and the stock.


Business capital depletion period Recession market color rich, industrial activity plateau


Urge industry reform Trade deficit, stock securities fall, bankruptcy, increasing unemployment and industrial reform threatened
(Enterprise natural crazy days coming)


Competition designated period Penetration gain of recession and other temporary recovery and competition we strongly


Companies naturally crazy stage Bankruptcy, industry consolidation, downsizing,
companies naturally crazy


11/2015, by IS Paris, France at the same time after the terrorist attacks, the

and Syria refugee problem. World situation of refugees flocked to Europe,

by the combinatorial explosion of the Ackermann function of the negative and negative

in the vicious circle under the dash into a recession period.

「The plunge during the recession. 」

The international economy 'entered a recession period. '
And the international community which should take it.

Macro economics (macro economics, basic reference)

(1) national industrial x 3 (automobile industry), y (consumer electronics industry), z (tourism) to demand (the country)
price vector p0 in the base year (year of the o) and comparative year (t), a pt and occurrence of vector x 0, and a xt
of data shall be respectively given in the following. (Point No. 3 place rounded)

=〔p、p、p〕=〔  5.10. 25〕
=〔p、p 〕=〔  7.12. 20〕
=〔x、x、 x〕=〔100.80.200〕
=〔x、x、 x〕=〔85.100.230〕

At this time, ask for pL-weighted Laspeyres price index and the Paasche price index pp, respectively.
Answer to (1)


Fix-weighted Laspeyres price index (pL) ≈ 70. 90 the Paasche price indices (pp) ≈ 0. Would be 89.
(2) using a numerical example of the problem (1), o, and t-year nominal GDP seek (YN (o)) and (YN (t)), respectively.
-o, t nominal GDP growth rate goes to what % do? (To point No. 3 place rounded t, O, than new year).
Answer to




N(o)=6300、YN(t)=6395、Nominal GDP growth ≒1.51(%)

(3) using a numerical example of the problem (1), o, and t-year real GDP (Yr (o)) and ((t) Yr) each find.
-o, t nominal GDP growth rate goes to what % do? (Point No. 3 place rounded t, o, than new year. )
Answer to




(o)、=6300、Y(t)=7175、Real GDP growth ≒13.89%となる。

The growth rate of real GDP and nominal GDP growth rate in difference of 10% or more
from the GDP deflator (Paasche price indices), 11 per cent have fallen. (Price indices base year PA - Chez 1)

More problems than the change in consumption to calculate the real consumer spending to determine
the national income due to macro-economic state, and trends in differences of marginal consumption propensity to savings,
savings and investment and Government fiscal surplus, import export,
and employment underlying macro-economic theory until the calculation formula.

Fiscal policy and monetary policy, and simultaneously with the closely indispensable as a national policy, based on the world of
or what?
Must take measures as soon as possible to the thing entered a recession during the last four years of economic circulation figure of 12.

'Economy is in recovery. 'And evidence say the consequences,
buys business partners, 'I don't know' in the confusing economic credit.
Get stuck in a 'liquidity trap' in the economic cycle period, in the end, further credit confusion and delay to take measures.

Will discuss the solution using 「the principle of increasing risk」, overcome the recession period.

Ahead of the economic

This 12-year period as their stormed during a recession cycle, but proactive in their own country and
clearly, do not clearly respond, get stuck in the 'liquidity trap' in the economic cycle period,
credit confusion and delay to take measures.

In complex economic conditions with the fluidity buys falls into the trap of the liquidity of the economy.
So first of all, the economy is under the virtuous circle of what? Under the vicious cycle? Clearly should be raised.

That keep the world economic trends clearly.

Of 11/2015 Paris, France at the same time after the terrorist attacks, the world situation has changed.
IS terrorism, refugee issues, prices fall and stock, along with the pace of declines, crude oil prices. China's economic growth rate of decline.
Considering the international situation of these 12 recession period.
4 years (打chi出seba breakthrough on track...) First year of the recession ended early credit turmoil during the plunge.

That in 2016, the world is vicious down entered a recession period and
Sawada law person SCG, consulting group, Inc., clearly poses.

