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 Verification of DPM set theory law i Bra & i vy economic recovery theory (survey)


At first

It is continuously 2014 12.17 Ackermann function
Combinatorial explosion theory and overlap,
A small elementary particles, not ever
Beyond the limits of the limit was reached a level on the number of stages.

SCG GROUP's ability of the vessel is
It raced to spread the world to the infinite.

This is the underlying strength of the SCG GROUP company.
Time allocation ability and work ability, wisdom power and decision power and comprehensive strength ...

I would like to see the new SCG GROUP Inc. birth.

Three historical papers of Einstein 
110 years ago, Einstein, Ph.D., announced the three historical papers.

March 1905 photon theory
April Brown Theory
June special theory of relativity

Industrial revolution that took place in Europe from the 18th century to the 19th century,
resulted in the transformation of social structure that produces the capitalist and working class,
Physical also had a major impact.

Beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it is the invention of the steam locomotive.

Industrial mission of increasing the efficiency of the conversion of heat to work, encourage the study of thermodynamics,
Heat was developed with the gas to the kinetic theory to explain as the motion of atoms and molecules.
At that time, the presence of atoms and molecules, not been demonstrated, those not 'demonstrated,
It should not be incorporated in physically. Physicist that 'there were many.
Standard-bearer of the Boltzmann gas molecular motion theory, tired dispute with opponents, committed suicide in 1906.
However, it has been an increasing number of researchers who think seriously about the presence of gradually atoms and molecules.

One of them was Einstein.

In the 19th century, electromagnetism was unified electrical and magnetic phenomena has been established by the United Kingdom of Faraday and Maxwell.
Thereby, electric and magnetic fields are vibrated alternately, it was found that transmitted the space.
Although this phenomenon is an electromagnetic wave, the speed transmitted the electromagnetic wave coincides with the speed of light, it light is an electromagnetic wave has been found.
However, as sound (wave) is transmitted in the air, if light is a wave, there should be a medium (a substance that transmits) to tell it.
In addition, the light of distant stars, reach the Earth conveys the space of the vacuum.
According to the electromagnetic instrumental, the speed of electromagnetic waves has become a constant value irrespective of the speed of light.

Is it why the?

Holding these questions, Einstein Dr. is going led to the special theory of relativity research.

1905 March photon theory (discovery of Planck)
In 1900, in Germany, which it strives to wealth and military strength, to increase the production efficiency of the iron was a national policy.
It was necessary to know the exact temperature of the blast furnace for that. Light leaking from the blast furnace, but red is at a low temperature,
Become yellow and coming up from the temperature, and, come bathed in whiteness.
This indicated that the spectrum of the light emerging from the blast furnace is guided naturally.

It would mean what the heck.

Einstein, the photoelectric effect for example, revealed this meaning.
A photoelectric effect, electrons in the metal shed light on the metal should jump out to obtain energy.
However, it is the electrons never jump out only when exposed to light of the above frequencies that are actually.
Einstein, by the particles having an energy that is proportional to Tokikari to its frequency,
It was brilliantly illustrate this nature.

That photons that of this light grain.

Thus Planck discovery was to mean particles of light.
This discovery of the duality of particles and waves, will lead to a quantum theory of Einstein.

April 1905 Brownian motion 
1827 circa, the British botanist Brown, the pollen floated on the water observed with a microscope,

Fine particles jumped out of the pollen was discovered that forever continue to zig-zag motion.

Brown himself, tried to Minaso this movement as a source of life.
However, it is confirmed that occurs similar phenomenon in fine particles such as quartz and sulfur as well as pollen,
It became clear that has nothing to do with the life phenomena.
Particle motion in April 1905, Brown was discovered pollen, passed the time at 78 years
Cause of Einstein zigzag (Brown) movement, has announced that it is the water molecules hitting the incessantly particles.

In the case of large particles, but does not exercise the case of small particles, actively exercise.

Depending on the size of the particles, it has announced that the movement will change.

June special theory of relativity in 1905 
Following the Brownian motion of April, the same year June Einstein wrote a paper entitled 'About electrodynamics of a moving object.'

This is the so-called special theory of relativity.

Einstein regardless of the speed of light sources, and to always travels at a constant speed,
I was suffering in the conflict with the synthetic law of speed in the conventional mechanics.
Synthesis law of the conventional speed, and throw the ball in the direction of travel of the car that is 'exercise,
The speed becomes faster by the amount of the car's speed. The common sense that 'was something no doubt.
Einstein, the morning of one day of the end that kept thinking one year, when I woke up, this contradiction was resolved.

