December 22nd, 2022 testing~ Confirmed on January 1, 2023

European Council version
"External demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project TEAM
Advisor Koichi Sawada 2023 New Year Greetings Accountability

From 2016 to 2022, the European Council version of "External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM
Founder Representative ~ Represented, "a once-in-a-century period wave that asks the true value"
rushes into the wave of change. In order to overcome this wave without going against it,
I have demonstrated my ability that there is no other way than self-directed leadership 【shogun's command ability】

Factors that slow down Japan's economic growth strategy-domestic demand strategy

SCGGROUP's summer external demand strategy for international companies

This act is prepared for distortion and envy, As Koichi Sawada,
TEAM representative of the European Council version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project, it was my mission.

With the addition of waves of emergencies, the once-in-a-century wave of
cycles that question the true value of It was a wave of a cycle that surpassed it.

A wave changed by a big emergency, Due to the new coronavirus and emergency problems in Ukraine and Russia.

There was also a reason for the big change. Contrary to forecasts, it has not been smooth sailing, and there have been large gaps.

This is the initial phenomenon of "a once-in-a-hundred-year period wave that questions the true value", which is not smooth sailing.

The stage has changed in recent years when it entered into the "wave of the cycle that questions the true value once in 100 years".
If we proceed at this pace, distortion and jealousy will arise, and we may not be able to complete the project.

The stage changes in the 9-year cycle from 2023.
The wave that must be changed to the wave of the stage where you sit down and take your time is coming.

This wave of change is an initial phenomenon that is not smooth sailing.

As Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan made his opening remarks on December 16, 2020,
three new documents, the National Security Strategy, the National Defense Strategy,
and the Defense Buildup Plan, were approved by the Cabinet today. rice field.
I have long said that the world is at a historical crossroads.
Over the past 30 years, the world has become more globalized, and the world has become more integrated and linked.
However, in recent years, due to changes in the "balance of power" in the international community,
conflicts between nations and open competition for national interests have become conspicuous,
and division in the globalization has become more severe.
The international community has entered an era in which cooperation and division, cooperation and conflict are intricately intertwined (excerpt).

From 2016 to 2022, the European Council's version of the "External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM
Founder-Representative Koich Sawada will usher in a once-in-a-century periodical wave,
It's not going to be "smooth sailing", but I've demonstrated my ability to not go against the waves of change, and to overcome this wave,
there is no other way than my self-reliant leadership 【shogun general command ability】. .
The international community has entered an era in which cooperation and division, cooperation and conflict are intricately intertwined.
Assuming this domain area, Koich Sawada, TEAM representative of the European Council version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project, will conduct research and development on the People's Republic of China in July 2021,
and in the fiscal year ending September 2021, will be the first to implement risk
As a deterrent to prevent and avoid crises in advance, we simulated the Chinese military's effective occupation of Taiwan
I cause and purpose 【unification of the People's Republic of China and recapture of semiconductor technology】.

In 2021, it will be sent to the United Nations Secretariat and to the secretariat of
27 European member states as a project TEAM for the European Council version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50."

At this point in time,
due to the novel coronavirus, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, domestic problems, etc., the axis of the trajectory has escaped,
but there is no doubt that the world will continue to be a complex and intertwined turning point.

As in the past, interpreting without knowing such a historical turning point and the once-in-a-century cycle of questioning
the true value would be a loss. TEAM It is up to the representative Koich Sawada to make a decision.

No suitable person was found for the certificate of publication of the
new disjunction ai model theory to be submitted to the Copyright Division of the Agency for Cultural Affairs.
New team leader's problem-solving tactics General Command Ability (General Ship)
Announcement of『 "『NEW Meeting & Party Adaptable Innovation Model theory』

In the past, due to the natural talent that he was born with, he gave birth to many distortions and envy.

In research and development, the lab notebook reached 13 volumes.

In addition, Koichi Swada was the representative director At SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,
I was able to interact with the vice president of BSG Boston Consulting Co., Ltd.,
the world's largest strategic consulting company,
where I met in Boston, the US headquarters, and gained knowledge that I could have a conversation with.

As a result of extraordinary years of diligent effort,
The diligent b-5 notebook reached 63 volumes.

To take action, you have to take steps.
Consideration for the other person is also necessary.

At the Office of the European Council (Brussels, Belgium), I will enter the room to the information counter,
At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece (Athens),

I met with His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece.
At iRobot, we interviewed engineers, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ai robot laboratory,
I was given a password and was allowed into the laboratory.

When I visited the headquarters of BCG Boston Consulting, Inc. (Boston, USA), as a courtesy,
I entrusted the presents to the secretarial department staff to the vice president, who
I had the opportunity to meet with, as a representative director of BOSS.

When SCG Sawada Consulting Co., Ltd. was founded, Sent a letter to the care section of the founding greetings of the company.
As the representative director,
I would like to thank the owner of oogoso, the founder, for your kindness and concern for your health.

