2023 European Council version "External demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project
Counselor Koichi Sawada Schedule

Sincerely yours,
The plum blossoms are in full bloom, winter is finally over, and it is the season when
we can't wait for the first buds first spring of cherry blossoms to bloom from the plum blossoms.

I would like to extend my best wishes to all of you for your continued support.

February 23, 2023 (Thursday)

                 International Ceremony 
           His Majesty the Emperor's birthday speech

On the occasion of His Majesty the Emperor's 63rd birthday today,
I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations.

It is my great honor to be able to celebrate His Majesty the Emperor's birthday.

In 2020, thinking of peace, To His Majesty the Emperor,
on behalf of the European Council version of the
"External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project,
I have sent the petition and statement.

His Majesty Emperor Naruhito          

Tracking number 627471131545


Regarding the purpose and cause of reporting, sending, and visiting,
Based on my past career and background,
I have provided an explanation in a letter to the Secretariat of the Secretariat,
Chief of the Internal Affairs Bureau of the Imperial Household Agency.

He walks with the people and gives them benefits.
May His Majesty the Emperor be in good health and royal prosperity,
I wish all of you reading this message the best of health,
I would like to extend my congratulatory address on the birthday of
His Majesty the Emperor.

February 23, 2023
European Council Version
"External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
Counselor Koichi Sawada


Friday, March 3.  We would like to inform you that the cafeteria plan
            supplementary provision research has been completed.
【Completed on Friday, March 3】

March 7 (Tue)   New business start from March to May 2023                        ~Scheduled for Friday, May 12

【Global Politics and Economy】 With the entry into the monthly season,
        the period from March to May 2023 will be full of
important international
to discuss the indicators of the once-in-a-century
        【period of questioning true value】. Thank you.
        During this period, information gathering and research will be conducted,
【What will be discussed as an agenda? 】
        I will read the world economic trends later.

Reference material:International Trade Law, Dispute Resolution Indicators
DPM set theory law i Bra & i vy Verification of economic recovery theory (survey) US political economy history reference

           schedule                 European Council version "External demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50"                                    General comment by Koichi Sawada, Advisor of the project team
                                  The 2023 problem-once in 100 years 【cycle to question the true value】
                                  of the flow Is there any discrepancy? Is it the landing point? ascertain
                                  "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
                                  for the European Council I would like to make a comment on behalf of the project.

           March 6th to 7th WTO General Council Meeting
The General Council was established based on the WTO, which entered into
                                       force in 1995, in response to the expansion of the areas of negotiation in the
                                       GATT's multilateral trade negotiations and the growing need to formulate rules
                                       in new areas that do not fall within the framework of the GATT. International
                                      Composed of representatives from all WTO member countries, it was a working
                                       organization that carried out its duties between meetings of the Ministerial
                                       Conference, and assumed its functions during the adjournment of the 
                                      Ministerial Conference.(WTO World Trade Organization, GATT tariffs and
                                      From the General Agreement on Trade)From the National Diet Library net

                                      If we analyze the data of the WTO World Trade Organization, it is a place
                                      where each country negotiates the national interest of the
【maximum value of profit and utility】.
                                      Is it consistent with the World Trade Organization?
                                      Negotiations with each business department started.
                                      But here we find the limits, maximum and minimum (differential) formulas.

                                      limit, maximum/minimum (differential)

                                                        (total cost)     total cost
                                      (average cost(AC))=(Production volume)= quantity   =total amount

                                       I understand the problem definition of negotiations at WTO meetings.
                                        However, it is difficult to quantify how many trade agreements have been
                                        negotiated. If you say this, you can read it by assembling a

                                       Thursday, March 9, 2023
                                       "Foreign Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
                                        for European Council
                                        Counselor Koichi Sawada

           March 9th      WTO Service Trade Council
                                       Service trade refers to international transactions in services such as finance,
                                        transportation, communications, construction, and distribution.
                                       The ``softening of the economy'' or ``service economy'' has been steadily
                                        progressing, and since the 1970s, the service industry's share of GDP in the
                                        world as a whole has tended to increase almost consistently.
                                       The proportion of employees in the service industry to the total number of
                                        workers is also on the rise.
                                       (Excerpt from Chapter 12, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan)

                                       Past WTO Trade Council meetings have discussed the challenges faced by
                                        SMEs in cross-border e-commerce and international mobile roaming.
                                       There will also be presentations on services and service databases produced
                                        by the World Bank. The United States reported on the current status of
                                        discussions at the meeting of the like-minded countries on the New
                                        Agreement on Services, and indicated its intention to further strengthen
                                        its work. Emerging countries and others expressed concern that it might
                                        harm multilateral efforts.

