
                                                                             Test period provisional declaration ~
                                                                              Vesting period 2016 October 1 (Sat)


                SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

                risk assessment 'stress test' specification report

           【Risk assessment 'stress test' defined report

                   2016 October 1

                 (test reporting period September 23 to September 30, 2016)

Author    : SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

Cooperation: SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

  Representative Director Koichi Sawada

  Risk assessment 'stress test'

  audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada


Decision by the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd..

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Representative Director Koichi Sawada,
on behalf of the company, on October 1, 2016, was declared in the following manner.

                       Written declaration

All of the division of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
(Branch offices, factories, or, management consultant Division ・ Robot Engineering Division application software division The safety of the general affairs and secretary other each business divisions and head office), on the basis of a comprehensive and risk assessment in a transparent 'stress test', there is a need to be verified.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. As an international corporation,In light of the happened work accident in the world, the scope and style of the risk assessment 'stress test',
As the same GROUP business, to research and development in the cooperative framework, request.
Following this declaration,
SCG Sawada Consulting Group 11th fourth quarter extraordinary general meeting of shareholders
Koichi Sawada Chair Co.,This risk assessment 'stress test' is, of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
To allow the re-evaluation of risk crisis,
'research and development unsafe, to stop.' Grounds
It must exhibit. It has said.

Therefore, this risk assessment 'stress test' is, at least to some extent,
The safety of the current state of the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Third-party committee (external and internal committees) are, we shall be able to validate.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Representative
Director Koichi Sawada, On behalf of the company, it was declared.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

       Risk assessment 'stress test' of the specification

Introduction to ...

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.With regard to the evaluation of risk 'stress test',

April 2016 in the final agreement document (sic) Overview of comprehensive risk analysis and Basel Banking Committee of the stress test analysis and loan portfolio and securities portfolio was published in the portfolio of European banking supervision mechanism (EBA) due to the stress test and financial institutions an overview of the 'lowest Shoyo capital market' in Japan financial Services Agency / Bank of Japan, which was announced in, with reference to the challenges and advanced efforts material of stress tests of different industries areas, while expanding algebra and reduced algebra , up creating in its own application algebra,
There a specification was history in a whole new SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. risk assessment 'stress test'. Thus, SCG Sawada-risk assessment of Consulting Group Co., Ltd. during the 'stress test' specifications, more than without the unauthorized reproduction-word quotation of material reference, SCG Sawada Consulting Group, Inc. business (branch offices, factories, management based on the representation involved in the consultant business · Robot engineering business applications software business and headquarters),
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.We have developed a specification of the evaluation of the risk 'stress test'.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.Is of the long-term management plan, risk assessment 'stress test' process,
Originally, our research process should be established in 2015.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. circumstances By the convenience of 2017, standing pat long-term outlook
'Once, back the research and development process. Return to the regular timetable.'
There is up to now the process table.

This Nitaishimashite,SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.CEO As Koichi Sawada, our soon to say apologize from the bottom of my heart.

Based on the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Representative Director Koichi Sawada past business performance of,
in good faith to the frontal attack on the young, led to the growth of the raised gotten companies like up here,
along with the say thank, and your support give us experts of everyone,
our soon to say thank of everyone of superior people.

In addition, past work experience who was in good faith also working, good company law business also,
there is also the business that became the amended law of the Companies Act with the passage of time.

Also SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Representative Director Koichi Sawada,
In order to hit the vulnerable in the strategic move of domestic demand, to return to the basics,
Risk assessment to 'stress test' There intends to Start.

Hit a strategic move to domestic demand
With regard to the reason for a timetable to return to the normal timetable,Of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Is vulnerable weakness of domestic demand, 'hit the strategic move to domestic demand.' It is,We decided that necessary.
Risk assessment 'stress test' process is, for the future, as-management consultant company as a company,
in order to build things, to companies that build things,It must exceed always, our cases.
Nitaishimashite everyone of companies that have exceeded it, guidance and solutions, let alone,
Even the design process, to be able to understand, as an international corporation,
In addition, as a strategy-based management consulting firm, as a representative director to run a company,
You can not fulfill their responsibilities.

This risk assessment 'stress test', there is up to that arrived until majestically practical research and
development capable domain region position.

As a result, the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.Beat the strategic move of domestic demand is vulnerable weakness of,
Clearly with the purpose of the definition of firm construction of business,
Risk assessment there intend to push forward a 'stress test' process.

In the business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
(branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·
Robot engineering business applications software business and headquarters),

How, for your understanding, thank you.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Koichi Sawada

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

   Risk assessment 'stress test' of the specification

                 Chapter Ⅰ Part

1. 11th fourth quarter SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
At the October 1, 2016 (Saturday) extraordinary general meeting of shareholders,

Representative Director Koichi Sawada, on behalf of the company

It declared in the following manner.

All of the safety of the business of the 'SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,
On the basis of a comprehensive and risk assessment in a transparent 'stress tests', in the future, there is a need to be verified.
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., as an international corporation,
in conjunction with the light of the work accident that occurred in the world (an error by the business.),
The scope and style of the risk assessment 'stress test', as international corporations,
cooperation in the framework, you declare that you asked to research and development. '

Following this declaration,SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

Koichi Sawada chairman of the 11th fourth quarter extraordinary shareholders' meeting,

This risk assessment 'stress test' is,SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
To allow the re-evaluation of risk (crisis) management, research and development 'is not a safe, guidance,
Or, to stop. 'I shall indicate the grounds. It has said.

Thus, this risk assessment 'stress test' is,At least, a certain degree,SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Of the current state of safety, third-party committee, which is an internal agency
Or, committee of the outside, shall be able to validate

Risk assessment 'stress tests'
Technical goal of

Risk assessment overview of the 'stress test' is,SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
If you fit the wide-area business (in-house Affairs business and management consulting business ·
Robot business applications software business) wide risk scenario of the Division according to the definition that,
prevention of work accidents, how the vulnerable by palliative measures ,
or measures in the risk assessment 'stress test' is strike?It will be found.

This is the main goal of the entire risk assessment 'stress test', which is the overall goal.

① (According to the maritime research robot, securing of fuel energy and solar power generation, wave energy source) secure sources of energy construction ②Robot business of domestic demand Affairs Division ③ application software computer antivirus software business (cafeteria plan type personnel evaluation confinement) that the accident occurred in the system of a computer virus,
Three large safety function, or continue to hold how?
Technical target is asked.

even if the control system due to natural catastrophes and secondary human disaster is no longer functioning,
established cornerstone of the domestic demand is weak, research the development is to avoid a hazardous condition, what should be addressed?It is also an important goal because.

The problem to be another key,Clogged brains of long-term management policies and business planSCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
If the current representative director Koichi Sawada is no longer stay,
Credibility of the domestic policy and research and development of the current representative director Koichi Sawada is,
When the funds investment (Consultant) has become insufficient,It is a question of whether can survive?.

Risk assessment question that becomes the third key to the 'stress test' is,
When faced with the risk scenarios, such as a natural disaster or secondary human-made disasters,
When it becomes vulnerable of domestic demand, improved in any means, is whether to build.

Construction risk assessment of the 'stress tests'

Risk assessment 'stress test' report is composed of five parts.

1. Safety measures description of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

2. Domestic demand construction of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., the safety that have been taken in the
design and development criteria in each division (branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·
Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and headquarters)
description description of measures and (after the third-party committee was established),
whether or not the SCG Sawada Consulting group Co., Ltd. is compatible with the design requirements.

