First of all, for the past year, due to the infection with the new coronavirus Condolences to everyone who died in the world,
Everyone who has been infected with the new coronavirus We would like to express our deepest sympathies to all those
who are in need of self-restraint in economics and education.

We would like to take a look at the current world situation
(new coronavirus infection prevention measures, global warming, immigration problems, international economic situation) and
the daily hardships and thought activities of humankind around the world, led by world leaders.

In 2021, human beings overcame the new coronavirus and escaped from the economic downturn.

We sincerely hope that it will be a year of recovery and reconstruction to an era in which humankind can enjoy working with peace of mind.

In addition, researchers who are at the forefront of technological innovation in the world when publishing papers,
Researchers who have contributed to research from the present to the past,
@Funded for safe research to keep it safe for the public

I would like to pay tribute to everyone in the political and business world.

And the desire for the people of the world to be peaceful We have completed a paper on the European Council version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project.

On behalf of the European member version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
TEAM We would like to express our sincere gratitude for giving us time to publish our paper.

Thanks to everyone for completing the treatise,@On behalf of the European member version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM,

I would like to express my gratitude.

December 23, 2020
European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50"project
Founder representative Koichi Sawada

NEW Meeting•Party@
Adaptable Innovation Model theory

NEW@Meeting•Party@Adaptable@Innovation Model theory

New, innovative and adaptable new axis Aggregate model theory

@@@@@@@@@@@@@Name is, ‚o‚`‚q‚`‚h‚l‚n

NEW@Meeting•Party@Adaptable@Innovation Model theory
Of apesuSeparation-based societyv
Hominization is a term used to discuss the evolution of humankind, and is often translated as "humanization" or "humanization" in Japanese.
It refers to the so-called "monkey-to-human" evolutionary process, or the human evolutionary process from primitive humans to modern humans.

It refers to the evolution from monkeys to humans, especially from Miocene apes to the birth of Pliocene apes ancestors.
By comparing the behavior and ecology of humans and closely related African apes, the behavior of common ancestors can be estimated.
At the core of hominization, such as community formation, war, tool use, and food distribution, hints are hidden in the behavior of large apes.

In the Middle Ages, apes seemed to have many groups and species,
and there were various fossil species, and it is thought that human ancestors were the true value among them.
(From the monkey culture book)

The single-male society of gorillas (referred to as gorilla A) is a group that seems to remind us of human society.

In some cases, the relationship between herds is hostile, and there are obstacles to forming a humanoid community.

In the chimpanzee society (referred to as chimpanzee B),
the social unit was recognized in a large-scale society with a remarkable separation and dispersal type,
but the bud of a human-type family has not been pointed out there.

Orangutan (referred to as orangutan C) recognizes the solitary society, but from the analysis of multiple male home ranges,
the large social unit corresponding to the large group of chimpanzees is the orangutan society.
He proposed the theory that it might be the basic unit that supports it.

From a study of male and female chimpanzee dispersal in Gombe National Park,
Tanzania We are submitting a schema for male and female home ranges.

Schema [(Germany) Schema] is a picture of a body part used by doctors when writing medical records.
By leaving the contents of the diagnosis examination together with the picture as well as the article,
it becomes easier to convey the information visually. It refers to self-drawn pictures of the body, organs, etc.,
and ready-made stamp-shaped drawings created and converted into data for electronic medical records.
(From the monkey culture book)

A society that shows three different aspects

a Gorilla A society with a single male group

b Chimpanzee B society with collectiveness

c Solitary = non-aggregate Orautan C society

A society that shows the above three different aspects-that is,
From the concept of social structure, it is possible to understand the single-male society of gorilla A,
the society of chimpanzee B with collectiveness,
and the society of orautan C with singularity = non-aggregate on a common basis.

As a common thing that flows in the society of the threeA

These are called a detached, gathered and scattered society.

Stink bug'suseparation and dispersal societyv
The larvae of Acanthocoris soybean have a strong aggregation at a young age.
The dismembered larvae move around, but first a small population of only two individuals Formed by chance.
The two individuals stop moving and stand still.

