Application for registration of the first publication date

 Mr. Lord, Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs

1 The title of the work      NEW Meeting&Party Adaptable Innovation Model theory

2  Cause of registration and date of birth

                 First public announcement on December 23, 2020

3  Purpose of registration  Registration of the first publication date

4 Date of previous registration and registration number  

                           It isn't

5 Applicant (copyright holder) Zip code 040-0011
                 Phone 090-5984-1184

   Address (where you are)   1-26 Hongho, Hakodate City, Hokkaido, Japan

   Name (name)        European Member Version
                 "External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project

                 Koichi Sawada, Representative    

6  Inventory of attachments  Statement of copyrighted work        1

                 Certificate of Publication          1


                  Statement of copyrighted work

1 The title of the work   NEW Meeting&Party Adaptable Innovation Model theory

2 Name of the work     European Member Version
               "External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project

3 Author's nationality     JAPAN

4 Author's name displayed at the time of initial publication

      European Member Version
                "External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project

               Koichi Sawada, Representative

5 First published date   First public announcement on December 23, 2020

6 The name of the country of the first country announced


7 Types of copyrighted works          


8  The content or body of the work

An overview of the NEW Meeting & Party Adaptable Innovation Model theory 
Online gan-manist .py problems that look like they are running (learning),
Organization chart by the new base "NEW Meeting & Party Adaptable Innovation Model theory"
(connecting to the organization chart of heap theory) connecting to the next generation) to
create an organization,Epoch elevates us to a new stage and shifts to a new paradigm era 
Problem-solving tactics from the new Team leader. General Ship tactic.

NEW Meeting&Party Adaptable Innovation Model theory 
As an evaluation model, setability, coupling, divergence, merger, separation,
By re-gathering and re-divergence, we assess the level trend of audit risk,
It is a feature model theory of the new base axis for stabilization of tissue slack.

NEW Meeting & Party Adaptable Innovation Model theory is a fusoology concept, and artificial intelligence (AI) itself 
When "technology and intelligence improved and advanced by self-feedback" become 
"the leading role of the progress of civilization on behalf of human beings",
In other words, it is a turning point in the technological singularity that is the wave theory of the global economy.
Through the fusion of the fourth industrial revolution and the latest biotechnology through big data and AI, 
Smart cell industry (material production by living organisms), 
It is expected to be used in various fields such as medical, industrial, agricultural, and energy industries.
At the beginning of the Fifth Industrial Revolution, which is a turning point of technological singularity,

European Member Version "External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM
It is a aggregate model theory of a new base that is adaptable to a
new and innovative digital society.


Mr. Lord, Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs

                  Certificate of Publication

New Meeting & Party Adaptable Innovation Model theory, December 23, 2020,
Homepage on the Internet
(http // to
prove that it was listed.

January 18, 2021



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