3. Risk assessment 'stress of the' robustness 'in domestic demand Affairs in the case of loss of power occurs in the branch offices, factories, headquarters due to natural catastrophe (heat wave, ice age by a large earthquake, typhoon hurricane, tsunami, floods and heavy rains, the warm season) test'. This risk assessment 'stress test' is, at the SCG Sawada Consulting Group branch offices, factories, headquarters earthquakes and typhoons Hurricane flood Inc., in the case where the power supply is lost, about how to contribute to the safety, It shall be to provide a total system information.

In the marine survey Robot factory, control room of the computer system and maritime research Robot body of the heart of a a failure due to the risk scenario of the CPU, when faced with the risk scenario by the system error of the cafeteria plan type personnel evaluation system by the application software business to, is not could fluctuation safety of SCG Sawada Consulting group Co., Ltd. body itself. Thus, multiple protection design system with a unique robust been safety is important.

4. Human-made disasters (BCP business continuity plan, terrorism, ransom kidnapping measures) improvement

5. Compliance with the Companies Act (restriction and limitation of liability and employees the responsibility of the officer)

Above, in order to unify the evaluation level,
The SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. third-party committee internal specialists
Appointed one person from each business unit,
Shosa team risk assessment and assigned as a 'stress test' committee.

Risk assessment 'stress test' Shosa team representative committee appointed

In SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. 11th No. 1 draft resolution at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in the fourth quarter, to appoint the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Representative Director Koichi Sawada to risk assessment
'stress test' Shosa team committee .

This received Koichi Sawada is accepted, as a committee, in the No. 2 draft resolution,
was elected by majority vote in the risk assessment 'stress test' Shosa team representative committee.

Risk assessment of 'stress tests' Shosa team representative committee Koichi Sawada has requested is,
To conduct an internal investigation that 'robustness, only the risk assessment' stress test 'Shosa team risk assessment' stress test 'Shosa team,
to the scrutiny, there is a limit.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. executives and every employee is,
with the awareness of the safety of robustness multiple protection,
if the X inefficiency due to the decrease in normal operation period chain of command,
① or return to a safe state
② safety state If you have fallen into
③ unexpected risk crisis or to maintain, or that the proper treatment, must be with consciousness individually.

At the same time, consideration also the surrounding environment,
circulation environment of the blueprint with the safety of the robustness multiple protection is also necessary.

Audit all team, you can determine all of the safety of the state of division
(branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·,
Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and headquarters)
of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. a comprehensive safety margin risk assessment be carried out to 'stress test' is like,

In order to sustain the brand is a company with a safety as an international corporation,
risk assessment 'stress test' represents an important position, to have formulated a
long-term management plan SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., necessary such is the robustness test. 'He said.

Evaluation of the safety margin is, what will be different? What will the same assessment? It would be an indicator of the judgment material. The safety margin, the existing safety systems will not work, even if you've exceeded the authorized boundary conditions, is responsible for the business unit, which measures the work accident, it is possible to prevent the error of work accident such that the safety measures, or represents a 'safety-related characteristics'.

The focus of this risk assessment 'stress tests' are accident management measures required when a business accident happened.
It, for example, in terms of the machine (Marine investigation Robot),
when the electrical system of the CPU body of Robot is no longer functioning, Robot function is stopped,
it is submerged in the sea floor, it can be said that the safety measures. However, not only the safety measures,
to be collected at sea investigation Robot, the act to amplify the Earth garbage. Even in the case of failure,
it must be considered an effective recovery measures and the duty to recall.

Risk assessment as a 'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada
As the evaluation focus, discussed in the audit all team, you raise create a better risk assessment 'stress test'.
It showed the evaluation focus to take when the first step.

Risk assessment 'stress test' criteria

Risk assessment 'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada is, SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
risk assessment 'stress test' specifications, all of the business units (branch offices, factories,
management consultant business ·, Robot business and application software describes the specification
of the software business and in-house Affairs business and headquarters),
Safety considerations obligation measures that were selected were asked to show that it is legitimate.

Future, defines the requirements for the quality and comprehensiveness of these descriptions,
in SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. business, if you noted in the report with respect to robustness multiple protection,
to a minimum of business summary, research and development, quality and should define the evaluation criteria
should be the yardstick to assess whether has been reached, the audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada said.

For example, in the case of a natural disaster (earthquake), in the risk assessment 'stress test' specification selection, standard provisions are defined in the crisis management site, or, based on the latest provisions of the revised, description and maximum acceleration, the data seek proof of legitimacy that was. The process to determine the maximum acceleration,
also includes a number of assumptions theory of a complex research area.
Dogma or to determine the basic data of the evaluation, generally accepted general rule does not exist.
The result is not also present a common view and scale to be obtained.

Validity of the data is to Son'yoridokoro to a number of factors, evaluation method will depend
on the criteria to be achieved many of the macro.
In addition to its standard, have been hidden assumption of significant risks,
there may be it is possible to greatly influenced the results.

Measures to protect earthquake and SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. All of the Division from flooding the
(branch offices, factories, management consultant business · Robot business applications software business and
in-house Affairs business and head office) is, evaluation of whether it is appropriate etc.,
are those typically found in most other evaluation.

As long as the 'specification' is to rely on the approved design and its safety case,
it will be relying on outdated standards and measures.

Always, so as not to obsolete, regularly review the 'evaluation criteria' risk assessment 'stress test',
it must be a design system to improve.

Method of evaluation and DATA

Risk assessment 'stress test' is compliant with the technical research and verification usually appropriate and easy-to-understand evaluation method and data management to be used in.

It is, in order to meet the risk assessment 'stress test',
evaluation methods and data management There is a need to clarify the 'scope of application.
'Risk assessment' stress test 'audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada was discussed.

Therefore, the rely create the existing documents, SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. risk assessment 'stress test',
'audit team Committee, rely on research and discussion and evaluation calculation.

And, if a problem occurs, the answer to a new question, and the improvement and reform,
should suppress work accidents to a minimum, and evaluation methods and data management.
For the upper and lower limits, as a representative committee Koichi Sawada of the audit team committee an appropriate range as a responsibility of the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. as an international corporation,
Classification to request formulated in committee.

(1) operators, the evaluation method and data management, can be classified as either of the following by its accuracy.

(2) country in the licensing procedure validated ones.

(3) or it has not been validated in the country of the licensing procedure, which has passed through the business's quality program.

(4) other than the above.

within three months with respect to the first report by businesses (provisional),
and limit the time frame of one month to review by the Audit Committee (provisional).
A large number of business safety-related report, the second category, are classified in the third category.
Thus, the data used, the reliability of reports produced on the basis thereof, are fragile,
when the external committee of cases required, in engineering judgment, left to the subjectivity of the outside board.

※ first category, the second category, the third category is discussed in a stage that the Audit Committee has been orbit officially,
the decision. Further, 'Specifications' Considering that less time margin of process table,
when there is no time for evaluation that is Seijo, all the tolerate so-called 'engineering judgment'. Engineering judgment is,
and a number of factors, engineers of experience, a certain subjective factors, such as the 'quest heart',
especially if subjective to depend case or view an acceptable risk.

Therefore, we should build the basis for meaningful safety-oriented method in performing the
evaluation of the risk that the subject.

Therefore, in the submission deadline for the first report, on the basis of this first report,
reporting to the risk assessment audit committee is carried out to review.
As a result, has been scheduled for after three months (provisional),
the final report of the results, can not be expected to significantly different from the first report.