                                       Considering the convenience of roaming, which allows users to smoothly
                                       use data communication using mobile phones and Internet connection services
                                        overseas when going abroad, this popularization and convenience is important.
                                        I also remember doing business while using international PC roaming using
                                       free Wi-Fi spots.

                                       Doesn't it harm the multi-faceted efforts of SMEs and emerging countries?
                                        expressed concern about the so-called polarization of the global disparity in
                                        the information processing capabilities of e-commerce,
                                       which lags behind the new era.

                                       Taking this opportunity, I hope that in the industrial revolution brought about
                                        by electronic commerce, 【stabilization of employment and labor】 will become
                                       a business that fills the polarizing 【expansion of disparities】 in the world.
                                       I would like you to dispel your concerns by referring to Ireland,
                                       which has a high percentage of IT engineers, and Luxembourg, which has a
                                        high growth rate of IT engineers.

                                       March 14, 2023 (Tuesday)
                                       European Director's country version of "External Demand Economic Growth
                                       Strategy EUS50" Project
                                       Consultation Director Koichi Sawada

March 15 (Wed)                      

The bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank was already predicted as early as 2023 Provided by GIGANE
Silicon Valley Bank announced in its earnings announcement as of March 8, 2023 that it would sell substantially
all of its securities
and raise $2.25 billion (approximately 300 billion yen).
Above, we announced that we have signed a contract to receive a $ 500 million (67.2 billion yen)
funding contract from investment
fund General Atlantic.

Following these announcements, distrust spread among investors, who feared the bank's management,
accelerated the movement to sell shares and withdraw deposits.
As a result,
the bank's funds are said to have run out.
Venture capital firm Greenoaks Capital warned startup founders of potential problems months before Silicon Valley Bank
announced it would sell its assets.
According to Bloomberg, in an email Greenoaks Capital sent to startup founders in November 2022,
managing partner Neil Mehta said, "Some banks, including Silicon Valley Bank,
"Following a series of rate hikes by the Federal Reserve Board of the United States, we will have to offer higher interest
rates to our customers and risk losing customers to our rivals," he warned.
Mehta knew that
these banks had made so many long-term, low-interest loans that they couldn't afford to pay the higher interest rates.

Market Trends in the wake of the US Silicon Valley Bank's bankruptcy: Experts see this

【13th Reuters】 
The bankruptcies of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank in the U.S.
drove credit risk indicators across the board on Monday.
The Credit Default Swap (CDS) Index, which covers US investment grade companies, rose to 90.2 basis points (bp),
It was the highest level since November last year. The CDS index, which targets European speculative-rated
companies, also rose by the most in three months, and despite the US government's measures to protect all
deposits of SVB, investors' concerns could not be dispelled. shown.

The bankruptcies of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank in the U.S. drove credit risk indicators across
the board on Monday.
The Credit Default Swap (CDS) Index, which tracks US investment-grade companies, rose to 90.2 basis points,
the highest since November.
The CDS index, which targets European speculative-rated companies, also rose by the most in three months,
and despite the US government's measures to protect all deposits of SVB, investors' concerns could not
be dispelled. shown.

Comments from market participants are as follows.

●can increase stress <Christopher McGratti, Head of U.S. Bank Research at KBW (New York)>

Things are moving at breakneck speed. The market appears to be expecting more stress.
We saw a similar scenario in 2008, but the unwinding of the market could happen fairly quickly.

Interesting is the bond market. The bond market is generally forward-looking, often fast and right. Bond yields have plunged in recent days, signaling prolonged stress on the financial system. And speculation about another rate hike is receding fairly quickly.

We are now dealing with liquidity as a major risk in the (banking) industry.
It is a very good sign that [regulators] have implicitly guaranteed that all deposits, including unprotected deposits, will be protected.
But the problem is people are panicking and moving money between banks. A lot of the money will end up in the big banks.
Liquidity measures have improved significantly overnight, but further stress is likely.

●Fed as regulator question mark

<Richard Saperstein, Chief Investment Officer, Treasury Partners>

The U.S. Federal Reserve has historically cut interest rates during major negative financial events like bank failures,
but regulators' efforts to bail out SVB depositors and lend to distressed banks would reduce systemic risk and allow the Fed to continue
raising interest rates to keep inflation under control.