'Speed ​​of light is constant regardless of the movement of the light source.' The results of the electromagnetism as a principle (principle of the constancy of the velocity of light) that,
Newtonian mechanics to be the addition of basic modification in the concept of time and space that is on the foundation.
That was because the 'length than when objects which had stopped in motion shrinkage, time progresses slower.'.

Einstein, but the echo of this theory was soon appear, this theory is too revolutionary past,
It was not immediately accepted.
Not only unacceptable, was Moi physicist to attack violently.
However, founder Planck of the quantum theory, recognized its value quickly,
As a result, it became to have an interest in getting the special theory of relativity also other physical scholars. (Than the theory of relativity book)

Even the historical papers of physicists such as Einstein, to be determined that the 'theory is correct,' it is,
Even the paper announced by using the Ackermann function continuously, also published a number of papers,
In that era (1905's), I did not ride the explosive airflow. (SCG GROUP, Inc.)

Ackermann function
The Ackermann function, and is, to the non-negative integers m and n,

{\rm Ack}(m, n) = \begin{cases}
 n + 1,                                 & \mbox{ if }m = 0\\
 {\rm Ack}(m - 1, 1),                   & \mbox{ if }n = 0\\
 {\rm Ack}(m - 1, {\rm Ack}(m, n - 1)), & \mbox{ otherwise}\\

It is that the function defined by.
There is a feature that the explosive amount of calculation and the number increases to give increases,
Sometimes used in such performance measurement.
Values ​​that are displayed in a recursive reference are very large,
It can not be easily represented in other forms.

Ackerman function is an important formula also for the economy,
It has been defined both big and small in the century events in a natural way.
Even the historical papers of physicists, such as Einstein,
Even the papers using the Ackermann function continuously,
Also published a number of papers, not ride the explosive airflow.
Result is that the combination explosion did not lead to optimized exponential. (SCG GROUP, Inc.).

Combinatorial explosion
The combinatorial explosion, in the field, such as a mainly computer science and applied mathematics, information engineering, artificial intelligence,
The solution is discrete optimization problem, which is defined by a combination conditions, problems with respect to the size n
For the number of solutions, too sharply in the order, such as exponential or factorial,
Solution or, means that it is difficult to find an optimal solution.

In other words, three of the historical papers of the physicist Einstein
(1905 March photon theory April Brownian motion June special theory of relativity)
Announced the results period is too too early,
'Rating to the side and research side, scientists side had positioned as a' hard paper '. 'It is the result. (SCG GROUP, Inc.)

Three historical papers of Einstein Professor, by a combination of Ackerman function and combinatorial explosion,
It is possible to jump on the bandwagon, soon it can be widely social contribution to the general public consumers,
Nobel Prize in Physics also, it can be assumed that could be won sooner. (SCG GROUP, Inc.)

Einstein Professor, what was announced in succession while thoughtful Ackerman function theory, combinatorial explosion theory?
Or it is announced without knowing?
The intended purpose of the Einstein Professor of the Gi-Oh (odometer) only look out the tongue do not know me.
(SCG GROUP Inc. Representative Director Koichi Sawada)

Combinatorial explosion Theory
The combinatorial explosion theory, communication networks and information systems development, in the chemical and other fields,
More broadly, rapidly, the number of possibilities contemplated by the numerous and comes to a combination of elements,
The number of realization form that can be taken, the number of procedures to be performed, or, there is also a theory that the whole of the complexity resulting in a very huge.
The combinatorial explosion theory, calculated the amount of the explosion is a general concept, there is also exponential explosion,
Formula that solved in polynomial order of n that are mentioned in the above, do not say a combination explosion.

As an example of change of combinatorial explosion, there is a Ackermann function to rapidly giant include a recursive reference.

In the information system development, but words is different from that of the amount of calculation increases phenomenon caused by the solution space huge,
Combinatorial explosion is said.
Because the complexity of the system to be made in the combination expands explosively,
Corresponding to the solution to this problem is an important issue of the information processing.

So, what about politics and the economy?

Or Ackerman function theory and combinatorial explosion theory had been era airflow as an economic recovery system?
Let's examine the economic superpower # 1 of the United States economy.

Regarding the particulars description of Ackerman function and combinatorial explosion,
Japan translation or, there is also a ready explanation in English translation.