By the first report, the second report is determined to a great extent.

It is to be noted that the audit committee team members, and one by each division one person,

Business accident Division,

Excluded from the audit team members, business unit representatives, and accountability as responsibility.

The importance of robustness multiple protection

The importance of robustness multiple protection is, the work accident in the company of the world's countries,
SCG Sawada Consulting Group all of the Division of Corporation (branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·
Robot business applications software business and in-house fitting affairs business and headquarters),
it is evaluated in light of the one one of the lessons learned. Risk assessment 'stress test'
audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada has said.

'SCG Sawada Consulting to ensure the safety of the Group Co., Ltd. of the business,
learn the expertise of safety consideration obligation, maintain a posture that attempts to identify the scope
of the domestic demand of vulnerable weaknesses and improvement work for the sake of business safety in order to do,
it is to pursue the robustness of multiple protection, by the return to the basic and essential, while improving work safety,
that to build a company. '

The work accident in danger a high degree of nuclear power plants, By algebraic extension algebra and
applied to enterprise business accident, when there is an accident, take measures definition and that rapidly respond processing,
to stop the damage to a minimum for the purpose.

Acceptable criteria for robustness multiple protection

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Risk assessment of the Corporation 'stress test' is,
SCG Sawada, all of Division of Consulting Group Co., Ltd. (branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·
Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business Head Office) is one in which how to establish
'whether there is a robustness to the business process'.

The term 'robustness' as 'important concept that represents the requirements to be met', are used.

If there is a robustness, also not be wearing enough clothes, even in the midst of bad weather is a theory to say
that does not become sick. In other words, robustness, regarded as those that collateral and guarantees additional safety.
However, there are exceptions.
If you expand algebra the current home position until the regulation of nuclear power plants, even if it sees the international
framework of the safety rules, what kind of must achieve an additional level of safety? Alternatively, if any such safety level,
whether it can be said that the business of nuclear power plants is a robustness. In view of the new requirements
after the Fukushima nuclear accident, what improvements are necessary? How to run a nuclear power plant?
Whether such should be closed? Definition of is, also not written anywhere in the report.
For this reason, when the risk assessment of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. of the 'stress test',
the only internal investigation (stress test due to complex cases), there is also a case where the room to be a
mysterious and arbitrary evaluation resulting . In order to meet the basic level that is required,
what such to be the safety level is achieved? In addition, if the additional safety features it can be said that
'It's a robustness of the company.', It is, what level of what?
The criteria that define must be decided by a transparent manner.

Robustness multiple protection basic level

As a basic level of robustness multiple protection, the basis of the
'robustness defense-level definition of the three high-level and four-stage'.

Basic level, at the lowest level of division of all of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. to conduct business operation must be satisfied,
that meets the approval conditions.

Government agency has requested, that it is the conditions that have been equipped with improvement measures.
Thereon, in the order of steps of the height of the work safety margin,
'three levels of from level 1 to level 3' is set.

Level 3, even under the given polar conditions, that the division of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. is safe,
risk assessment 'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada said.

The acceptance criteria for the work accident of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Annual occurrence probability 1 / ○○○ (denominator is to formally discussed in the risk assessment
'stress test' audit team committee, decided to.) That it is safe for work accident.

Robustness multiple protection first level

All of the division of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. (branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·
Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and head office) is,
to the business accident of strength 'plus 1', it is safe.

To be able to take into account the business accident management measures.

Robustness multiple protection second level 2
All of the division of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. (branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·
Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and head office) is,
to the business accident of strength 'plus 2', it is safe.

To be able to take into account the business accident management measures.

Robustness multiple protection first level 3

Without taking into account the business accident management measures, all of the business part of the
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. (branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·
Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and head office) is, strength
' to the business accident plus 2 ', it is safe.

※ strength plus 1 strength plus 2:
Skeleton is the responsibility of the risk assessment 'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada, and their own constitution.
In addition, officially discussed in the audit team committee, to determine the extent of the level through the process step.

'Blind spot' in the robustness multiple protection

Risk assessment 'stress test audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada is,

'Robustness multiple protection is incomplete in risk assessment' stress test 'internal investigation of the audit team.
As a final step to find the blind spot, it is necessary to study the request of a third-party external investigation committee.
It was. '

Risk assessment 'stress test' audit team is, as we expect originally, comprehensive risk assessment in order to perform a
'stress test' is, wide-area wide approach, unexpected events, in other words, SCG Sawada Consulting Group in Corporation business,
in a variety of design drawings and business safety, when determining the security measures in the 'safety conscious obligation',
says can occur events that had not been foreseen, there is a wide variety of business accident in international corporation ,
it is necessary to approach to start from the fundamental factors of.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., as an international corporation, as the first step in the work accident processing
report from the factor of the business accident, hit a strategic move of vulnerable weakness of domestic demand than in 2017,
human error that may occur in the future equipped to: (work accident internal fire and information washed away),
or stopped to minimize the complex merger event accident in various forms, in the robustness multiple protection,
Ya-specific whole situation to the events that had not been taken into account Given that the typical corruption style may occur,
Risk assessment work accident investigation and business accident remorse and business by accident improvement due to 'stress test', continue to maintain corporate brand quality that can secure management to high-quality of the domain region.

Risk assessment 'stress test' is, for the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., as the construction of domestic demand (new wind),
is a challenge to be addressed at the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Representative Director own positive attitude,
in all team is an issue to be addressed.

In the business operations of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., or those 100% perfection can not cope,
stem damage (work accident) to how minimum?

Risk assessment 'stress test' is one of the measures.

'Blind spot' is of robustness multiple protection that is inherent in the design and development,
'one of the event is the initial situation of many of the complex merger event.'
Said in mind, there is a risk measures need.

In order to perform the necessary approach to wide area, complex events that can occur with the type of initiating event of
any work accident, the damage to the can occur business safety system to verify in each division thing,
the nuclear level of robustness multiple protection system light of the,
there is a need to wash out problems incident management.

Independence of the expert

On the other hand, SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. risk assessment 'stress tests'
Audit team committee, the report by businesses, it is out of the question to examine one month.

When viewed from the normal practice, to make a determination that basis, there is a need for a minimum of two years. (important)

Risk assessment 'stress test' specification is seeking operators report.

This report, through the authorized administrative bodies and external committee that the target is to be the most
important basis of the final report. The operators work accident in their own division, the economic boundary conditions,
the desire to internal processing is a natural interest consciousness.

Therefore, all of the business part of the business of the business's own SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,
have been operated safely, that you do not take measures to improve costly, to try to Kenji,
nature is such interest consciousness.
Therefore, the business side of professional hit to create the report has not been independently.

Independence of the regulatory authority

The ultimate goal of risk assessment 'stress test', the country (headquarters), or, as an international corporation, in areas related to its business, to obtain a common assessment of the safety of the business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. as a sound result, which is, as an international corporation, the country (headquarters) or, as may be submitted to international government agencies of regional countries about the business, it is to create a report with independence.

The report, the country (headquarters), or, countries in the region related to the business is to submit a report to be
acceptable to the conclusion jointly.

Of independence Third-party external committee

The current (2016 October 1), SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. risk assessment to 'stress test' audit team committee,
all of the business part of the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
(branch offices, factories, employees with only technical ability can be evaluated the safety of the management consultant business
· Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and headquarters) is that it does not.

Thus, to summarize some of the robustness report (conclusion) is a third-party external committee.