European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
Comment from Counselor Koichi Sawada

Announcing that it had entered into a contract to sell and finance all of its securities was stressful as a result of
in investor psychology. If you offer customers a high interest rate after the interest rate hike, they will flow to other banks.
PRESIDENT BANK and lower executives chose to sell their shares.
As a result, the movement of customers withdrawing their deposits accelerated and
bankruptcy occurred.
Increased stress is
risky. The market moves at breakneck speed.
For that purpose, stress tests should be conducted to understand the overall situation in order to avoid
and prepare for risks. During his term as CEO of SCG Sawada Consulting Co., Ltd., He published the following
【Stress Test】 paper.SCG Sawada Consulting Co., Ltd. Stress Test Co., Ltd.

Overnight trades are trades that take a position that is not settled on the same day and is carried over to the next day.
However, if the cash-handling position becomes fluid with internal future-dated and internal bills,
【investment recovery plan 25 days 50% theory】 will become more uncertain, and even though it is a cash deposit,
the cash and future-dated cash will , a
critical incident occurs that must or cannot be divided.
It becomes a phantom securities (cash) that cannot be shortened on the payment side,
We are concerned about domestic demand type non-performing loans
(cash that cannot be used even though it is internal reserves).

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
Counselor Koichi Sawada

           March 16-17   WTO Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) Agreement Council
                                     International intellectual property transactions
                                     International intellectual property transactions can be divided into
                                     transactions aimed at the transfer of intellectual property rights themselves
                                     and transactions aimed at establishing usage rights (licenses) relating to
                                     intellectual property rights.
                                     When the contents of intellectual property rights are related to technology,
                                     it can be called a technology transfer transaction because the technology is
                                      transferred between the parties by assigning the intellectual property rights
                                     or establishing the right to use them. .
                                     Know-how, which does not constitute the content of intellectual property
                                     rights, but which can be described as the necessary applied technical
                                     knowledge and materials for perfecting or actually applying technology useful
                                     for industrial purposes, is also subject to international intellectual property
                                     rights. It is often the subject of transactions together with intellectual property
                                      rights in transactions. (Excerpt from International Trade Law)

                                     During the period of SCG Sawada Consulting Co., Ltd., we decided to transfer
                                     our papers to the European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led
                                      Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project.
                                     This is due to the intellectual property law (copyright law) Chapter 2 rights
                                      protected by law. While consulting with the person in charge of the Copyright
                                      Division of the Agency for Cultural Affairs Commissioner's Secretariat, the
                                      proposal was approved at an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.
                                     With regard to technology transfer, transfer of the technology from an
                                     individual or organization possessing advanced technology to another
                                     individual or organization. or across national borders.
                                     (From the Encyclopedia of Japan)

                                     Koichi Sawada, project adviser for the European Council version of the
                                     "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50", which has a
                                     license to use it, corresponds to border technology transfer in the case of
                                      transfer to European countries. It can also be called a technology transfer
                                      transaction because the technology is transferred between the parties by
                                     setting the usage right. In international intellectual property transactions
                                     that are not part of intellectual property rights but that can be used for
                                      application technical knowledge and data analysis materials necessary to
                                      complete or actually apply technology that is useful for commercial purposes
                                      Together with intellectual property rights, it can be a target of trade,
                                     benefit the 27 European member states, and become an internationally
                                      contributing technology.

                                     Monday, March 20, 2023
                                     "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
                                      for the European Council Koichi Sawada

【Breaking news】 and part of the distribution will be deleted due to the balance at the top

Monday, March 20th【preliminary report】Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit Russia from 20th

Chinese President Xi Jinping will make an official visit to Russia at the invitation of President Vladimir
Putin from the 20th to 22nd, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
"President Xi Jinping's visit to Russia is a journey of peace," said Wang Wenbin, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
China will adhere to an objective and impartial stance on the issue of the Ukraine crisis and play a constructive role in
promoting peace and promoting negotiations," the Chinese foreign ministry said. He will visit Russia and meet with President Putin.
The two sides will exchange opinions and promote cooperation on bilateral relations and international issues of mutual interest.

European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
Project Comment from Counselor Koichi Sawada

Civilization history books state that there are four civilizations.

1. Western civilization led by the United States and Europe
2. Eastern European civilization led by Russia
3. Islamic civilization led by Iran
4. chinese civilization
Japan is a Western European civilization that represents Asia.

In this century, Russia, an Eastern European civilization that invaded the country of Ukraine,
became a war because it was Russian territory.

why? Will Chinese President Xi Jinping visit Russia?