Then, the individual who encountered it Join, the set grows, and one group is formed.
On the other hand, in the juvenile stink bug, the larger the larval population size,
the shorter the age period.@

Moulting is also likely to occur all at once, which is advantageous for growth, but conversely disadvantageous for group life

It is considered that there are always positive and negative factors in the interaction between individuals.

The density effect and the collective effect should not be opposed to each other.
(Why stink bugs are from a herding book)

As a neutral concept, there are three crowding effects.

Three crowd effects

‡@Too crowded pattern

‡AOverrowded pattern

‡BModerate congestion pattern

It is divided into three crowd patterns.

Of the stink bug society, which is an insect that runs a group life

Aggregation and dispersibility

a When there is no special relationship between each other

b When there is an incentive between each other

c When there is repulsion between each other

What kind of individual do you live in while having a relationship with the population?

Sometimes they flock, and sometimes they leave. Reversible and repulsive to change the relationship.

These are called dispersal-type societies,

which are the collective and decentralized ecology of the insect stink bug society.

uSeparation-based societyvof corporate organization
In the recent corporate organization useparation, gathering and dispersal societyv
Abolition of approval system E Reduction of the number of meetings E Utilization of information network such as in-house LAN E
Delegate the authority to resolve to lower organizations, reduce middle management, strengthen the independence of each business division,
introduce a group system, introduce a project team, etc., introduce a holding company system, etc.,

and respond widely as a useparation and dispersal societyvof corporate organizations. ing.

Aggregation and decentralization of corporate organizational society

a Reducing the collectiveness of the number of meetings

b Introduction of group system, project team, etc. and holding company system.
@Delegation of resolution authority to lower organizations E
@Strengthening independence by decentralization of each business division

c Utilization of information networks such as in-house LAN by new collectiveness

These are the corporate organizations

It is called a separated, gathered and scattered society.

Changes in the useparation and dispersal societyvof corporate organizations
However, in 2020, the country and companies could not keep up with the trends of the world.Rejecting important posts in HR E
Human affairs ambiguity due to lack of leadership decisions.

Organizational slack shrinkage phenomenon occurs, from unclearness to clarity in human,
family and social issues Refusal or delinquency in school education.

What is the organization slack shrinkage phenomenon?
Resources (contributions) available to organizations such as companies and payments required for the survival of the organization@
The difference (residual resources) of (incentives). Slack means "looseness" and "deflection"

If the environment is goo Meeting•Party d, tissue slack will occur. It takes the form of overinvestment, overdividends, surplus personnel, etc.
When the environment becomes harsh, the tissue shrinks slack to survive.
Organizational slack is one of the concepts used in corporate behavior theory and is one of the variables that explain the behavior of an organization.

In modern society, the separation, gathering and dispersal is undergoing major changes.

We have entered an era in which we must avoid congestion, closure,
and closed rooms due to the shift from the old orbital model to the new orbital model, and the problem of infection with the new coronavirus

New lifestyle
It has dramatically changed into an era in which we have to shift to a new paradigm model.
that is@

This is the beginning of a shift to the new key
"NEW Meeting • Party Koichi Sawada model (pseudonym)".

New lifestyle changes due to the effects of the new coronavirus

The beginning of "NEW Meeting • Party Koichi Sawada model (pseudonym) theory" came suddenly.

In 2020, due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus

The world has fallen into a situation where it has to change its focus to a new lifestyle

But the problem is not the new coronavirus@The new coronavirus spreads all over the world. The world is the biggest threat now.

The new coronavirus is the number one threat now and a phenomenon that must be suppressed.

With that in mind, the new coronavirus is a superficial phenomenon,In essence, it is a "flow of the cycle that asks the true value" once every 100 years.

It is the "technical singularity" of the wave theory of the world economy.

What is the technological singularity?
It is a futurological concept, and it is the time when artificial intelligence (AI)'s own "improved and advanced technology and
intelligence by self-feedback" becomes "the leading role in the progress of civilization on behalf of humankind".