Third-party external committee, SCG Sawada and consulting all the business units of the Group Co., Ltd.
domestic demand Affairs guidance and technology (branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·
Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and headquarters) the guidance,
professional as possible guidance, is qualified to be acceptable to the outside of the professional company
with a performance and achievements and technology.

Thus, based on the totality of all of the business part of the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
(branch offices, factories, management consultant business · Robot business applications software business and
in-house Affairs business and headquarters), expertise on robust safety as a company, the following companies,
that the audit request of the SCG Sawada Consulting group Co., Ltd. third-party external committee,
risk assessment 'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada was proposed.

(1) Management Consultants Division → USA Boston Consulting Group, Inc.

(2) Robot business → USA irobot Corporation

(3) application software → The main consideration in

(4) general affairs and secretary Division → USA Boston Consulting Group, Inc.

That to ask outside experts to hand so that you can tolerate the technical guidance with a robust safety,

Risk assessment 'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada is, and words and deeds,
when the committee started to discuss, as an expert in third-party external committee that independence,
if it is possible to evaluate the audit risk, safety of SCG Sawada Consulting group Co., Ltd.
has argued that can be collateral.

As a result, for the general public, business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., have a safe research and
development with a robustness. By a third party outside committee of experts with independence, risk assessment
'stress test' is, the formulation of the report that there is credible,
and improvements were made measures in light of the audit results, accountable to the general public It is fulfilled.

The country (headquarters) or, in business, relevant country, it is possible to submit a reliable audit reports in the area.
It should be noted that, for technical guidance accepted by a third party external committee elected as well as the expert of independence, and after the start-up risk assessment 'stress test' audit team committee, discussions with members decision.

Effectiveness of the audit procedures

To enhance the credibility of the report and procedures for accountability, risk assessment 'stress tests'
Audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada is, SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., as international corporations,
world common language international report (English translation) was Quotations that to be applied to the audit continued.

Audit, to be terminated from the start up to four months (provisional), a city in the risk assessment
'stress test' audit team committee,

Explanation: The sound audit procedures, there is a need for detailed preparation of the verifier,
which corresponds to it.

① that work time is short.

② amount of work to be enormous.

③ can be evaluated in the division thing.

④ that the experts of the number of people is limited.

Given these, be embodied in the evaluation of the business of various SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., such as can be proposal problem, a thorough audit procedures, be prepared and implemented in a healthy shape is, in any case it is impossible.

A variety of data and calculation methods, assumptions of safety parameters, and the complexity of the interdependence
of internal SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Division is intertwined multiple very macro-parameters,
is it, risk evaluation greatly influences the results of the 'stress test'.

In the audit test, under the level that has been verified, also in the sense of a large part determine the safety of the
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Division, to trust the authenticity of the parameters,
SCG Sawada Consulting Group to build the foundation of the business of the Corporation.

Risk assessment 'stress test' audit team members, is appointed to each division thing,
it must also be taken into account that they are configured.

In addition, the results of the regular risk assessment 'stress test', the client destination in the consultant contract is,
in the case of the SCG Sawada-risk assessment of Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
'stress test' disclosure request, be disclosed to open.

All of the division of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., headquartered in countries and near government agencies and surrounding area of ​​the (branch offices, factories, management consultant business · Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and headquarters) everybody - it is a company that in everyone of the general public have taken safety measures.
Clearly leads to be open disclosure is peace of mind and, by the audit results of the risk assessment 'stress test',
improved division of quality and brand, as a product with effective, robustness is recognized over a long period of time so,
it is to make an effort every day.
Koichi Sawada was discussed risk assessment as a 'stress test' audit team representative committee.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Risk assessment 'stress test' of the specification

               Chapter Ⅰ part conclusion

(1) limitation of the scope of application of the risk assessment 'stress tests'

(2) and a clear 'evaluation criteria', 'acceptance criteria'

(3) 'independent' report that 'safety'

(4) health evaluation without the interests of the experts involved in the risk assessment 'stress tests'

Therefore, the report of the risk assessment 'stress test' is, primarily SCG Sawada Consulting Group Business Co., Ltd.
(branch offices, factories, management consultant business · Robot business applications software business and
in-house Affairs business and headquarters) in quality brand that such a report is created in order to reveal to be desirable.
And, under the limited scope of application, if there is a defect in the method and procedures,
as Torieru measures beyond the robustness and design criteria for all of the business of
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,

・Safety systems, specific step-by-step changes in the sequence of events the loss of fully functional
  (Cliff edge effects).

Time until the solstice to damage threshold

The proposed SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. 'stress test'
is a first step towards the harmonization of the world's safety standards as an international company,
aimed at international cooperation corporation.

Koichi Sawada was discussed risk assessment as a 'stress test' audit team representative committee.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

Comprehensive risk assessment for the business unit requirements of 'stress tests'

Chapter Ⅱ Part

SCG comprehensive risk assessment that is reliable for the business of Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
(branch offices, factories, management consultant business · Robot business applications software business
and in-house Affairs business and head office) the conditions of the 'stress tests' to realize,
what is needed? It must answer to the problem.

In order to identify the current situation, and the future of the business, that it is a risk assessment of the order to continue
'stress test', must recognize that it is, definition and purpose is a factor of the approach.

To do this, or 'disorder' What's for to continue the definition and purpose of the business?
There is a need to know.

SCG Sawada-Consulting Group Co., Ltd. business defect to correct as much as possible of the
(branch offices, factories, management consultant business · Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and headquarters), options,

① improvement of the current defect factor

②Construction of the current step procedure

Able to meet the two requirements is important.


Compensate for the shortcomings of the process steps of the business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
(branch offices, factories, management consultant business · Robot business applications software business and in-house
Affairs business and headquarters), a comprehensive, risk assessment 'stress test from ',
in order to ensure the continuation of sound business unit obtained, we recommend the following points.

Recommendation 1: Definition of the robustness of the level

Intelligences adopted acceptance criteria system of the company, to determine the robustness of Level 4.

Level 1: Basic scenario (the normal course of business operation)

Level 2: Assumption of abnormal event (additional safety margin)

Level 3: Postulated initiating event (highest robustness of the brand level)

Level 4: Rare event. Multiple corruption events and severe brand damage event

Level 1, the position basically normal course of business the home position, level 2 to level 3 of the above it is,
determine the additional safety margin corresponding to the sequentially severe stress scenario

The highest level 4, business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., and shall meet the highest of robustness level.
The difference of the step-by-step robustness level, redundancy and diversity, or, to apply a step-by-step requirements
for stochastic factors that sufficient grounds, the process steps and settings.

Recommendation 2: Report of inclusiveness

Risk assessment of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. 'stress test' audit
team committee established by the Board, under the scope of the current risk assessment 'stress test',
of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. in the reporting entity (branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·
Robot business applications software business - robustness of the description of internal Affairs business and head office) is,
the, to cover the business operating conditions of all divisions, for the filing of the following problems,
it should be given to the report.