What is China trying to say?
must be deciphered.

what China is trying to say

「Since ancient times, 〇〇 has been integrated with China. That's why you are trying to divide 〇〇 now,
it's like trying to tear down someone else's family, and it's morally unacceptable.」。
To say. However, foreigners do not understand this connotation of the Chinese, its moral side.
China's allegations are illogical. It is written.
There was a time when China boasted a vast territory in the past, which today extends deep into Russian territory.
Can modern China use that as evidence to claim the land as our territory to Russia?
However, what the Chinese really want to say is not to impose reckless remarks,
They insist on Chinese 【ethics】, not Western【truth】.From Chinese book

European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
Comment from Counselor Koichi Sawada

To His Excellency the Secretary-General of the United Nations, to His Excellency the President of Europe,
to His Excellency the President of the European Commission, to the United Nations Secretariat, and to the
Secretariat of the 27 European Member States. I have sent you a letter detailing the history of the 【Chinese operation】.

In January 2022, in a letter addressed to each His Excellency, Sensing an emergency,
it will be addressed to President Xi Jinping of China in February 2022
I have sent you two letters with a Chinese translation and an English translation of 【Peaceful Exchange】.
If we miss February 2022, we will not be able to interact with China. and The following is a letter that
I predicted that an emergency would occur, but did not arrive.

Japan is also in the period of 【50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China】.
As someone who was predicting an emergency, I am sorry.

 Special frame Chairman
SDGs Beijing Action Network territory Friendship and Fellowship 2024 Chairman
  Full name                           Country of Citizenship (I would like a woman to be the chairman.)

  (From a woman's point of view)
  I would like to congratulate you on the hosting of the Beijing Olympics.

  For letters and letters sent in February,Eus50 Project of External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy
  We will send it to you as soon as the process from resolution, approval, contract, and assignment to Europe is in place.

  Since 1975, table tennis, Shorinji Kenpo, Mahjong ...
  I heard from Koichi Sawada, project-starter representative of the European board of directors' version of
  "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50", who experienced Chinese culture on its own,
  Our leader, Founder Representative Koichi Sawada, said that it would finally pay off for being kept hidden.

  Based on this talk, as chairman of the
SDGs Beijing Action Network Goodwill and Friendship 2024,
  I understand that the "Beijing Declaration" and  "Code of Conduct" were adopted under the slogan of the World Women's Congress
  "Action Outline" Equality, Development and Action for Peace held in Beijing in September 1995,

  and attach importance, and to walk on the theme of the Panda Conservation Research Center and the rubbing human rights issues.
  I would like to deepen the exchange while cultural exchange step by step.

  As Chairman of the
SDGs Beijing Action Network Goodwill and Friendship 2024,
  I will make every effort to enable the appointed responsibilities,
SDGs Beijing Action Network Goodwill and Friendship 2024 Peace Exchange.

As you know, 【Kamiza 上座】, we are giving priority to His Majesty the Emperor's birthday message,
so we have deleted the 【random words】 for accountability.
By no means, the 【fear】 that everyone is thinking about is not the priority.
There is an axis in the sentence. He will tell you that it is the home position based on that.
As a 【symbol of national unity】, I have heartfelt respect.
Note: It is against heartfelt respect and affection for companies and individuals to
contact the imperial family and provide benefits.

The Constitution of Japan 
Preamble   excerpt
We believe that no nation should consider its own interests and ignore others,
and that the laws governing political morality should be common to all nations. 
I believe that it is the duty of all countries to not only maintain the sovereignty and
independence of other countries, but also to respect them and coexist peacefully. excerpt

chapter  emperor
Article 1 【The Emperor's Symbolic Status and Popular Sovereignty】
The emperor symbolizes Japan, a democratic country with sovereignty of the people,   excerpt
It must be based solely on the collective will of the sovereign people.

In other words, the European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
project is based on this Constitution of Japan. We must not allow any nation to look out for its own interests and
neglect others. In accordance with this Constitution, a provisional 500 billion yen, together with the members
of the European Council, It is a business that is useful to the international community.

Whether it is a full amount for one company or managed by a Japanese bank, Violate the Preamble to the Constitution.
Remittance of funds to other countries is a case where the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also pays taxes,
and his Harry Potter author brought the funds of imported boards abroad.
If you are a cooperative and friendly bank or company, not in Japan, It is humane to show a certain amount of gratitude.
At the very least, there is no trust, only distrust, even if the Financial Services Agency is told to go to 〇〇 bank.
【Bank Risk Ranking】 Information data has been confirmed. It is deception.
At the very least, there is no trust, only distrust, even if the Financial Services Agency is told to go to 〇〇 bank.
【Bank Risk Ranking】 Information data has been confirmed. It is deception.