Through the fusion of the fourth industrial revolution and the latest biotechnology through big data and AI,
It is a smart cell industry (material production by living organisms) and is expected to be used in various fields such as medical,
industrial, agricultural, and energy industries.

It is 'Beginning of the Fifth industrial revolution'

which is a turning point of a technical singularity.

Period of turmoil

It started in 2016.

A period of turmoil due to the start period of the technological singularity,

which is the wave theory of the world economy.

Cases that were common sense become insane, and cases that were insane become common sense.

It would be correct to think of it as an early process in which the tide changes.

According to economic wave theory (12-year cycle)Circulation explanation (5/12)

‚Q‚O‚P‚UFCredit turmoil Prices have fallen, stocks have fallen at a steady pace, and companies have accumulated inventories.

‚Q‚O‚P‚VFPeriod of exhaustion of business funds Period of recession and stagnation of industrial activities.

‚Q‚O‚P‚WFImminent period of industrial reform Import excess, stock securities decline, bankruptcy, unemployed one after another@@
Imminent period of industrial reform (the era of corporate nature has arrived).

‚Q‚O‚P‚XFFierce competition period Temporary recovery, fierce competition, and infiltration of recession are becoming stronger.

‚Q‚O‚Q‚OFCorporate natural era Bankruptcy, corporate reorganization, business reduction, corporate natural era.

It can't be restored anymore.

We are heading for a dramatic era that we have never experienced before.

It is the beginning of 2020, after the pain and pain of the wave turmoil period once every 100 years,Eventually,

the appearance of a new orbital road will appear in 2023.

Warning bell
When I was the representative director of SCG Sawada, Consulting Group, Co., Ltd.
(currently the representative liquidator, the founder representative of the European member country version of
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50")

2019 Management Policy [Foundation Plan Research Period]

‡TFOptimize [Prepare]
@@@Research and development to adjust to the tempo of the diversified era (sudden change, sudden change, sudden trajectory correction).

‡UFAcquisition of world common sense
@@@Formulated the terms and conditions of the European Council version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50".

This is because it was a period of turmoil in which common sense in the world changed,
and it was necessary to learn the definitions of common sense and diplomatic manners from the ground up.
Business objectives: 7 Domestic and overseas maritime security business by industrial robots,
8 Domestic and overseas sea and water surface cleaning contracts by industrial robots, 12 Application software business, etc.

I was quick to warn that I should prepare for the turmoil of
"Waves with a cycle of once in 100 years".

If you think of the cause as a new type of coronavirus, you lose sight of the origin and original image of things.The problem is not the new coronavirus.

The new coronavirus has spread all over the world,

The new coronavirus is only a superficial phenomenon.

It is a technological singularity that is the wave theory of the world economy.

It is a turning point of the technological singularity

It is wthe beginning of the Fifth Industrial Revolution.x

Technological singularity accountability
In 1950, the "electric computer" was developed. This is the predecessor of computers.

Ten years later, this electronic computer evolved as a later "computer.

"Since then, computers have continued to develop and have grown tremendously as the IT Industrial Revolution.@
While growing tremendously, the dangers that program code poses to the PC.
In other words, what has come to be studied as a crisis management item is
Twenty-five years ago (1987),
three viruses were created in university laboratories to define the wonders of the existence of computer viruses.

That is@"stoned," "cascade," and "Friday the iBth."

Computer viruses in modern times are also micro@economically created among these three. While malicious program damages
PC and computer virus infects
@Alternatively, it has evolved while operating alone.
From SCG Sawada Consulting Group Company., Limited. New treatise
[DPM Set Theory]@

Is the new coronavirus an animal-type mutation (mutation from a bat)?

Is it an event that happened in the research? The cause of the outbreak is still unknown,
but the mutation itself caused by the virus tends to be attenuated over time.

iDescription:As of December 21, 2020, the number of infected people is on the rise,
In covid-19, further clinical trial research (efficacy evaluation) of vaccines is necessary in terms of safety to the human body,
unless we look at the results of event verification after vaccination, as we are going towards detoxification.