Robustness multiple protection level 1: Basic scenario (the normal course of business operation)

· The existing description of the aging management plan

· The existing description of the business experience feedback plan

・Quality brand of boundary (such as the current state of allowable defect signs and fatigue analysis)

・Plant status report, including the number of times items and trends of specific events

Robustness multiple protection level 2: Assumption of abnormal event (additional safety margin)

・Postulated initiating event list included, in the robustness level of protection

・Envisioned applicable acceptance criteria of abnormal events

・nalysis method, the model used in the analysis. Application requirements for boundary conditions

• If the abnormal event has occurred, application requirements for the required systems and components
 in order to meet the acceptance criteria

Robustness multiple protection level 3: Postulated initiating event (highest robustness of the brand level)

• From the robustness multiple protection levels 1 to 2 components, the components are independent. This component,
 SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. business (branch offices, factories, management consultant business,
Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and headquarters) strategy system
 in the business system and each business unit in the Robot - including the application software business the support
 of the computer system.

・ Application requirements working step procedures during work accidents required to meet the acceptance criteria
 when these events occur.

Robustness multiple protection level 4: Rare event. Multiple corruption events and severe brand damage event

・Take into account that have been events / state list

・Applicable applicable acceptance criteria in-state

· Severe brand damage (business accident management) report of application requirements

Recommendation 3: report of quality
Report that risk assessment is the basis of 'stress test' is,
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Is intended to reflect the current status of,
The future of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
A report that represents the path of the circulation figure.
The report, are those intellectuals, has been checked and confirmed,
A reasonable parameters and verification method
Based on that and say guarantees are intended to be made.
Although that engineering judgment is used is assumed,
It is appropriate, and the macro method according to strict chemical and strict technology
Two under conservative judgment, it is important to confirm.

Recommendation 4: Clarity and transparency

It is proposed risk assessment 'stress test' Shosa team representative committee Koichi Sawada
Procedures of the audit report, by the report of the proceedings of the rules,
Of certain of independent evaluation can be compensated partially.
Business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,
It is the first step to give a clear and transparency.

① audit search report refers to, that to clarify the structure of the report.

②Documentation of the applied evaluation criteria

③ basic reporting by the operators,By country of the country and the related division of the headquarters of the business,
Alternatively, such as the basic data for the general public it can be viewed on the grounds Reinforcement is needed.

Recommendation 5:Prevention of work accidents
Risk assessment of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. 'stress test' is,The second stage should be evaluated the work
accident prevention capacity of the Division (branch offices, factories, management consultant business ·
Robot business applications software business and in-house Affairs business and headquarters) in.

This is, robustness protection safety measures against any foreseeable initiating event, to prevent the work accident,
these measures is subject to evaluation whether it meets the state of the art.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.Question that the safety of the key to business accident of Division
(branch offices, factories, management consultant business · Robot business applications software business and
in-house Affairs business and headquarters) is indicated as important for the following reasons.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group division in the business operation of the Corporation among the
(branch offices, factories, management consultant business · Robot business applications software business and
in-house Affairs business and headquarters) all of the business, business accident that standard correspondence those
that meet the stringent requirements of prevention robustness protection design is none.

As a reason, each business unit, vary greatly depending on the operating life and design conditions.

It is different from the situation of robustness protection design, with impressions of each business unit,
and the like that the residual risk is significantly different. The evaluation in order to elucidate the residual risk,
it is necessary to test possible safety standards. For such safety assessment, the basis for up to the optimum
in the evaluation that is legally binding, the survey criteria for risk assessment 'stress test' audit team Committee,
does not exist at this stage.

Risk assessment that can be applied in order to complement the 'stress test', as the common base that is generally agreed,
in the justice of Japan, there is a safety consideration obligations under the Companies Act 'safety objective'.

On the basis of the basic safety principles of these 'safety objective', by constantly improving the safety on a case-by-case basis,
risk assessment 'stress test' audit team committee internal investigation's report of results, be made the foundation become.
In order to apply the prevention of work accidents actually is, there is a need for more detailed evaluation criteria
(criteria to be achieved) is. Further, it becomes operational accident prevention defining it.

As much as possible the prevention of work accidents, achieved in the best possible way, in order to optimize the safety
measures of the business during business operation, for the requirements that must be met, the international level,
the national level of the criteria as a headquarters location as an international corporation company the filling,
reaches the position of the advanced research and development domain area of ​​large enterprise and advanced universities
in developed countries, risk assessment and 'stress test'.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., in the light of the test possible criteria for establishing the necessary measures
level to work accident prevention requirements as of their own business, or work accident prevention measures
before is how to depart? Become strange can be identified 'delta'.

Audit report, also fully documented and the results of the question-and-answer session, to publish Omotte transparency.

Audit Committee all team everyone discussed Gogoto is the first of the first step

Then, when the installation of the committee must be to build a committee with the purpose and
definition of meaningful Koichi Sawada was recommended.

SCG Sawada Consulting comprehensive risk assessment for the Group Co., Ltd.

Division requirements of the 'stress tests'

Conclusion of the first Ⅱ Part

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.The main prediction lesson of would work accident and occupational
accident prevention that may arise in the future of,Management system of human resources factor of
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Division is to have not been well-known.
Further, it has not been checked in the business safety standards. Or,Such a verification, in the original timetable,
be mentioned that was not located in the extraction stage the problem of the risk assessment 'stress test'
to the 2015 Terms of Service.Returns to its application that is not process, immediately to the 2017 Terms of Service,
enter this risk assessment to 'stress test' to prepare for the effective.

Risk assessment to be carried out in 2017 'stress test' is to limit the scope and methodology,
A safe business deeply involved defects in the operation of the business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. as the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Representative Director Koichi Sawada, as risk assessment 'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada, first becomes a thing to be elucidated, it is extremely insufficient.

And its inadequate risk assessment to 'stress test' the first of the first step,
As a company that can be shared with everyone of external experts and the general public,
it is possible to improve and reform,In the most important indicator position.
From such a thing, the approach of a two-step such as the following is required for the future.

1.Risk assessment limited approach of the 'stress test' is,
The definition of the acceptance criteria, thus it is necessary to attach grade robustness.
Request items in the report on the existing robustness multiple protection design of the business of
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., giving even more transparency, write the safety measures of the business of
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Business etc. to compare and contrast in parts, it should be codified
as healthy common foundation can be obtained. Against Data and documents, set a more strict and stringent requirements item,
in the future, reports and the main foundation document should be disclosed to the general public. Therefore,
the audit procedures (question and answer) is fully documented, should be placed in the position of the publication
of the domain region.

2.In the risk assessment of 2017 'stress test' process,In the business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,
Including the prevention of work accidents, it should be the basis for the business a comprehensive risk assessment
that corresponds to the technology in the safety of the stage 'stress test'.
Based on the survey results of work accidents in the past various companies, it should be the basis of a lack of safety
goals in the business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. and has a comprehensive risk assessment 'stress test'.
As the first of the first step, safety requirements items, including success criteria (gradually advanced) is,
given the level up to the region of the state available. Then, continue to continue its area, to the safety goals,
applied to business operations running, business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,
the most, and apply the request item that was the best.
For this purpose, based on the check list that enumerates the success criteria for the safety check of robustness multiple
protection system, 2017 Terms of Service shall be possible to perform a sound risk assessment 'stress test'.
It is the responsibility of the international corporation SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,
in the same business information on the safety status of the business,It will be able to meet to share and provide information.

It included Ⅰ: the scope of responsibility (domestic sector)

1. Safety goal
Representative institutions of authority and the company's representative director

Authority of the representative director

· Representative Director, to inward manner is effective the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders
 or the Board of Directors as the executive body.

・Such as day-to-day operations to enforcement to determine the delegated matters by the general meeting
 of shareholders or board of directors.