Naturally, our international law who is not a strategic management consulting company said.

A fixed orbit early to avoid a deflationary spiral,
UN Security Council Finance Ministers meeting and the US Federal Reserve Board (FRB) is

For non-physical fitness and stamina without international organizations

'entered a recession period. 'And the

in crisis management on the world must send a clear and important.

No country without physical strength and stamina of international businesses, 'entered a recession period. 'And the world must send a clear
in crisis management on the important issues.

Gearing up from 11/2015 and in return the holidays end of year
not you create a strategic breakthrough of the recession period to take things
had should be disseminated.

International company gives annual world economic cooperation new year celebration party in any
had to come up with a strategy to prepare for during the recession. And
clearly describe as the international people strategic management consulting company.

And our law people strategic management consulting company
SCG Sawada, consulting group, Inc.,
announced 12/17/2014 DPM collective reasoning rule i Bra & i vy, was considered, but
too negative incidents, which, combined with domestic strategy meeting international corporate summer
DPM collective reasoning rule i Bra & was announced as i vy supplementary.

Economic indicators

First of all, economic indicators is composed of complex and varied factors.
This 12-year periodic economic cycle chart analysis, many of the economic indicators and real economic numbers and data must examine.
However does not indicate recession direction all the numbers and data.
Numbers if numerical is the economy picking up, on the surface, indicating the recession is.

Numeric value, this business is picking up.
That is stuck in the 'liquidity trap' in the economic cycle period, credit confusion delay to take measures.
Is a political party. Economists had shown a booming economy theory and critic of political responsibility. No economic turnaround policy opposition turning expectations alone.

Repeatedly say 'entered during 4 years of recession'.

Take measures in individual countries, the world recognizes the recession ended and
another 12 years. 2028. Bulging debts, dabbled in other debts. Postpone the debt repayment.
Into dozens of years long long deflationary period in.

Of physical fitness regime at the recession period economic circulation figure over the last 4 years,
without any economic policy that no country is
in the circular structure only regime change the party recovered economy and.

How should you interpret such a conflict between opposition figures and data, in an important issue for the economic analysis.

Entered a recession period, when speaking at the Japan National Bank announced negative interest rates.
In the recession period solution a clear monetary policy.

Now transmit information media companies, even dark-blindfolded, who cannot say anything.


To judge Japan housewife eyes 'Japan housewives insight' in innovation.

This is no holiday digested housewife housewives and working women, power homemaker services are involved.

National employment office should assume at all, regardless of gender, household chores and child-rearing,
but to have terms and conditions of the family circumstances.

This ability, year-end holidays, holiday, ranging off return to the peace effort.
Think this ability to deliver business women total active social and economic.

And the economic recession ended quickly if you are utilizing a Japan housewife eyes,
decide to respond. If all women business owners
had the foresight to stop full-year annual world economic cooperation new year celebration party for eyes.

Became the first factor in the credit turmoil in 2016 was misguided reading from trends in new year's day.

But also some weaknesses.

Constructive labour weakness. To solve this problem SCG Sawada, consulting group, Inc.
both in the home and office in important research to solve the weaknesses in the women. has developed a robot engineering research.

2016 is already started.
Japan country, more explosion as the Ackermann function abenomics,
not have turn around the economy from recession.
Risk crisis-conscious SCG Sawada, consulting group, Inc.
stage debate, not be effective.

2012 10
                            United States presidential

In the Northeast, giant Hurricane approaching New York evacuation transport network closed the number 100000 people
because U.S. authorities have approached Sandy strong, from North Carolina to New England over
called to guard against storm, flood or snow for millions of people in the northeast United States.

2016 2

   Sawada SCG consulting group co., Ltd. Representative Director Sawada Hirokazu first speaker

In 2016, the international economy has 'entered a recession period to four years. '

      This fiscal year 2016,' where prices fall, stock falling pace,
          inventory accumulation and credit turmoil period. '

As an international company can decide as a nation and at the TOP, the innovation leader in the
If it is women making decisions as a leader, King in an academic leader,
go during this recession period to overcome the capacity (equipment) is a leader in.