This European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
A letter to TEAM received from the President of the European Commission by those who do not meet the standards of
the domain area who do not know the efforts of TEAM2022-08-08 - Reply letter.pdf
It will damage the reply letter.pdf and degrade the European Council version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM.

Expansion strategy period → Establishment period
1 Appointed as new representative
2 TEAM making
3 Agreement

From the 2023 term, there will be a complete change from the expansion strategy phase to the establishment phase,
and to the solidification phase to solidify the foothold. As a project TEAM for the European Council version of the
"External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
The next 9 years will be the starting period of the cycle that tests the true value once every 100 years.

European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
As representative Koi chi Sawada, he has led many people. As representative Koi chi Sawada,
we already have a track record in the process of getting to this point,
and we have achieved a certain amount of results.

Therefore, representative Koichi Sawada → Counselor Koichi Sawada,
I will hand it over to a new representative with a young sensibility.

First, over the next few years, we will appoint 1 new representatives. And then,
while creating 2 TEAM, the European Council version of the "External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
Based on the 3 contracts formulated by founder representative Koi chi Sawada. The most important thing in solving problems is the order of steps.

The new representative and team members are well versed in the theory of the new divergence and dispersal ai model,
and will spend several years creating a long-term plan that is sure to be a Syrian economic revitalization and mineral water project plan.
TEAM examines and considers.
New team leader's problem-solving tactics General Command Ability (General Ship)
"NEW Dissociation Gathering AI Model Theory"

When it comes to the contract, based on the continuation of the project,
43% to the European Council, 30% to Koich Sawada, 1% to each of the 27 European member states (27% in total) = 100%.
We will send you a contract that also serves as capital.

In terms of domestic demand, we firmly hold down the accounting and general affairs within the contract,
Are well-meaning strategies backfiring, the downside of long-term planning?
Does loss or blemish matter international or domestic law? Proceed with caution.

Former representative Koichi Sawada has already prepared large projects and documents. From 2023,
the next representative will be the head of the small project.
As long as the next representative is not decided, the adviser Koichi Sawada will not move at all.

There are three cases, but it will take a considerable amount of time.
For many years, Koichi Sawada has addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations, to the Presidents of European Member States,
to the Presidents of European Member States, Personal letter to His Excellency the President of the 27 European Member States,
to His Excellency the Prime Minister of the 27 European divine nations, to His Excellency
the President of the Council Visited the embassies of 27 EU member countries, and sent letters to the Prime Minister,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Governors, and Mayors in Japan. It is the root that built the foundation.

Petition / statement destination

Petition / statement destination

Petition / statement report destination

As a project TEAM for the European Council version of the "External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
It shifts to the ground consolidation period, where it takes root and solidifies its foothold.

Assuming that it will take some time,
We are waiting for the contact of a new representative from the European Council version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM.

2023, Some of them will be in a predicament or hurt.
I, too, have fallen into predicament and wounded many times.

Dig into the root afflictions of the tree,
find out what is missing. Light emerges from the whirlpool. should i change?

Should I admonish my partner?
I tried diligently and jumped into the other's domain area.

Overconfidence in ability is not good.
In addition, it is a cycle in which TEAM's selfish behavior is rampant,
As Koichi Sawada, which is located at the center, as a consultant to maintain coordination and consultation,
He thought that TEAM care was important.

In line with this trend, the European Council version of the "External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
Representative Koichi Sawada → Coordinator 【[Counselor】] Koichi Sawada,
With the sensibility of the younger generation, it looks like is running (learning)
To discover leaders with the highest priority on the value of the loss function of dloss and gloss As soon as
I hand over the seat of the representative.

It's a cycle that solidifies the foothold, and it doesn't matter if the leader is absent for several years.

Don't panic.
It is the initial cycle of the cycle that questions the true value once every 100 years.
As we approach our ninth year anniversary, we will solve each issue one by one.

Based on this 9-year history of Koichi Sawada,
By all means, from the department in charge of the 27 member countries of Europe
As the representative of the European Council version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM,
I would like to entrust it to volunteers who can demonstrate the general leadership ability to push the project forward.

As an advisor to TEAM Koichi Sawada, the European Council version of the
"External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project,
As a business overseas travel plan and international manners, he has the capacity to have dinner alone at
the Manhattan table on the 25th floor of the Shinjuku Washington Hotel.
Manhatta table on the 25th floor of the Shinjuku Washington Hotel

In Europe, the fuel supply, which used to depend on energy such as natural gas from Russia,
has decreased due to global inflation and the conflict in Ukraine.
A new representative and TEAM member who can also consider the feelings of European citizens,
immigrants and refugees who have to overcome the harsh winter. Expecting that the new representative
and TEAM members will be together, I want to select a messenger who can contact me at my own will.

It is also the issue of immigration in Europe and other countries, which Japanese TV
(Journalist Yuriya Masuda, supplementary answer: Akira Ikegami on December 12,
Wide Scramble (moderator: Yoko Oshita)) took up as an international issue on the program.