・In the Commercial Code, shares or debentures of the application certificate create, share certificates,
 stock such as underwriting manual, receivables signature, the Articles of Incorporation of Keeping,
financial statements and the accompanying specification of prepared and submitted-Keeping, the publication refers to,
 It is defined as a director mandate of.

Those with these enforcement nature is, to clarify the mandate of the representative director.

Representative organization of company

・Representative Director, Externally, with a representative authority as the representative organization of the company.
 Acts of representative directors, is as it is recognized as an act of the company.

On Director, on all of the trial related to sales of the company or have the authority to make the extra-judicial acts,
 even to limit it, not be against the good faith of a third party.' And provisions It is.
 (261 Article three paragraphs, Article 78 paragraph (1) binomial)

The scope of the representation right of Representative Director, extends to our business in general of the company.

2. Safety goal
Responsibilities and act and obligations of Representative Director

Responsibilities and actions of Representative Director

If the act of representative director is seen objectively, to be recognized as related to sales of the company,
 Even if the representative director has for his personal, the act,
 Effect is caused to the company as an act of the company.

Representative Director, based on the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders,
 board of directors, made in-house and externally to business execution.

Obligation of Representative Director

・Relationship between directors and the company is a delegation.

Directors, for the company, according to the delegation of the spirit as mandatory,
 Pay attention as a good manager, must process the delegation business.

Under the Code,'Directors, in compliance with the resolution of the set as well as the shareholders'
 meeting of laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation,It stipulates that an obligation faithfully
 to execute their duties for the company. '(3 of 254 Article)

3. Safety goal Accountability, mandate of the Representative Director

Accountability of representative director

・Representative Directors shall, with respect to matters that are seeking a legitimate accountability, can not be denied.

・Directors and corporate auditors, in the shareholders general meeting of shareholders,
 the matters which sought clarification,

If you do not have a relationship with the objective matter of the meeting.

By description, trade secret leakage, etc., if the serious detriment of the interests of shareholders.

When describing, except when there is an equal, legitimate reason for requiring the investigation,
 per the question, it must be the explanation. (3 of the Commercial Code 237 Article)

Mandate of the Representative Director

・The decision-making and business of the audit related to business operations of the company, to act as a representative.

Representative Directors shall, as a director, which was given the right to represent the company,
 General meeting of shareholders or, on the basis of the decision-making of the executive of the Board of Directors,
 The internally, when executive act itself of the company,
 Externally, with the authority of the need specific permanent authority to represent the company.

・Representative Directors shall always serve as the members of the status of the general meeting of shareholders
 or board of directors.

 Has the integrity of the decision-making and execution itself, improve the determination of the duties.

・Legal, representative director is a representative body of the company, is not a representative body to the Board of Directors.

4. Safety goal Credit research and objective investigation in the company

・Research and analysis from the bank

・Research and analysis from the human (personal connections)

・Research and analysis from the money (financial)

・Research and analysis from the mono (equipment)

Research and analysis from the human (personal connections)

・If there is a credit to the president?

Credit investigation of Representative Director

① decision force

② leadership

③ honesty

④ solidity

⑤ courage

⑥ person or that wearing the morality (correct resistance, which discern the moral) as a businessman?

・Morality that will be on all of the basic is the 'sincerity'.

Sincerity of antonyms (one-man, self-righteous, vain, pushy, haphazard)
 Often in weak headlong type counting surface.

Research and analysis from the money (financial)

・Financial statements analysis

・Profit and loss statement of importance.Explore the source of profits.

・Or you have read the flow of the balance of the demand by-time series?

・Processing in the counting surface of the expansion algebra and reduction algebra
 (in the long term, also, whether you are a short-term improvement measures?)

Research and analysis from the facility

・Or the construction of enterprise development of the basic strategy that increases productivity is made?

・Or in the manufacturing industry, there is more than one strategy of the means of production?


① or facility design view is tied to an increase in sales?

② or excessive funds in capital investment is not fixed?

③ or capital investment, do not squeeze the cash flow?

④ whether there is excessive equipment? Or a security margin is?

Comprehensive evaluation

・Credit survey, analyze the three-point of people, money, and equipment.

・Information gathering

・Care must be taken in the 'blind spot of the investigation report.'

Included Ⅱ: evaluation of comprehensive safety standards (factory sector)

1. Safety goal Normal business operation and abnormal events and business accident prevention
Safety objectives of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. for each factory,
It is those related to the robust multiple protection of level 1 and level 2.
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., the new plant (Marine investigation Robot factory) is, with the following goals, to expect that the design, location, construction, commissioning and operation.

Marine survey Robot factory, by strengthening the ability to stay within the range of steady-state operation,
 Possible to reduce the frequency of abnormal events.

By strengthening the capacity of the marine survey Robot factory to control the abnormal event,
 That recommend the optimal potential in an accident situation by escalation.

Safety goals,Are you on target measures on the design of marine research Robot factory?

Actually running the various problems of the site to list UP,
Long-term service-improvement - reform - restructuring - renovation of maritime research Robot factory running operation - and, blue blueprint until solstice to sale assets of decommissioning, closure and land as
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Representative Director up create a photo, the blueprint along
with the factory division chief, in SCG Sawada Consulting group shares meeting all team force,
raise create a blueprint.

Durability and cost of plant


The important thing in the process step to create a blueprint of maritime research Robot factory,
in combination with the material quality and processing technology, under the operating conditions,
it is important to have the durability to aging, such as corrosion is there.
That pool test water quality in the plant equivalent of water quality test sea and necessary to
the corrosion resistance at the time of a particular normal operation
(normal operation time level 1 and level 2) has been specified.
Do the monitoring of pool water quality of the sea and the same component, in the case of marine research Robot
from the specified parameters has deviated, to detect at an early stage, prevent the influence of as hazardous
substances due to corrosion in the equipment and the like (recall or, maritime research removal and recovery of Robot)
is is that with the proviso.

In addition, as the cost saving means of the time of the removal and recovery,
At this stage, V22 improved aircraft: marine survey ROBOT recovery aircraft
(One aircraft 10 billion yen + test training navigation system cost price 2.0 billion = provisional 12 billion yen)
As it is a but a study of the introduction, the company (corporation),
The company pays a large amount of spending of only only 'failed Robot recovered,
Not be able to accept possibly. In addition, it was also contrary to the ethics of the company. '

However, for the failed Robot, in the moral ethics of the global environment,
And 'recovery of Robot failed at sea is an obligation of the company.'
Clearly answered as SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd..

On the other hand, is also based on the idea of ​​representative director Koichi Sawada individuals who would like a free service,
there is a possibility that can contribute SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Representative Director fee Most of the property 12 billion yen of research and development expenses of Merit as a table individual,
in self-sacrifice spirit, intention of representative individuals, which shows the idea of ​​the spirit of dedication to the
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. is generally respected,

Various recovery strategies (Robot each other system development and business part of the independent
and private consignment to the company to recover) the long-term circulation diagram to become recovery cost to
consider while shareholders' meeting of the resolutions of the Robot failed at sea as a company
It showed to be on the agenda as.

The cost definition, 'in order to make the calculation basis of fair consideration, the blue light-emitting diode (LED) worth of'
patents by reference to the audit corporation litigation problem of acceptable amount of 20 billion yen '
to put to the assessment mind. And ', in the exclusive economic zone in the ocean, not only in defense and disaster
information ocean zone, wave energy information application tools, etc., as a sales strategy of
maritime research Robot which indicates a role with a wide range of versatility,
each of the state to develop design in conjunction to specificity, mediocrity of the economic growth.