                    Responsible decisions in his essay the lead solution for risk management?

                     These two issues is an important say human life is at stake.

               Can transmit these in the true leader in prepared with expertise can be discussed.

As a result,
international leaders say that 'should the basic direction of the economy, a trend clearly mentioning to the public. '
And with the theory that says that.


In the economic circulation figures speaking at international affairs,
12 years of economy has entered during the credit turmoil in 4 years.
IS terrorism, refugee problems, the economic slump over the past.
Is a shift in domestic policy changes Greece national offers to turn economy in domestic and
external demand-led economic growth strategy (GFS50).
And obsolete words that shocked Greece, as innovation growth country Greece country grow.

Also say the recession period, domestic demand with financial reduction policy no longer unable to overcome.
Is in a bold domestic policy to turn negative thought positively.

For example, the economy entered a virtuous cycle by expanding exports and domestic demand stimulus plan also
also shows a worse economy, while economic numbers and data number.
Is in a recession period. And enter the article numbers in the recession period material or data, and
thing to come up with a clear solution.

Basic economic figures to determine the whereabouts of the industrial production index and economic index, such as the economic
economy is under the virtuous circle? Do you under the vicious cycle it?
Changing economic situation further due to reading errors of economic policy and economic strategy, if you make it clear.

Who to trust? Whose policies Not
by the economic cycle period, International Affairs and expected variation and flow,
or international companies will overcome recession period?

Should read international, to train reading ahead of the economy.

Read the elapsed time of economic

There is foreign investment companies to expand overseas business opportunities.
International financial markets is very confusing, but among these international companies, but rather funding plus and say.

a regular over acquisitions by overseas companies had adopted international accounting standards shall not be required to write off in the
there is impairment risk had become a cause for concern that finally blew the fire company. 

? the economy is virtuous b international companies? A vicious circle? Qualifying, speedy shear, and successful companies as well as
that companies could not determine the credit dislocation and loss.

on the results side effects of impairment risk a read ahead of the economy, and have expanded to include to maximize the profitability of their companies.

in the case of b the economy which can occur to decisions of the credit mess, circulation figure as weakness in corporate profitability, decision making becomes the highlight, the impairment.

How much time elapses? Keep track and clear the elapsed time.

Economy period continue to fluctuate, a virtuous cycle, repeating the vicious cycle ending period.
Reason for this change is a virtuous economic and vicious, in two phases, how much time has elapsed?
Or new? After the long term? Even worse, staked out after a long run? 
?: Economic turning point? Very important in helping to anticipate this turning point.

For the economy over time become a big economic diagnostic decisions,
be aware and always in flux.

So look examine the marginal efficiency needed to invest ahead of the economy.

Increasing the risk principle (consumption and investment) (macro economics, basic reference)

(1)○ stage invested cost of 100, the revenue did not occur in the first trimester.

Calculate the marginal efficiency m experiencing revenue of 121 in the second period to end the investment project.
Answer to (1)
If the marginal efficiency of investment and m,
m, 100 = 121 / (1 + m) two equations to be.

This equation (1 + m) about solve
1 + m = √ 121 / 100 = √ 1. 21 = 1. Because of the 1 m = 0. 1 = 10%.

Limit efficiency m investment project will be 10%.


(2) ○ stage invested cost 30 Phase 1 experiencing 25 revenue phase II, 10, finished closing.
Calculate the marginal efficiency m of investment strategies.
Answer to

Equation to determine the investment marginal efficiency m,
30 = 10 / 1 + m+25 / (1 + m) 2. 1 m = x + and put the

30 x 2-10 x-21 = 0
would be 6 x 2-2 x-1 = 0. This command to solve for x
x = 2 ± √ 22 - 4 x 6 (-5) and 2 × 6 = 2 ± √ 124 / 12 = 1 / 6 ± √ 31 / 6

macro economic solution is x = 1 + m > because the only solution would be 0
x = 1/6 + √ solution 31 / 6 that only becomes effective.

