@@@@@@@@@Petition / statement report destination
First of all, for the past year,
due to the infection with the new coronavirus Condolences to everyone who died in the world,
Everyone who has been infected with the new coronavirus
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to all those who are in need of self-restraint in economics and education.
Also, regarding the purpose and cause of reporting, sending, and visiting,
I will explain in writing to the clerical staff as a notice based on the
past career and background.
In addition, in the busy schedule,
mail window office staff,
Everyone behind the scenes doing sorting work,
To the delivery person who delivers mail and documents
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the successful delivery.
PDHis Majesty the Emperor Naruhito
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ¦Secretariat, Secretariat, Internal Subdivision, Imperial Household Agency@c/o@
Tracking number@627471131545
QDYoshihide Suga, Prime Minister of Japan
@@@¦Cabinet Government Public Relations Office@c/o@
Tracking number@627471131556
RDTaro Aso@Deputy Prime Minister
@@@¦Cabinet Government Public Relations Office@c/o@@
Tracking number55924175775@
SDToshimitsu Motegi, Minister for Foreign Affairs
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ¦Cabinet Government Public Relations Office@c/o@@
Tracking number55924175786@
TDSeiko Hashimoto, Minister for the Tokyo Olympic Games and Tokyo Paralympic Games
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ¦Cabinet Government Public Relations Office@c/o@@
Tracking number55924175790@
UDHarumi Takahashi, Member of the House of Councilors
iFormer Governor of Hokkaidoj
@@@@@@@@@@@@ @¦Members' Office Building, House of Councilors@c/o@
Tracking number55924175801@
VDNaomichi Suzuki@Governor of Hokkaido
@@@@@@@@@@@¦Governor's Office Secretary Division@ c/o@
Tracking number55924175812@
WDMr. Toshiki Kudo, Mayor of Hakodate
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ¦Secretary Division, General Affairs Department@c/o@
Tracking number55924175823@
XDPolicy Division, European Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Tracking number55924175834
PODEuropean Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Central and Eastern Europe Division
Tracking number559247175845
PPDMiddle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
@@@Africa Department Africa Section 2
Tracking number55924175856
His Majesty the King of the Netherlands Presidency
Italian Council of Ministers Presidential Executive
Communication from the Public Relations Department of the Czech Presidential
Office Sent on February 11@2021
¦Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers Presidential Executive
For a report from the Public Relations Department of the Czech Presidential Office,
I was addressed to the person in charge of the practitioner.
PDPolicy Division, European Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
@@@Representatives from the Netherlands, Italy, and the Czech Republic
Tracking number55924197755
QDEuropean Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Central and Eastern Europe Division
@@Representatives from the Netherlands, Italy, and the Czech Republic
Tracking number55924197766
RDMiddle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
@@Africa Department Africa Section 2
@@Tanzania Representatives
Tracking number55924197770
SDSecretary Section, Governor's Office, Hokkaido
Tracking number55924197781
TDSecretary Section, General Affairs Department, Hakodate City Hall
Tracking number55924197792