Aging management system
If you want to achieve the goal to say that reducing the frequency of abnormal events, safety and most importantly,
there is what kind of functions and constitutional material to be used in the plant,
robust manner good maritime research Robot factory (and maritime research Robot) say that you have the quality of
any materials to bring out the specificity, it is a pre-material research and audit.

Or marine research Robot factory, leakage of valves and pumps, the malfunction, can be how to prevent?

This important issue is, when maritime research Robot factory of the blueprint process, design drawing process
in the aging management system, and be strongly dependent on the 'reliability of the investigation and audit
of the quality of the material.'

The requirements to ensure good material quality, wide-ranging types of scientific and physical use and
manufacturing methods, type of welding, quality assurance procedures to optimal for the production of equipment,
inspection of the type and frequency during operation , factory indoor temperature and the electrical system of the trouble,
the standby power supply corresponds to the power failure, it is important to the reliability of the investigation
and audit of the quality of the material in the monitoring of the aging process of change adjustment,
and material of the wave of stock.

Portions to be fill is fill, to manage the scrutiny aging of the lead after the design step to the construction of 'safety',
it is an important system to prevent human error.

Quality test
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Marine investigation Robot of plant-specific measures In the quality test,
'Marine research Robot factory safety standards' is, to provide the success criteria apply mutatis mutandis to this.
These success criteria, for the material, has been obliged to define the specific specifications,
it must be equipped with a quality assurance system.

For the aging problem, whether comprehensive aging management system has been implemented?
Be checked. Effectiveness of the system, has to prove operators.
In short, operators, at the factory site, the fact that 'there is no problem in the aging management system.',
Is to demonstrate in the field.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group, Inc. 'Marine research Robot factory safety standards.'
Workable during operation inspection along is to be performed, the operation during the test for identifying
the initial material anomaly, the safety-related equipment in the form of a periodic test inspection,
are all maintenance and adjustment quality test to say that is shown as the admissibility of evidence.

If, in case this does not apply as evidence capacity, for the sake of robust safety, preventive measures against
the abnormality of aging, in a third-party external Committee, and a step to demonstrate that safety is guaranteed to.

To do this, SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. risk assessment 'Sutoresute
Strike '' Shosa team Committee, as border measures, at sea investigation Robot in the factory,
Aged deterioration, systematically the effect on the integrity of the components of the pressure wall,
Regular quality test implementation of preventive measures for a particular observation and risk aversion
'aging management system' is desirable for the future of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd..

Control room design
Safety goal by escalation, reducing the possibility of reaching accident situation effectively manage abnormal events.
By safety prevention strategy, it must be carried out every thing in order to avoid an accident situation.

This is, the internal pressure of the marine survey Robot in the factory, or beyond the limits critical of normal operation,
more in the temperature management and factory utilization plant, macro dust inspection and the like from the machine,
as well as was approved reference range, unexpectedly unexpected by accident, by a chemical reaction of the substance
and the substance, as also macro risk potentially harmful substances occurs,
it must be unexpected assumption.

Also the factors, at sea investigation Robot factory design process period, to contractors and material suppliers,
Check the technical opinion, effectively in intelligent Dent for returning to always normal operation of the plant
The design process of the control room that analysis to it is important.

Human error on the operation, avoid in it to develop human-machine interface, the HMI.
The human-machine interface, between the machine and the human, the human beings of the request to the machine,
Or it means for transmitting in order to understand the state of the machine in humans, but to achieve many cases under
certain ideas, was designed to achieve or implement.

Case, from a human side to issue a command to the machine as a 'manipulation', the command transmission if detection machine is the
specific act carried out by the human is achieved. Of the human-machine interface to design the means, 'Human from the machine' side.

Machine appeal to any one or more of the human senses to notify the state to humans, is a design process to be able to
detect it with human sensory organs.
Thus, as one of the ways to achieve the safety objectives defined, the human-machine interface of information
and cause and analysis equipment is to respond to step-by-step.

Work accident, 'representative director did not know. Designer, could not be assumed.' Can not do in. By accident,
the risk and responsibility of the case that was stopped in the hands of the people,
there is also a case to be a heavy responsibility than the representative and designers.
In order to eliminate the mitigation of risk and responsibility of these site also,
so that the mistake does not lead to mistakes,
it is necessary to improve the accuracy of the human work improve technology and machinery.

In order to manage this,
Requirements ergonomic design of the control chamber is important.

Factory outer fence flood Proving Ground

In urban economic research, the heat island phenomenon and guerrilla heavy rains, heavy rain,
such as occurs in the jungle right on the equator, the more increases the frequency of occurrence across the century.

In the metropolitan area, abnormal phenomenon that can occur is also the period in which the rain every day,
eventually peacetime phenomenon (every day is rain.) And made it is, has come in the period in which can occur either.
Subway flooded and urban road construction, in stuck in the car, flooded with 1m · 2m. Negative events that Anbiribabo
an incredible who said 'Vehicle drowning' is, has come to do so, not far period.

In the maritime survey Robot factory design of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,
There is a step to build the underground spillway to the factory shell. Incorporated into marine research Robot factory
design process the underground pressure water tank in order to deal with the sudden heavy rain.

The underground pressure water tank is a design process that confines in the basement like pressure water tank so that
the guerrilla heavy rain that falls instantly negative chain does not occur.
However, if the construction work for confining in the basement like pressure water tank may be Makasere as a public business.
SCG Sawada Consulting Group and maritime research Robot Factory Co., Ltd., in the second factory outer fence flood
Experiment Station from the indoor pool Proving Ground, as the final test of a wave with a height difference of
guerrilla heavy rain, the second plant outer fence flood final proving ground with the idea of ​​combination.

In addition, damage accident etc. in internal underground pressure water tank is also based, for the sake of safety,
regarding the factory outer fence flood test field, the continued guidance of the outer fence flood control channel
team of city government agencies that are developed, to ensure the safety implementation item terms and conditions
of the inspection and the like are also necessary. If, and it pointed out as a risk assessment
'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada.

※ For outer underground spillway, tsunami and floods and guerrilla heavy rain, etc.,
in the case of the extensive large disaster caused by water damage, even in the Cabinet Office and the
Tokyo Metropolitan Disaster Prevention room, strictly calculated exhausted design the flow of the water flow in the
flood swollen late is a process outline underground spillway, it is possible to reduce the flood swollen accident,
also supports the process of post-flood swollen are means and with a position that is appropriate.
In addition, the threat of tsunamis and water caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, deprive until instantaneous
evacuation travel time of the evacuees, as a lesson the threat of threat-wave of the water flow, in the dense metropolis,
outline underground floodway has been effective.

It should be noted that in the extensive flood disaster in urban areas, but there is also a minority opinion
also underground water discharge theory,
In the Road Traffic Act, important business operations carry a person, a day 500,000 migrants,

Safety do that to evacuate on the ground that the scientifically possible?

No one has been also calculated the flow of water,
Who will decide on when and how the timing of the responsibility of the water discharge permit to the subway
to get also occur secondary disaster?

However, underground water discharge theory, only armchair theory calculation of responsibility theory,
cost-effectiveness and transfer time
Should be is underground water discharge theory's as crisis management.

In the case of daily subway 500,000 users expected

If it proceeds 100m to ①1 capita 1 minute,

② the case of 50 people of the induction's, induction 10,000

③ speed of the unit (per minute to evacuees per person per minute 100m) = journey of the unit (100m) ÷ time of unit (1 minute)

④ last time of evacuees to (1 million people)

2. Safety goal Accident without a factory heart of the control room

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., marine research Robot factory, when it is design, location, construction,
commissioning, operation, set the following goals.