, M = 1/6 + √ 31/6-1 = √ 31 - 5 / 6 ≈ 5. 57 - 5 / 6 = 0. 57 / 6 = 0. 095 = 9. 5%

investment strategy limits efficiency m is 9. And 5% will be.

In this way, understand the marginal efficiency on the principle of increasing risk,
should you invest? In principle theory of whether criteria one.

By the way, the risk of increasing returns to scale and
, Insolvency and interest expenses even when you encounter a recession and borrowing of money compared
to the amount of capital owned by enterprises increase investment and
risk of bankruptcy is that it's just (that amount will increase gradually) increasing returns to scale.

The principle of increasing risk of marginal efficiency and the good investment??
Or good credit? Do not trap? Described below.

Liquidity trap (macro-economics Foundation RefEdit SCG GROUP)

Reaches the level of constant value plus interest rate, interest rates, bonds held by nobody, so
becomes infinite elasticity of money demand.
In this State, increases the money supply, all being hoarded as idle money.
Interest rates and interest rates, will be unaffected.

No impairment on the other hand, reaches the level of negative interest rates, negative interest rates, so fluid with the holdings.

Of idle money is a company that fails to recognize and 'liquidity trap', run plus increasing returns on investment.
But without investing idle money that companies are not impaired, as the review of domestic demand (cost).

Monetary policy tried to increase national income and corporate investment and the move is
unexpected business reversal trends, to reverse trends in the national
will no longer expect investment effects of monetary and fiscal policies.

As a result, rumored monetary policy at the Bank, to fiscal policy affecting the credit turmoil.

Fiscal policy and monetary policy are closely aligned to the increasingly advanced operations buy
and situation to effect similar to bonds issued by the world policy.

To turn already plus the economic slump in Europe (European Central Bank), the introduction of quantitative easing.
Became the State four years ago introduced negative interest rates, lower interest rates on housing.
Also buy houses, rather than young people and college students to rent reduced interest rates on housing have been the
has become the State needs to manage risk to the concern of the housing bubble.

In Japan, as the recession into early Bank laid out the negative interest rate policy.
Or minus interest rate policy far Bank again? Is the company serious Bank of negative interest rate policy? To assess the economic downturn? 
Or late in the year 2016, a company that measures taken?

Should be a strong strategy in the world and Japan countries not in the 'liquidity trap'.

'Bond' and the
of national and local governments, incorporated, Corporation (the company), international organizations, foreign Governments, companies,
is funding for issuing 'ious (securities)'.

Idle money and
idle money play money.

And buying operations
by the nation's Central Bank to buy securities such as bonds and commercial paper, bills from the market (market)
refers to increasing the quantity of money in the market.
This is one of the method to adjust the total currency market 'open market operations (open market operations)'
in Japan country, conduct by the Bank of Japan.

General buying operations will have money coming into the city by increasing the quantity of money in the market, so
usually lack funds on the market, and the effect of lower interest rates and ease the financial side of time and
are often made to support financial institutions, economic stimulus, such as.
Says that reducing the money supply in the market, buying operations that sell securities such as bonds and commercial paper,
bills in the market selling operations. From (kotobanku)

, let's tease the cause of depression.

Causes of depression       

Causes of depression, understood English Economist Jevons Professor is 'boom' in.
Is a market economy? In the planned economy? Regardless of economic fluctuations are inevitable.
Market economy under competition, consumption and investment are too trendy boom, as too much correction after that
slump to repeat.   Planned economy, economic fluctuations compared to the market economy, as small,
for scarce energy, prone to long a stagnant economic situation. More (economic trends article)

, Where strategies to survive the recession.

Is super blue-chip companies has weathered the recession to advantage the turn.
Is in the things both large and small companies, and companies of the Ackermann function and the
combinatorial explosion of exquisitely good timing to help.

Tend, Super blue-chip companies bring signs of a turnaround.
Says that the company is raising the best-performing companies is very high growth companies, and also during a recession is.