Berlin Current Affairs: Maria Vankerkhofe,
Head of Covid-19 Technology at the World Health Organization@At a press conference on December 21, 2019, a new corona variant was confirmed in the United Kingdom.
It said no evidence has been found at this time to make infected people more severe or increase the fatality rate than conventional species.

London Current Affairs December 22, 8:33 p.m.: The uk's confirmation of a strongly infectious variant of covid-19 has raised concerns about the spread of the mutant species and the economic hit.

Computer viruses are also based on human research technology
that is, the development of virus software is truly valuable and has reached the present day.

Similar to the current state of infection with the new coronavirus, in the past, in the IT Industrial Revolution,
PCs were damaged by malicious programs, and computer viruses evolved while being infected or operating independently.
In other words, if humans are compared to the main body of a PC, in order not to be infected with a computer virus (new coronavirus),
the PC main body (human) itself is protected from the virus and various external environments are properly manipulated (lifestyle) antiviral agents.
(Vaccines) and new lifestyles must be changed.

We must recognize that it is the time and trajectory that we must change to a new lifestyle for computer viruses
(new coronavirus) that continue to evolve while operating alone.

It has dramatically changed into an era in which we must shift to a new lifestyle and a new paradigm model.

that is,
This is the beginning of a shift to the new key
"NEW Meeting •Party Koichi Sawada model (pseudonym)".

The origin and original image of the essence
So is the computer virus, so is the new coronavirus,

It was born from the concept of the technological singularity.


If you think of the cause as a new type of coronavirus, you lose sight of the origin and original image of things.

The problem is not the new coronavirus.

The new coronavirus has spread all over the world, but the new coronavirus is only a superficial phenomenon.

The origin and original image of the essence is

The wave theory of the world economy (the wave theory of the cycle that asks the true value once in 100 years)

It is a technological singularity.

Now, desperately struggling with it, artificial intelligence (AI) itself, which is a technological singularity
"Improved and advanced technology and intelligence by self-feedback"
@It was the time when it became
"the leading role in the progress of civilization on behalf of humankind.

"China is trying to build a revolution in the Fifth Industrial Revolution.

So to speak, the world has been around since 2016@It was a period when we had to solve each case of technological singularity.

Avoiding crowding, closeness, and sealing
The world was confused by the new axis of having to take a social distance to secure physical distance

As a European member version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project Meetings and meetings must be separated.

How do I get in touch with the Team?

AI Digital web management Cassless @support  FacebookATwitterAInstagramAVarious network LANs such as YouTube,
TikTok, Skype, email, LINE, etc.

Wireless LAN is now a common sense world ...

It is a modern society where AI and digital must be built

However, we also have to be flexible.

Even now, important letters and correspondence are information dissemination tools necessary for networks.

wNEW Meeting &Party Koichi Sawada Model Theoryx (pseudonym)
wNEW Meeting &Party Koichi Sawada Model Theoryx(pseudonym) is Discuss a pile of problems and issues,
make decisions, and determine where responsibility lies.

Courage to reveal. A discussion that takes a realistic step, not a thought theory or thought plan.

Also, in order to top-down, it is not possible to make a decision without understanding the bottom-up site.

Even if you do not know the situation at the site and top down, the axis of the track will be distorted,

I can't solve the problem.

In other words, untie the entwined string.

Norms and economic systems of life, education in the age of digital AI,

It is a model theory that works in a wide variety of ways.

NEW Meeting•Party@
Adaptable Innovation
Model  theory

NEW@Meeting•Party@Adaptable@Innovation Model theory

New innovative and adaptable aggregate model theory of new axes

Name is, ‚o‚`‚q‚`‚h‚l‚n

New innovative and adaptable aggregate model theory of new axes

Name is, ‚o‚`‚q‚`‚h‚l‚n

The origin of PARAMIMO is also recognized by international media Imagine the quality of the beaches in Porto,
Portugal and the vast coast of southwestern Portugal with beautiful soft gold sand.

A new, innovative and adaptable new baseline assembly model theory.

New Innovative New Axis Aggregate Model Theory PARAIMO has excellent adaptability and adaptability,
and anyone can adapt as an innovative new Axis Aggregate Model Theory.