Present the
【Non-performing loan improvement plan】 to the Financial Services Agency,
and receive 〇% of the profit from the bank as a legitimate consulting fee.
can i borrow it? Do you prefer a strategy of not lending? Look for branching points. If there are multiple banks,
【Patternize】 and align the branch points.
We are being targeted for M&A by bad guys we don't know. Present the first issue date of the prior application as 【evidence】.
Also, if you give a bad impression, you will be presented with a
【public paper publication】 to the court.
For the overall picture, we present the
original proposal submitted to Mizuho Bank head office,
【Deposits】【Loans】【Interest】【Expenses】【Yen exchange rate】 Is it better to close branches? Are you good at business?
Is it employee reform? Seek the judgment of the Financial Services Agency and propose
【Non-performing loan improvement reforms】.
The work must be done alone or with the support of a Financial Services Agency or bank employee.
Because it is a bank, you have to be careful about 【around the safe】 and 【information leakage】.
If interrupted, proceed in the above direction.
※If you are the criminal of the Tomakomai office's [safety robbery], write a letter to Nippon Ham Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Hata and the police (Where should you go? Tomakomai Police Station? send.
Who is in charge of spreading rumor damage? I feel sorry for the culprits of the big organization that everyone with pieces follows.

What do you think of honesty? express regret.
However, do you trust Koichi Sawada, project adviser for the European Council version of the
"External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project  I doubt it.
【Frozen Lunch】 Since the direction of the strategy has already been decided,
the Party A甲 decides that 50% of the reward is fixed.

“We must not allow any nation to ignore other nations for its own interests alone.”
This is in accordance with the Constitution of Japan.
It is a
【violation of the Constitution】 beyond obstruction of business. that's all

FNN Prime Online

Prime Minister Kishida surprise visit to
Ukraine Kyiv by train Move to Summit

Prime Minister Kishida was on a visit to India, but secretly left India on a chartered plane and is now heading to Kyiv from Poland by train.
At the meeting with President Zelensky, Prime Minister Kishida plans to confirm solidarity and support for Ukraine as Japan and the
G7 (7 major countries) chaired by Japan. Prime Minister Kishida received an invitation during a telephone conversation
with President Zelensky in January and continued to consider a visit to Ukraine, but ensuring safety remained an issue.
And while Prime Minister Kishida is the only G7 leader who has not visited Ukraine,
With the G7 Hiroshima Summit in May in mind, I have completed this shocking visit.

What will be discussed at the Summit?
There is no 【weapons supply】 as Japan, but what is it going to support?
This is a showcase of Prime Minister Kishida's skill.

March 21st
European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
Counselor Koichi Sawada

Prime Minister Kishida visits Ukraine Flowers
for mass graves in Bucha for massacre of civilians

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visited Ukraine on the 21st.
A large number of civilian bodies were found in April last year after the withdrawal
of Russian troops after entering the capital Kyiv. I visited Bucha near the capital.
It was the first visit by a prime minister to Ukraine since Russia launched its invasion
of Ukraine in February last year.

Once again, the European Council version of the "External Demand-led Economic
Growth Strategy EUS50" project As a team, to all the many civilians who passed away,
I sincerely apologize.

March 22, 2023
European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth
Strategy EUS50" Project Team Representative Counselor Koichi Sawada

To all media
European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
Mr. Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister of Japan, as Koichi Sawada What will be discussed at the Summit?

Is it as the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman stated,
"We hope that Japan will do something beneficial to calm the situation and not do the opposite"?
There is no 【weapons supply】 as Japan, but what is it going to support?
Watch the late-night early morning news,【Joint press conference】
It is up to you to send your comments. In addition, it depends on sending it by e-mail to the
European Council Secretariat.

Joint press conference by Prime Minister Kishida and President Zelensky Announced the provision of
equipment from Japan

On the 21st, Minister Fumio Kishida, who is visiting Ukraine, held a face-to-face meeting with President Zelensky
for the first time in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. At a press conference after the talks,
Kishida renewed his
support for non-lethal equipment. Mr. Zelensky indicated his intention to attend the
G7 (major seven countries) Hiroshima summit in May online. Through a fund from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),
Mr. Kishida He said he would provide Ukraine with
$30 million worth of non-lethal equipment.
He also agreed to upgrade the bilateral relationship to a
"special global partnership."