Results of the high-growth period is due to the results of the management of the companies.
In the strategy to learn from the management of the companies, corporate growth,
corporate growth here makes the growth of the economy as a whole.
Says fine and growing businesses within any business? Or what you do, there's business grew,
should be studied in detail, larger algebra, algebraic transformation and Algebraic reduction to improve business strategies and.
However, Ackermann functions and combinatorial explosion exquisitely good timing and Super blue-chip companies,
and frequently has claimed copyright and patent rights, and obtaining a license from unauthorized use, without
no other consultancy contract and seek guidance.
Can maintain social credibility should not lose in wasted time and money developing liability lawsuits until after.

Downsizing and streamlining, and bankruptcy crisis, recession, recession and especially past seriousness
is the deterioration in business sentiment in the manufacturing.

Being paid attention by the movement of companies to turn around
(1) Research (2) development (3) international business in the field of the
companies are clear to the role of the international community, a clear strategy to survive from this period.

rush in the first year of the recession ending in 2016.
Previous article iBra & ivy theory explaining the
explores the business factors occur in the economy again, to run away holding excess inventory, loss,
and leaving during this recession, and jump into the domestic strategy that SCG GROUP's international corporate summer goals.

Inventory cycle wave (economic trends article than)

Waves of the inventory cycle is roughly 1-over two-year period.

Increase the inventory in each phase of the retail, wholesale and manufacturing economy pick up, and spread.
And have to focus on inventory investment is enabled for that business has picked up
should be prone to outweigh the demand increased inventory investment.

So that at each stage of the retail, wholesale and manufacturing, additional demand for suppliers to accommodate at any time to
for coming out is going to have more and more stock. And also the economy pick up wholesale prices and personnel costs
works that make things rise likely to soar because, previously, I'll buy the consideration that also have been affected.

Inventory exceeds demand increased as a result business has picked up, increasing the demand for formal, but
should note that growth decreases rapidly after this fictitious demand, including inventory demand, inventory accumulated.
Momentum stock investment becomes a problem here, but the unintended inventory has soared,
said, will have to reduce the inventory movements even end demand is the demand for this end,
will comply by the stock.

So the production will fall and ended in recession.

(1) if the economy is excessively then recoil come.
Pointed out that in the economic analysis of the world formulated the variation in the first British Economist Jevons Professor
'almost always boom continues, what the coming recession after the boom. '

As indicated by Jevons Professor in downturn stock and land prices is
rise in unsolicited consisting of unexpected declines.
Boom due to the excesses of the stock and land prices will then become recession gone too far.

You are aware of this fact? Whether or not? Among the tips up economic waves.

(2) basic economic conditions depends on supply and demand, the selling and buying.
A stable economy that balanced the relationship between selling and buying as long as
far, but on the other hand either for sale as its economy is always greet downswing.
The economic measures to stimulate demand to reverse the theory of supply exceeding demand and depressed the economy, but
will soon rise (reduction of the official discount rate, etc.), introduced by the Government towards will.

Occur in the economy like this to run away holding excess inventory, loss companies,
can do little, gotta be the strategy of international law people strategic management consultant, or
would enlist the guidance of companies.

Either way, 11/2015, Paris, France at the same time multiple terrorist incidents since the
will jump on the bandwagon of the world. Price without realizing the change of situation in world spent the year-end holidays leisurely.
Couldn't read it in the economy and corporate compensation is the number 10 million euro loss.
If prolonged and cost of several hundred million euros and
fall into the spiral circulation figure to spend taxpayers ' money.

So this SCG GROUP's international corporate summer domestic strategy became
would want to get into the description of the introduction of macroeconomic structural policies of
companies turning to productivity gains.

The introduction of macroeconomic structural policies toward 'productivity gains' (corporate strategy rebuild article than)

The introduction of macroeconomic structural policy in three specific measures.

One's a kick of financing channels.
Second one is indirect financing (borrowing from a Bank of) method
(1) funding channels (2) capital market channel (3) junk bond market channel introduced
allows flexible funding, the business risks associated with more than one type of financial system to design and build things.

Micro anti-deflation strategy

Micro anti-deflation strategy has two strategies.