Old orbit model ¨Shift to a new orbital model.

Old orbit model ¨Shift to a new paradigm model.

This is the birth of the new core wNEW Meeting & Party AI Modelx.

The theme of the new axiswNEW Meeting & Party AI Model xis

Connect  TUNAGU  Connect MUSUBU

People gather to create a group (friends EGROUP) to solve problems, and connect connect them.@
Separate and branch into separate aggregates, create new aggregates, and connect and connect to the next generation.

In other words, if you explain with the case of Problem 2.

‚PDWe propose tasks that look like while is running (learning) online.

‚QDMr. K leader creates the outline.@@@@@@@@@Issue 2-Proposal a

‚RDMr. B created the outline of a completely different proposal b that looks like while is being executed (learning) online

‚SDMr. C created the outline of a completely different proposal c that looks like while is being executed (learning) online.

‚TDIf there is a proposal d e f gc., Mr. D, Mr. E, Mr. F, and Mr. G will create the outline.

‚UDNarrow down a more appropriate effective plan.
@@@(Notify team members of the decision date 2020 12.23 in advance)

‚VDAdd branches and leaves to the outline. Remove the branches and leaves.
@@@(Opinions are summarized in letters by email and Skype)

‚WDUp to this point, characters have been aggregated by email and Skype at web conferences and video conferences.


‚P‚ODTeam members take action in their respective departments and positions (roles).

‚P‚PDActivities in departmental affairs

‚P‚QDSubmit schedules for work, holidays, and vacations during this period.

‚P‚RDIf there is a problem, we will have a party (meeting) individually.

‚P‚SDImmigration and refugee problem solving.

‚P‚TDAs a countermeasure for clusters caused by infection with the new coronavirus@When laying the groundwork,
@@@@@replace all team members, leave the site once, and gather familiar members.

@@@@@In this case, the next-generation vice-chairman or the representative of the European Council version of the
@@@@ "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project will elect the delegation of clerical work.

@@@@@With the "organization chart of heap theory" for that purpose, we will connect, tie, and lay the groundwork for the next generation.
Formulate a personnel composition plan that does not interfere with business.

Party by new axiswNEW Meeting & Party AI Model x

A party means a base camp for mountaineering.

For example, the European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
When team members are separated into 2 blocks A team and B team for business efficiency@As a base camp for each team

A team has a party (meeting) in Belgium (Brussels)@

B team will have a party (meeting) in Austria (Vienna).

Changing the base camp location or holding a party (meeting).

By separating into blocks, according to heap theory@

It will also lead to the discovery of leaders and the development of next-generation leaders.

From the end of December 2020 to the beginning of 2021,
I was planning to visit Austria for the diplomatic purpose of the European board version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50".

New coronavirus problem and European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50"
Delayed due to the fact that the project has not yet been approved for resolution

Originally, this is also a party that changes the meeting place of the base camp.

Meetings, party meetings, each group@Repeatedly gathering and scattering.

Separate and meet, gather and scatter@In other words, smooth work is achieved by separating, gathering, and dispersing.

Disperse each aggregate like a monkey's aggregate, like a stink bug's aggregate

It is PARAIMO which is wNEW Meeting •Party AI Model x.

Organizational diagram based on the new axis NEW Meeting &Party AI Model@x
iOrganization chart of heap theory Connect connect to the next generation Connect  connectj

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Organization chart of heap theory

‡@ Pain and loneliness

are the beginning of a new start@@@  @›@@@@Connect E@tie

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@iEndure pain and endure lonelinessj

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Pain is the beginning of a new start

‡A  Get an understanding person

Connect E tie@@@@@@@@@ ›@© ¨@›@@@Connect E@tie

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Social distance heap

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@iGet an understanding personj

@@@@@@@ Connect E@ tie

‡B   Endure pain and go to the next generation

ConnectE tie @@@@@@@›© @¨›© @¨›Connecting to the next generation
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Social distance heapESocial distance heap