What is equipment Supplies you need for your flight.
There are harnesses, carabiners, helmets, rescue parachutes, gloves and shoes,
It is a natural thing for flight, so it is not generally called.

Vario (flight deck), compass, transceiver, GPS, map case, rescue set, There are flashlights, spare batteries,
ballasts, mineral water, emergency food, mobile phones, cameras, etc.
A Palio is a pariometer vertical scale. 【From the weblio Japanese example sentence dictionary】

What is Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's "support for non-lethal equipment"? Considering

Constitution of Japan Chapter 2 Renunciation of War
Article9【Renunciation of war, denial of armaments and the right to belligerence】
We, the Japanese people, believe that international peace can only be built on respect for justice and order.
I sincerely hope that such international peace will be maintained. From the use of force that does not lead to
war to the threat and intimidation of force, any attempt to resort to force is Needless to say,
as a means of settling international disputes involving Japan, As a means of resolving disputes,
it is also a permanent renunciation and an attempt to resolve disputes exclusively by peaceful means.
②As mentioned above,
it is important to maintain international peace by resolving conflicts between nations
through peaceful negotiations rather than by force of arms. In order to do so, the regular Army,
Navy, and Air Force, of course, are not regular military forces, but their fighting power is greater than
the police force for maintaining domestic security. Absolutely not. Moreover, even if it is the right to war
which is regarded as the right of an independent country, it is not recognized by belligerent countries under international law. No right of belligerence is accepted. And it is written in the Constitution of Japan,
chapter two, renunciation of war.

Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida says What is
【Non-lethal equipment support】? Considering

What is equipment Supplies you need for your flight.
There are harnesses, carabiners, helmets, rescue parachutes, gloves and shoes,
It is a natural thing for flight, so it is not generally called. Vario (flight deck), compass, transceiver,
GPS, map case, rescue set, There are flashlights, spare batteries, ballasts, mineral water, emergency food,
mobile phones, cameras, etc. A Palio is a pariometer vertical scale.
【From the weblio Japanese example sentence dictionary】

What is equipment Supplies you need for your flight.
There are harnesses, carabiners, helmets, rescue parachutes, gloves and shoes,
It is a natural thing for flight, so it is not generally called. Vario (flight deck), compass, transceiver,
GPS, map case, rescue set, There are flashlights, spare batteries, ballasts, mineral water,
emergency food, mobile phones, cameras, etc. A Palio is a pariometer vertical scale.
【From the weblio Japanese example sentence dictionary】

This 【mineral water】 and 【emergency food】
are guessed.

Also, as a member of the European Council version
of the "External Demand-led Economic Growth
Strategy EUS50" project team, and as
Koichi Sawada, an advisor.

【Mineral water project】is、
a non-lethal project I am appealing to the United
Nations Secretariat and the European Council Secretariat.

Thursday, March 23rd 【General review for the March term】   
The month ended with WTO World Trade Organization Month. If you analyze the WTO World Trade Organization information data,
each country It is a place to negotiate the national interest of the
【maximum value of profit and utility】,
the national interest of the country. Is it consistent with the World Trade Organization? Negotiations of each business department
start by applying the global standard. The break-even point formula is also applicable,
but here we find the limits, maximum and minimum (differential) formulas.
limit, maximum/minimum (differential)

            (total cost)   quantity
(Average cost (AC))=(Production volume)  quantity   =total amount

WI understand the problem definition of negotiations at WTO meetings.
However, it is difficult to quantify how many trade agreements have been negotiated.
If you say this, you can read it by assembling a

WAt the WTO Services Trade Council,
When going abroad, use data communication with a mobile phone or Internet connection service.
Roaming, which makes it possible to use it smoothly overseas, is based on convenience.
This popularization convenience is important. I also use free Wi-Fi spots at overseas airports,
business hotels, and urban areas, I remember doing business while doing international PC roaming.

Doesn't it harm the multi-faceted efforts of SMEs and emerging countries?
expressed concern about the so-called polarization of the global disparity in the information processing
capabilities of e-commerce, which lags behind the new era.
Taking this opportunity, I hope that in the industrial revolution driven by e-commerce,
【stability of employment and labor】 will become a business that fills the polarizing
【expansion of disparities】 in the world. I would like you to dispel your concerns by referring to Ireland,
which has a high percentage of IT engineers, and Luxembourg, which has a high growth rate of IT engineers.

At the WTO Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement Council,
during the SCG Sawada Consulting Co., Ltd. period, we envisioned the transfer of our papers overseas.
Strategy EUS50” decided to transfer to the project. This is due to the intellectual property law
(copyright law) Chapter 2 rights protected by law. I consulted with the person in charge of the Copyright
Division of the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs Secretariat, and there is a background that the proposal
was approved at an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.