Strategy of passive strategies, aggressive strategy

Passive strategy
passive strategy and cut costs wherever possible to promote for the downward migration of the pricing thing.
Lower prices is the turnover (sales) of earnings decline suffer from declining to bring.
Reverses the revenues decrease, increase their revenue to achieve management's commitment to cost reduction.
In the cost structure, wage, and wage cuts, and employment structure changes and structure of the overall reform.

Across the Board review of the cost structure's deflationary spiral for essential micro-d, but
macros make a 'miscalculation of synthesis'.

Macro dimension, as a result of wage income is reduced, due to effective demand sluggish as a result, consumer spending declined
to accelerate the decline in prices, bringing further sales and earnings decline.

That a deflationary spiral.

If you connect a soft deflation or economic risk of cumulative reduction equilibrium process is.
Is so, say that limitations on corporate strategy of micro-dimension passive strategy.

In order to break immediately from a deflationary spiral Europe EU countries also
11/2015, Paris, France at the same case since the terrorist attacks, IS and refugee problem, Greece shock problems and stock prices decline and fall in financial
read the wave of economic and domestic-led economic growth strategy (GFS50) and new domestic-led economic growth strategy (FFS50 and DFS50),
and envisions domestic strategy paper demand strategy SCG GROUP, international enterprise in summer,
aggressive strategies, and effective Unable to overcome the recession period, gotta
all year, wandering in the period of deflationary spiral that always risks crisis when it comes.

'Aggressive strategy' productivity increases (demand curve and supply curve)

The downward migration of the pricing structure enables the new price levels, price levels provide revenue.
Could cause a deflationary spiral and tried to achieve it by reducing costs.
However, if cost savings realized by productivity gains and increased production (sales), and sold have to lower the price even more.
In this case, no costs, such as wages from a decrease in effective demand does not happen.


(1) increase productivity
and right-shift the supply curve, new price and sales volume increases naturally.
Or increase it the same, or declined, or related to the elasticity of the curve.
Also, wage cuts and cost will not be reduced and productivity rises, happens rather increased employment and higher wages.
The demand curve to shift right, no change in the price level, but increase sales volume, sales grew clearly.

And expires after some level deflationary spiral if 'aggressive strategy', the economy has gradually overcome deflation.
Break the process is in the strategy should be effective macro-economic (Super adjustment strategies), to read.

(2) increase in sales
sales increase of basic strategy is the reinforcement of marketing power and the expansion of the market.
-Globalzation and spread the possibility of building a new marketing innovation IT developed the new Pioneer frontier customers to target.

(3) development of new product
aggressive strategy of the third is aloof to product and service providers to be competitive.
In advanced economies, it companies at all times, sophisticated and advanced design-oriented but must have a
so-called competition produces new creativity, and building a creative enterprise management, creative of business
is the biggest challenge for international corporate executives, this is the micro-strategies for overcoming deflation.

Create their own way. Verify the demands and aspirations of the people. Understand the international situation.
As a proactive strategy to generate these three. SCG GROUP Inc.

so, based on the aggressive strategy of macroeconomic structural policy
SCG GROUP's international corporate summer announced the domestic strategy.

Finding ways to overcome this recession period?
Place the situation and develop strategies for overcoming the unexpected signs of international catastrophes,
terrorism and crisis management position
what to do with the side-effects of a strategy to turn around? Until thoughtful thinking
as international law people strategic management consultant 'international corporate summer demand strategic plan' drafted.

By the goals jump into the domestic strategy that
SCG GROUP, international businesses during the summer.

SCG GROUP's international corporate summer demand strategy

        Demand-led economic growth strategy (fs50) European corporate community summer demand strategy

(Japan time)
Date  Community                              About




The European
corporate community

-Domestic-led economic growth strategy (GFS50) European corporate
community summer domestic strategy announces new commercial opening media show Jack

-recession period improved strategic HR
(4 years of recession period break strategy proposed by officers)
develop a long-term management plan proposal 'European corporate community
long-term management plans outline plan officer' profit recovery
2016-2018 site survey-minutely improved 2019 long-term management plan outline announced

The European
corporate community

Demand-led economic growth strategy (GFS50) European business community during the summer domestic strategy opening start country Greece country

European business community during the summer domestic strategy '
Welcome to Greece country resort'

affected world oil prices domestic airline surcharges 0 yen.
Expects zero fuel surcharges fuel surcharges, EU domestic ticketing.