@@@@@@@@iEndure the painj


@@@@@@@@@@@›© @¨›© @¨›© @¨›@To the next generation
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Social distance heapESocial distance heap


‡C   SeparationEdivergence @@@@@

@@@@@@@@@@@@›© @¨›© @¨
›© @¨ ›@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Social distance heapESocial distance heap

‡D   The beginning of a new aggregate@@@@@@@@@@@@@New aggregate

@@@@@@@@@›@© ¨@›@© ¨@›@© ¨@›@© ¨@›@© ¨@@›@© ¨@›@© ¨@@›
@@@@@@@@Social distance heapESocial distance heap@Social distance heapESocial distance heapESocial distance heap

@@@@@@@@@@Connect and tie repeatedly

NEW Meeting &Party AI Model

NEW Meeting &Party AI  Audit Planning Model


NEW Meeting &Party AI Evaluation Model


‚c‚qiLevel of detection risk when planning empirical testingj

‚`‚qiDesired audit risk levelj

‚h‚qiIntrinsic risks already assessedj

‚b‚qiControl risk already evaluatedj

Assuming that the audit risk control level desired by the auditor is 5%

Planned level of detection risk (25%)

Evaluated as a level of intrinsic risk (50%) and control risk (40%)

The auditor evaluates the appropriateness of the audit points regarding this management's claim by 5% (= 50% x 40% x 25%).

Audit risk level

In other words, it is possible to prove with 95% certainty

Regarding the risk evaluation "stress test" specifications,
Refer to the stress test specifications of SCG Sawada, Consulting Group, Co., Ltd.

NEW Meeting &Party AI Model Shift conversion to
Building a new model to create a better world@Being separated or gathering and reuniting.

"Detachment" is to separate and gather together.

To cooperate or disagree."Gathering and dispersal" means gathering and leaving.

NEW Meeting &Party AI Model

iAggregationEcouplingEdissociationEmergerEseparationEre assortment Ere-dissociationj

Aggregation and decentralization of a new organizational society

1 Aggregation by utilizing new information network LANEremote

2 Connectivity by strengthening the construction of the GROUP system and project team

3 Dissociation by each department by new project team

4 Merger by different industry divisions due to new project issues

5 Separability by specialized department process

6 Team re assortment by launching a new project

7 GROUP development that connects to the next generation ERe connectivity by rebuilding the project team

8 Re-dissociation of team due to new project launch

New organizational society collective and decentralized accountability

2020 X-inefficiency is delinquency and inefficiency

There is an urgent need for further detailed changes and the construction of new models.
In order to clarify such complicated undefinition, SCG Sawada, Consulting Group, Former CEO of Koichi Sawada Co., Ltd.
should develop its own new separation and collection model.
In other words, we decided to make the policy undefined.

NEW As a separation and collection model@After 2021, it will be the era of
NEW Meeting & Party AI Model (separation, merger, combination).

4 NEW Meeting & Party AI Mode

‚P.Separation ¨ merger

‚QDDivergrnce ¨ Combine

‚RDSeparation ¨ Join@

‚SDDivergence ¨ merger

NEW Meeting & Party AI Mode
iAggregation E couplingEdissociation EmergerEseparationEre assortmentEre-dissociationj

Clarify the true meaning of the "conclude" contract, and use the NEW Meeting Party AI Model Proceed to a new paradigm cycle.

The true meaning of the "contract" contract: Team cooperation = contract.

NEW Meeting & Party AI Model Theory Process Basic Axis iAnnounced on April 26, 2021j

In order to make the uncertain period a definite period, it is necessary to unravel each unclear case.
Currently, in the case of NEW Meeting & Party AI Model Theory

By the process that changes the unraveling method from the
normal system period ¨ the transformation system period ¨
NEW@Meeting & Party AI Model Theory testing Process theory period@
It is a process that unravels the twisted uncertainty era of lies and falsehoods involving strings and makes them certain.

AI theory agile solutionAI

Correct the evil of"meeting, not discussing, not deciding, never doing".
A period of agenda, discussion, decision making, action, and clarification of responsibility.@
Practice in the correct process order and shift to a new paradigm.