Koichi Sawada, Project Counselor for the European Council version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50",
which has a license to use, corresponds to border technology transfer in the case of
transfer to European countries. It can also be called a technology transfer transaction because the technology
is transferred between the parties by establishing the right of use.
In international intellectual property transactions that can be used for application technical knowledge and
data analysis materials necessary to complete or actually apply technology that is not subject to intellectual
property rights but is useful for commercial purposes Together with intellectual property rights,
it can be a target of trade, benefit the
27 European member states,
and become an internationally contributing technology.

What happened in the middle was the bankruptcy of
Silicon Valley Bank.
European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
Project As Koichi Sawada, Advisor, commented,

Announcing that it had entered into a contract to sell all its securities and receive funding agreements was stressful as a
result of distrust in investor psychology. If you offer customers a high interest rate after the interest rate hike,
they will flow to other banks. PRESIDENT BANK and lower executives chose to sell their shares.
As a result, the movement of customers withdrawing their deposits accelerated and bankruptcy occurred.
Increased stress is risky. The market moves at breakneck speed. For that purpose, stress tests should be conducted to
understand the overall situation in order to avoid risks, and prepare for risks. During his term as CEO of SCG Sawada
Consulting Co., Ltd., He published the following【Stress Test】 paper.SCG Sawada Consulting Co., Ltd. Stress Test Co., Ltd.
Overnight trades are trades that take a position that is not settled on the same day and is carried over to the next day.
However, if the cash-handling position becomes fluid with internal future-dated and internal bills,
the 【investment recovery plan 25 days 50% theory】 will become more uncertain, and even though it is a cash deposit,
the cash and future-dated cash will , a critical incident occurs that must or cannot be divided.
It becomes a phantom securities (cash) that cannot be shortened on the payment side, and there is concern about domestic
demand-type non-performing loans (cash that cannot be used even though it is internal reserves). announced the matter.

Prime Minister Kishida surprise visit to Ukraine Kyiv by train Travel It was a shocking visit to the summit meeting.
He said he would provide Ukraine with $30 million worth of non-lethal equipment.

Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida says What is
【Non-lethal equipment support】? Considering

What is equipment Supplies you need for your flight.
There are harnesses, carabiners, helmets, rescue parachutes, gloves and shoes, It is a natural thing for flight,
so it is not generally called. Vario (flight deck), compass, transceiver, GPS, map case, rescue set,
There are flashlights, spare batteries, ballasts,
mineral water, emergency food, mobile phones, cameras, etc.
A Palio is a pariometer vertical scale. 【From the weblio Japanese example sentence dictionary】

I guessed that this 【mineral water】 and 【emergency food】 were guessed. that's all.

March 22, 2023
European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
CounselorKoichi Sawada

           March 31      WTO Dispute Settlement Bodies Meeting

March 31 WTO Dispute Settlement Bodies Meeting

Previous chapter::Responses of international traders: non-litigation dispute settlement systems and voluntary norms

The parties who have no choice but to engage in international transactions in a legal environment with the above contradictions
are those who operate commercial businesses on the basis of predictability/computability. Leaving a legal environment with many
elements untouched is disadvantageous to one's own business activities, so they have no choice but to take self-defensive actions.
①A non-litigation dispute resolution system to reduce reliance on national judicial institutions to resolve disputes Use of
 (Alternative Dispute Resolution: ADR)
②Efforts to create self-contained contracts by carefully examining the content of contracts used for international transactions
 in order to reduce dependence on the laws of each country
③Originally, the business customs for international transactions that had been generated and developed among parties involved in transactions independently of the state were developed, and self-regulatory rules for international transactions were established
in the form of uniform international rules, international standard contract forms, or clauses. and movement to establish
However, self-defense measures taken by parties involved in international trade function effectively only within the limits permitted
by the national laws of the countries concerned, and do not transcend national laws. In order to do so, we have no choice but to
rely on treaties signed by states, customary international law, or national law. (Excerpt from International Trade Law)