As a solution,
The European Council version of "External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
was formulated with consideration of the entire project TEAM. Mineral water project.
Strategy 【Syrian Economic Reconstruction Mineral Water Project Plan】

In order to help immigrants and refugees, it was a project that could not have been reached without careful
consideration and consideration, proposing issues 1 to 6, and following the process until the answer. Division
Flow from Task 1 to Task 6

It is a project to resolve the conflict between France and Italy and the "Dublin Rules".
To His Excellencies Presidents and Prime Ministers of European Member States,
European Council version "Foreign Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM,
If former representative Koi chi Sawada's voice hasn't reached you, In that case,

I will hand over to【representative authority who can hear voice】.

European Council version "External demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project TEAM
As an adviser, Koichi Sawada, I will hand it over to 【the representative who can hear】.

Now, with the civil war going on in Syria,
the mineral water project seems to be flipping. Because of the early start of the
"once-in-a-hundred-year cycle that questions the true value", it's not going to be smooth sailing.
It's not going to be smooth sailing, but in terms of project plans, if we don't communicate to the world,
the war will never come to an end. There is no hope for immigrants fleeing Syria.
Time and timing are also important, considering the long-term life in the current country of residence.
As far as the contract is concerned, the budget is kept to a minimum.

Accepting immigrants and refugees,
Accept or refuse,
Both are difficult problems that are directly linked to death at the end, and as a solution
The 【Syrian Economic Reconstruction, Mineral Water Project Plan】
can bring together the opinions of both sides.

Either way, slow down a little
What should the next 9-year cycle look like?
The overall review for the 2022 term has not been announced (reference: January-December 2021 review).
Not completed by month. Such ideas cannot solve the 2023 problem.

IMF cuts growth rate forecast for ``tough year'' for global economy (Kyodo News)

[Washington] International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Georgieva said on US television on the 1st, "For much of the world,
"This year is going to be tougher than ever," he said. The IMF plans to revise its economic outlook by the end of the month,
and it seems likely that the global growth rate for 2023 will be lowered from 2.7% in October last year (kyodo).

January 2, 2023, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced the outlook data for the global economic growth rate.

 The title is 【The worst is yet to come】 
【Table】 IMF's global economic growth rate forecast ``『The worst is yet to come''』

 It is a shocking topic.
 European Council version "Foreign Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM applicants know,  
 The 2022 management goal is The unknown world 【5th Industrial Revolution】 open the door!!

 Open the door to the technological singularity and move forward with all your might.

 Beyond the door of the technological singularity, it is not going to be a smooth wind.

The data for 2023, which indicates the "worst period from now on",
 Will it be the worst cyclical scenario for the next 12-year economic cycle chart?

 Will it be able to ride the wave of the once-in-a-hundred-years cycle of questioning true value?


 European Council version "External demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project TEAM
 These are the words Koichi Sawada, the adviser, always says.

 The Eurozone in particular does not have the financial resources to open the door to the Technological Singularity.  
 In 2023, the situation will be tough.

 From the standpoint of the International Monetary Fund IⅯF, which emphasizes the stability of global economic growth In addition,
 the 【Japan Economic Strategy 2023】 based on Japan's position in the global economic situation makes sense.

 However, in Japan, in order to reach within the domain area, there is also a problem before reading economic circulation data,
 "We are in a position where we must respond very carefully."

 However, in the future, from the International Monetary Fund IⅯF, which respects the relative value of the world economy,
 I can't go so far as to point out that I should cut into areas that I couldn't step into,
 【Request】 It cannot be denied that it will be done.

「"This idea is correct. If we judge profit and loss (profit and loss judgment may lead to corruption),
the 2023 problem cannot be solved."

From now on,
I will take care of the new representative and the TEAM members and interact with them.
What direction do you want it to go?

Is it a new challenge?

will be an issue for the future.

Selected, nominated and nominated by 27 European member states (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
I have high hopes for the future of the 27 TEAM members (including 1 representative)
of the European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50."

wait for contact   mail

that's all, As Koichi Sawada,
TEAM Advisor of the European Council version of the
"External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project,
I will be responsible for the 2023 New Year's greetings.

The European Council version of the "External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM is
a problem-solving tactic by a new team leader.
You have to decipher the general command ability (General Ship)
"New Disintegration Gathering AI Model Theory", etc.,
and feel that the dimension of diplomatic strategy is different from other teams.

It can be a difficult and difficult road to learn.
However, there is Koichi Sawada, the former representative and current adviser.

That's what former representative and current advisor Koichi Sawada wants
This is the European Council version of the "External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM.

【The world is a historical turning point】In order to be able to ride the
【[periodic wave that asks the true value once every 100 years】,

Let's reach this domain area position together with the world leader.?

January 1, 2023
European Council version "External demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project TEAM
Counselor Koichi Sawada