Challenge 2 to the European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project team looks like it is running (learning)

Times of Day@ @@@@@Epoch number@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Discriminant model @@@@Generative model
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@loss function value@@@@loss function value

2020 12:23@06:00@EpochEUS50@Task2iKoichi@Sawadaj@1/27,DLoss=0.0406, @@@GLoss=3.3515
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j@2/27,DLoss=0.1637, @@@GLoss=2.5252
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j@3/27,DLoss=0.7516,@@@ GLoss=7.6838
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j@4/27,DLoss=1.9916, @@@GLoss=1.3702
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j@5/27,DLoss=0.7754, @@@GLoss=2.7273
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j@6/27,DLoss=1.9261, @@@GLoss=1.2708
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j@7/27,DLoss=0.9618, @@@GLoss=1.7924
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j@8/27,DLoss=1.2910, @@@GLoss=1.9915
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j@9/27,DLoss=1.1480, @@@GLoss=1.7470
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j10/27,DLoss=1.9297, @@@GLoss=0.6260
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j11/27,DLoss=0.8205, @@@GLoss=1.5320
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j12/27,DLoss=4.5450, @@@GLoss=0.2745
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j13/27,DLoss=1.6000, @@@GLoss=1.1333
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j14/27,DLoss=1.2182, @@@GLoss=1.3663
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j15/27,DLoss=2.0620, @@@GLoss=0.6955
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j16/27,DLoss=0.5146,@ @@GLoss=3.6865
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j17/27,DLoss=1.4754, @@@GLoss=1.0996
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j18/27,DLoss=1.6442, @@@GLoss=0.9287
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j19/27,DLoss=1.3229, @@@GLoss=1.4367
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j20/27,DLoss=1.1268, @@@GLoss=1.7145
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j21/27,DLoss=0.5400, @@@GLoss=2.2727
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j22/27,DLoss=0.9565, @@@GLoss=1.9661
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j23/27,DLoss=1.9263, @@@GLoss=0.8327
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j24/27,DLoss=1.0471, @@@GLoss=1.7495
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j25/27,DLoss=1.1532, @@@GLoss=1.1715
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j26/27,DLoss=1.4425, @@@GLoss=1.1054
2020 00:00@00:00@EpochEUS50@Task2i@@@@@@@@@@j27/27,DLoss=1.3414, @@@GLoss=1.2924 running (learning) number of epochs 27/27
(27 members of the European Council's version  "EUS50 strategy for foreign demand-led economic growth project" team)
It is OK if you gather your opinions and approach the final 0. )

‡@  Epoch is an era that has a distinctive color.@An era that reminds us of an event. New age. New stage.

‡A   EUS50 is the European Council's version of the@@"EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project.

‡B  Task‚Q is task ‚Q.

‡C  The name in (@@@@@) is the author's name.

Originally, it will be OK if it is close to the final 0,

yChanges in the Historical Background due to National InterestszyChanges in waves in periodic currentsz
yChanges in personnel and emergency situationszy[Change in distortion / strain], etc.

The function value of the strategy, discrimination model, and generative model in which the function value of the discriminant model /
generative model is intermediate value is inverted, and the epoch in which the numerical value is abnormally high
It is added that the second and third strategies are effective, and even if the numbers are high,
the number of epochs that can be accepted as a [strategy of a different dimension] is 27/27.
However, it should be kept in mind that the numerical ratio between the loss of the discriminating model and
the loss function value ratio of the generative model are larger than those of other epochs.

The value of the loss function of the discriminant model and the value of the loss function of the generative model @
The numerical value data is an assumed number, and the number quotes that is being executed (learning).

¦In this case, it is a data verification to proceed with the gForeign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50h project
of the European Council version,  and
@ it is different from the voting right that the chairman consults the meeting at the meeting.

Worcation is a coined word (portmanteau) that combines "work" (labor) and "vacation" (vacation),
and is a way of spending vacations while working while utilizing telework (remote work) in tourist spots and resort areas. ..
It is distinguished from teleworking at home or in a rental office.