In this world 'credit turmoil-inventory accumulation' in the first one of the factors.

People go on Summer vacation and traveling abroad. 
And strategic staffing companies to attract the businesses inventory accumulation.
Market off guard, in the world NEWS of the credit turmoil.

By the European business community in large airliner purchase (new or used)
making purchase or cabin, sell all European airline company meals.
Once a year, in-flight food sales general sales NO1 decides the level UP
in-flight food quality food hygiene, safety and taste better.
Flight attendants and pilots as well as technology to innovate 11/2015,
simultaneous terrorist attacks Paris, refugees, Greece shocked and
reduce the aircraft bombing IS using fear, PDSD (post traumatic stress disorder),
and dispel the negative effects of recession, and Europe's economic turnaround strategy.

European countries (including the city of the European business community in Japan country),
for one year, along with the demand for stage events in various countries and cities
airliner demolition moving in. Airliner bringing domestic demand-oriented user
customer as the centerpiece of the event, the
turn the recession period of 4 years, expected to attract mobilization of 3 million 1 States city.

Attract mobilization 3 million people x 30 countries (including Japan country) ×
2 cities (1) x 100 euro (per capita consumption rates) x year (≈ + α) -18 billion euro (Japan 125 Yen conversion ≈ 2250000000000 yen a year)

18 billion euro x 5 years = 90 billion euro
(Japan 125 Yen conversion ≈ 5 years 11. 3000000000000 ¥) * excluding expenses

Annual revenue per company ≈ 71 billion yen
(the European corporate community 30 Japan country three companies including)
business agreement: domestic-led economic growth strategy
(gfs50) business agreement (draft / C draft) see

Intro States: Greece and Cyprus
to turn around the recession in the Ackermann function and
the explosion ignited a season in each country.
Summer events-winter schedule of events, and the event featured aircraft
the impetus to turn around the recession.

Season in each country, to turn around the recession period in
economic upturn in priming of the Ackermann function and the combinatorial explosion.

International corporate summer demand (European country relief strategy)

In a demand-led economic growth strategy (GFS50) Greece and Cyprus Republic rescue strategy,
has sent a letter to Greece country media NEPIT New Hellenic Radio, Internet and Television history.
Will lead to attract domestic strategy to avoid the NEPITTelevision away.

SCG GROUP's international corporate summer domestic strategy, also as a media strategy should be.
World oil prices affected domestic airline surcharge is 0 yen.
Expects zero fuel surcharges fuel surcharges, EU domestic ticketing.

Nice events to attract media viewers affected world oil prices, developments in domestic demand, the media authority.

May hold crisis training, teamed up with the airline.

Suffer at the influx of refugees to ensure the centrality of the Sweden Government
luxury cruise ships to use as refugee accommodation plans.

Regardless of the airliners, airplane, luxury cruise ship, Europe's popular train even
would be action in the drawing power of the ROBOT, etc..
Should be in larger algebra, algebraic reduction and transforming algebraic theory, in the tourist destination of the world.

SCG GROUP's international corporate summer domestic strategy in
circulation diagram turn as an international company, to reduce the financial burden on the country, to build
thanks as soon as exhausted as a strategy management consultant international law who favor, stand to help you.

5 stabilization of factor

Five factors present in the stabilization of the economy.

(1) international cooperation in
(2) global market expansion (frontier)
(3) the rise of technological innovation
(4) generalization of the Keynesian theory and Government intervention
(5) shorten the information speeding up of structural adjustment

(1) existence of a system of international cooperation
existence of international cooperation and the Nazis in the 1930s, the past is how Fascist forces and allied forces, but
was a decisive confrontation. Country's flag, the Soviet Union was in spirits hotels Subaru ended.
Due to stock price decline in the present situation, the United Nations Security Council of Finance Ministers meeting, showed the existence of a system of international cooperation.
Russia has hit hotels Subaru ended the militant organization the Islamic State is to have blocked the international cooperation.