Responses of international traders: non-litigation dispute settlement systems and voluntary norms
上The parties who are forced to engage in international transactions in a legal environment in which such contradictions exist are
those who operate for-profit businesses on the basis of predictability/computability. many elements Leaving the legal environment
untouched is disadvantageous to one's own business activities, so they have no choice but to act in self-defense.
①Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to resolve disputes with less reliance on national judicial institutions
②Efforts to create self-contained contracts by carefully examining the content of contracts used for international transactions
 in order to reduce dependence on the laws of each country
③Originally, the business customs of international transactions, which had been generated and developed among the parties involved
  in transactions independently of the state, were developed, and voluntary norms for regulating international transactions were  
   established in the form of uniform international rules, international standard contract forms, or clauses. movement to establish in
  However, self-defense measures taken by parties involved in international trade function effectively only within the limits permitted by    the national laws of the countries concerned, and do not transcend national laws. In order to do so, we have no choice but to rely on     treaties signed by states, customary international law, or national law. (Excerpt from International Trade Law)

European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project Comment
from Advisor Koichi Sawada

International trade dispute settlement
In order to consider the legal issues of an international transaction, it is necessary to envision a dispute settlement
for that international transaction. Realistically, consider a place that is frequently used as a place for international
trade dispute settlement, and if there are other places that may become a place for dispute settlement due to the
special conditions of each individual case, as a hypothetical place Additional consideration is wise.

When assuming a place of dispute resolution due to litigation
Dispute settlement requirements
①The judicial authority of the place of dispute shall have international jurisdiction over the dispute.
②It must be a place where the other party's property is located or likely to be located.
  A place where compulsory execution can be carried out against the property of the other party.
③It is necessary that the content of international trade laws and judicial institutions are well-developed and that
  the results are highly predictable. In order to conduct prompt and fair trials, it is necessary to have a well-
  developed judicial system and judges who are familiar with the actual conditions of international transactions
  to deal with disputes.
④It is desirable to be a place where dispute settlement procedures can be conducted in English, which is the
  common language of international transactions. In dispute resolution procedures, it is customary to use the
  official language of your country.
Currently, London in the UK and New York in the US are the places that can be considered as the place of
dispute resolution for the non-litigation dispute resolution system that is actually used in general international transactions that satisfy the above conditions. Become.

International Trade Law of Japan
Based on the above considerations, Koichi Sawada (former SCG GROUP), Advisor of the project team for the
European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50", has concluded that,
in normal cases, the location that should be envisioned as the place of dispute resolution is:
It will be New York City in the United States and London in the United Kingdom.
Based on the above considerations, the European Council version of the "External Demand-led Economic Growth
Strategy EUS50" Project Team Counselor Koichi Sawada (former SCG GROUP) found that in normal cases,
the location that should be envisioned as the place of dispute resolution is New York, USA.
City and would be the City of London, UK. In addition, Koichi Sawada (former SCG GROUP), advisor of the European
Council version of the "External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team, needs to consider
Japan as one of the assumed locations. This is because Japanese parties are expected to have more than a few opportunities to be involved in dispute resolution, such as filing lawsuits or responding to lawsuits in Japan.

March 30, 2023
Koichi Sawada, Counselor of the European Council version of the
"External Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team
(former SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.)

March 2023              foundation building

                      【looking for friends】
              European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
              Project 【Recruiting friends】 for the senior life of the adviser Koichi Sawada.

              Currently lives in Hakodate, Japan March 5, 1960

              European Council version of "External demand-led economic growth strategy
              EUS50" project decision

              Fifth Industrial Revolution Operation 【Information Analysis Battle】【Aerial Battle】 Draft

              Assuming that there will be a movement to deal with these once-in-a-hundred-years
              【cycles that question the true value】 and nine-year cycle waves,
              【Standing solid footing (stress test, new ai collection and dispersal ai model theory, etc.)】.
              We have built a firm stability

              Respond to various problems If the European Council version of the
              "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
               project is approved by resolution,【Belgium】,【France】、 and 【Tokyo】.

               If the EUR 7.2 billion strategy is combined,
              we have already acquired the know-how of transferring to
              【Osaka】 【Tokyo】【current location Hakodate City】 【Others】 where the headquarters of
               Nippon Ham Co., Ltd. is located.

              We will ride that wave and start moving from March 2023.

              The movement is still weak now, but it's steadily moving.
              It may be a win-win connection related to it. As a senior life,

              Deep learning and exchange of opinions In order to enjoy the senior period,
              which is a future issue, teachers of judicial scrivener
              administrative scrivener, media, executives of
              I am looking for friends who can sympathize (within the domain area) with
              Koichi Sawada, a project adviser for the European Council version of the
             "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50."

              European Council Version "External Demand Led Economic Growth Strategy
              EUS50" Project Counselor
              Koich Sawada
              email: scg.company.limited@ninus.ocn.ne.jp