Breaks holidays due to work style reforms (breaks holidays under the Labor Standards Act) are also required.

As part of work style reform and encouragement of "new daily life" associated with the epidemic of new coronavirus infection@
Make working hours irregular.

For example, when teleworking with a friend in Dubai, there is a time difference of about 5 hours.
Japan teleworks at 9:00 in the morning, but Dubai at 4:00 in the morning
Adjust JAPAN to 13:00 and Dubai to 9:00 according to the Dubai time difference.

If you are away or gathering, or if it is not convenient for you, you can move to a smartphone or@
Charge with a tablet laptop or adjust with a mobile battery.

Whether it's shopping malls, vacations, or irregular working hours, it's a new way of life in online telework.

@@@@@@@@Issue 3 Answer@@@@@Issue 4 announcement@@@@@@@@@Scheduled announcement date (March 31, 2021)@@


Introduction of new tool remote control support system

As one new tool, testing of the research of the remote control support system (remote control support system) was started.

Remote bi-operation support system (remote control support system) is already a new feature for telecommuting in the world, as a productive tool
From smartphones to tablets, remote control support systems (remote control support systems) are becoming the mainstream business work tools.

Remote control support systems (remote control support systems) are used in 45 countries around the world, and as the project director of the European member version of the "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project,In IT, "remote control system" (remote control system) was newly introduced.


European member version
"Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50"By project TEAM

Remote control support system announced@

‡T@Action Guidelines@@‡U@Definition@@‡V@Remote Control Manual Support@@‡W@Remote Control Manual

Due to the pandemic period caused by the new coronavirus in the world
While each government is promoting remote work,
In the future,
there is a risk that there will be concerns about violations of the Radio Law-related examination standards.
As a cause that I would like you to refer to from a humanitarian point of view While lining up with
'SDGs Sustainable Development Goals'
‡T Action guideline ‡U Definition ‡V Remote control manual support ‡W Remote control manual
"It should be humanely announced (distributed by URL)" and the European Council version of
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
The decision was made as the founder representative Koichi Sawada.

June 22, 2021
European Council Edition "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
Founder representative Koichi Sawada

Also, to prevent infection with the new coronavirus, avoiding denseness in business
Outdoor meetings and meetings are also possible.

To do that, we need to change our lifestyle.

To a new lifestyle
New lifestyle WEB Online conferencing system construction, telecommuting, work in vacation Meetings and meetings including business meetings.

While supplying power to the mobile battery, it can be linked to a personal computer anytime and anywhere, and contracts can be printed on airplanes,
on the move of trains, and anywhere in cafes wherever mobile printers can use the Internet, wireless networks, and WiFi. ..
Also, if the final coordination is made with the practitioner in advance, the vague and undecidable leadership that
gtakes it home and considers ith becomes a thing of the past.

In the case of financial institution  bank account WEB management, deposits and withdrawals can be confirmed on the WEB,
contracts can be concluded quickly, and the next business negotiation can be started.

As a representative of the founder of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project for the European members,
in 2019, he took the lead in IT technology for separation, gathering and dispersal, and established a system that can be managed by a PC.

Can project team members carry out their work efficiently without accumulating stress?
In light of the mental health environment era, I am keenly aware that it is extremely important for efficient work to become mental health care.

We would like to take a look at the current world situation (measures to prevent infection with the new coronavirus,
global warming, immigration issues, international economic situation), led by world leaders,
and the daily hardships and thought activities of humankind around the world. ,
Mankind overcomes the new coronavirus and escapes from the economic downturn,

We sincerely hope that it will be a year of recovery and reconstruction to an era in which humankind can enjoy working with peace of mind.

The desire for the people of the world to be peaceful According to our European Council version@
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project

As soon as the treatise is completed.

On behalf of the European member version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for giving us time to publish our paper.

Thanks to everyone for completing the treatise,@
On behalf of the European member version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM,

I would like to express my gratitude.

December 23, 2020
European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50"project
Founder representative Koichi Sawada

Copyright Division, Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs@Preparing to apply for registration on the first public announcement date