Hit hotels Subaru (kennkou): enthusiasm is thriving and energetic
that raise rise (may refer to): head. Be increasing momentum.

(2) global market expansion (frontier)
and global market expansion (frontier), past, by the end of the cold war, turned to emerging economies of developing countries,
, started forming a new market potential world demand-creating the thing.

Speaking at Japan National abenomics three arrows, and form a new market and, to a potential world demand-creating.

(3) the rise of technological innovation
State can always switch the technology paradigm, to overcome the recession ended and the rise of
technological innovation in the aforementioned 4 years of
must be in the domain space location. By the introduction of new technologies, widespread productivity gains and
new industries to your appearance, and
and increase the opportunities for new jobs and new growth must have circulating at all times.

SCG GROUP company in
is currently working a demand-led economic growth strategy, and this article in summer, a domestic strategy.

, Both national and international companies on number 10 billion yen revenue projected a global innovation strategy
(technology innovation strategy).

(4) generalization of the Keynesian theory and Government intervention
generalization of the Keynesian theory and Government intervention is dramatic demand deflation that
has safety valve function of Government.
In foreign government intervention in the present situation, is not that the European Central Bank, is from 4 years ago
introduced negative interest rates. Japan country even in 2016 than Bank announced negative interest rates.
, Government intervention at this stage, the world economy is not only the world's central bank interest rate policy, but
not without physical strength and stamina of international businesses,
'entered a recession period. 'And the responsibility to articulate and disseminate to the world and the mission
quickly moved the United Nations Security Council of Finance Ministers meeting and the US Federal Reserve Board (FRB),
Sawada, SCG, consulting group, Inc. in.

(5) shorten the information speeding up of structural adjustment
shorten the information speeding up of structural adjustment and macroeconomic and speed transmission of information,
analysis and decision making in the micro-and
adjusting and shortening the deflation of the price decline is.

UN Security Council Finance Ministers meetings early on, moving sensitive to global economic conditions.
And the intervention of the Central Bank have taken measures. However, the measures and strategies to
move thing who conveys that ends with a discussion on the status quo.

Factor to halve the structural adjustment information speed increases office worker inspired debate,
essay writing, rewards to be had.
Even with the macro-management policies during the recession to microscopic and transmission of information, analysis,
and decision making can be built, and
adjustment of the deflation process and shortening can devise a solution strategy, clear speedy shear true economist
and management consultant.

Natural selection period coming

In the natural world and natural selection, survival is well adapted due to environmental and
ecological conditions inferior ones don't ruin nature;
Started survive naturally in only a good, long poor and lazy ones will perish. 'Selection' is sorted. Get rid of bad stuff
take the good stuff. Under the language taught in the theory of evolution Darwin.

Natural crazy age, 2018, politicians and companies facing Lawmakers urge reform, urge industry reform.
Already signs in 2016. 

Reader cannot make a decision in the recession period, obscure words and deeds. Without clarity of speech.
Cannot forecast the hurricane will come. Read also the period of 4 years of recession.

Ready to impact on the lives of mankind who do? The consciousness of risk crisis a leader?
Or a politician? Economists? Management consultant? Come to the period already put through a sieve.

Ruined poor thing cannot make a decision, should survive naturally in only a good era.

SCG GROUP's international corporate summer defines the domestic strategy paper under the
Zoom algebra, algebraic reduction and transforming algebra and demand-led
economic growth strategy (GFS50) Provisional EU joint bodies and
expand to a wide range of international companies, specifically strategic plan
(particulars of summer demand strategy paper description) hypothetical settings, minutely strategic and effective.

Management as a strategic management consultant, as a person of international law,
as a consultant and CEO

true business consultant can develop strategies

clear responsibility responsibility of management consultants to save the tough situation of the impoverished region,

partners with global management consultancies in the world,
the world economic great depression must be

overcome the recession period, defines the economic stability of the masses as

2016 2. 26 decision to bailout strategy Commission mission to fulfill.

SCG Sawada, consulting group, Inc.
National Director koichi Sawada