Accident and without even a control room, or not affect the off-site?

 Even if, it is a minor effect that does not require outdoor shelter-blame.

In a range that can be achieved without difficulty, any type of disaster or corruption or damage to be considered, and in consideration of the complex events,
 possible to reduce the damage frequency of the control room is the heart of the factory.

・Possible to reduce the release of the human toxic substances.

・In order to reduce the impact of disasters and malicious acts is the external environment,
 in the location and the design process, to perform the necessary consideration.

The safety goals can be applied to the operation of the overall marine survey Robot factory.
Among the robustness protection design, these tools are those that belong to the critical level which provides protection
against the design basis accidents. Thus, as safety goals, it will be designed based on ergonomics specificity
CPU control room of the control room and the control room, leading to support the behavior of the safety-oriented employees.

Assumption of the accident in the design criteria determining step

A crisis event status of limit events or limit situation at the plant operating conditions
(start of operation - the end of the operation), not only the control room is the heart of the factory,
a test run of the marine survey Robot, such as the pool, other regard to facilities,
require that more systematic analysis.

By meeting these requirements, reduce the frequency of accidents that can lead to the melting condition of uncontrolled
scenarios and control room, lowers the release rate of the harmful substances generated by the unexpected happen
obtained without accident, the melt in the control chamber and design criteria that can be protection against a fault.

For this goal, an event that can occur in and out, the composite event is considered,
at sea surveys Robot plant design process, must be checked whether it is considered.

'Marine research Robot factory safety standards draft' is a comprehensive list of events plant should correspond
Like, and a number of natural 'external events persist in the long term', or, assuming the composite event of
human specific external influences, as well as assumption of the accident of the composite event of external
influences and internal influence.
Be carried robustness protection design of various hazard levels is the preparation phase of the design criteria,
occur under the rated operating conditions, assuming a simulation of events complex elephants accident.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. risk assessment 'stress test' audit team
The opinion as a representative committee Koichi Sawada, the safety assessment is level 1 in the accident assumed
in the preparation phase of the blueprint process, by any chance, after the accident, even if the control room in a stopped state,
be set to the operation state, the heart part contribution in the frequency of accidents damaging the control room is
is the accident damage comparable. Therefore, be systematically consider the stop condition,
the safety margin is the key at the risk of the second stage evaluation 'stress test'. It argued that.

In the control room, control of the accident, the focus is placed on the operating core. However,
the scope of application of robustness multiple protection is should cover the risks arising from the factory running,
it is in the test run pool, the electrical system should also be the target.

In this way, in the design criteria determining step period, with maritime research Robot factory,
lifted the defect, design processes and factory utilization test period, during operation, operation •
After 24 hours full operation, and, consideration life and waste of factory up to the real estate buying and
selling for the furnace and land re-use, performs a discussion of safety management and accident management was assumed,
it must be raised to create a long-term management plan.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. risk assessment 'stress test' audit team representative committee
Koichi Sawada has complained to the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Koichi Sawada.

Human error and the 50-minute rule

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. risk assessment 'stress test' audit team
Representative committee Koichi Sawada is another area of ​​improvement has been emphasized,
'human error is likely to impair the robustness protection, exist not a little.'

More automatic or, introduced a passive complete system, it is necessary to establish a circulating cycle concept of
'marine survey Robot assembly work time of 50 minutes regime'.

Physiological break time and the pre-break time (10 minutes), the user, to technology workers,
the case within working hours is 8 hours more than six hours, breaking up consideration of that particular
conjunction with the women's point of view (makeup including the travel time of up to room,
or to install a factory design on restroom to the factory center?
Or 10 minutes for a reasonable? By giving a grace period etc.), the blueprint to shift to the smooth working time without panic,
to reduce human error.

Therefore, the safety critical event, have the potential to cause common cause failure
(that influence the redundancy specific safety systems).

In addition, robustness multiple protection system stop in the control room should not be manually activated.
In other words, the manual is a human error, leading to miss the primary mistake causes a secondary disaster.
In the 'marine survey Robot factory safety standards', the hands of the safety system to the initial accident scenario
A dynamic start-up should not be. Always, in accordance with an instruction from the control room of the CPU Manual,
it is possible to reduce to a minimum of accident damage,
leading to suppress human error.

Break time grant duty

A user, for the workers, at least 45 minutes if working hours is within eight hours more than six hours,
the obligation to give the middle of the working hours of the break time of at least 1 hour in the case of
more than 8 hours there (labor standards Act 34 paragraph 1).

If labor continues a long period of time, after which bring fatigue to the mind and body of workers,
may become disaster-prone, because the efficiency is also likely to be lowered,
it is what it was decided to give a break time for recovery from fatigue. In addition, the break time,
we also have more aggressive means, such as freedom of recovery for the technology worker workers.

Break time is the preparation time for the next work. In the technology worker set preparation and of the machine,
the time to move to the next process chamber. In addition, some technicians to each other,
even in time to the feelings of the refresh. In the break time, or try five minutes before action in preparation
for the hydration and work start, it is desirable to keep such as soon as possible to go to the Restroom.

Rest room is, and all private room type (men, s as well), private room in also, robot vacuum cleaner (irobot Inc.)
(height 92mm) so that the pass by, opened under the floor 150mm a private room in the Todoa,
cleaning the floor in the time difference workplace-stairs in the factory ~ dress room ~ private room
in the up to 100 units of the robot vacuum cleaner is in the factory operation end.

Electricity use restriction period based on the Electricity Business Act (or, production busy season),
the shift into the early morning work-night shift work, reduce power usage. 'After the Fourier's law'
phenomenon due to thermal conduction (hot air with basket), release the hot air generated by the heat conduction
as avoidance research and testing of the human heat island phenomenon to the test pool (as subtropical sea test).
The hot air generated by the heat conduction, in order not to destroy the external and internal environment,
the development of large clean filter.

During break time and the close of business, the technician, dust is not visible to the whole body first AI
(element 13 aluminum) · CFRP (carbon fiber resin), metals and non-metal micro (very small amount) is to
Kuringu washed with air pressure shower , so that do not have an adverse effect on the human body,
.and designed to return home employees as a safety consideration obligation.

Multiple corruption situation that exceeds the design criteria

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. of the safety goals of robustness protection level
(at the time of investigation committee established,. That consultation formulate a draft range of up to levels 1 to 5),
the accident situation being considered, multiple damage is considered 'beyond design conditions' may also occur.
The simulation situation of multiple corruption, all AC power loss and maritime research Robot test luck
All loss of the rolling pool of cooling and the like. The future of these scenarios, at the time of factory utilization,
the target of the risk assessment 'stress test'.

Common cause damage (redundancy and diversity)

In the robust level of protection of the operation system and control functions, in the case of events that can not be controlled,
the safety system, and transferred to a safe state that confines the factory of subcriticality,
cooling, and hazardous substances, are required to be and maintain (provisional robust protection level 3).

Reliability of the safety system, by a suitable combination of redundancy and diversity, must achieve reliability.
This is that the same safety functions are available many times (the redundancy), the different physical and
chemical mechanisms (diversity), meaning that the safety function is ensured each time.
In particular, to minimize the possibility of common cause failure.

These events, as physically-spatially possible, is required to occur away.
For example, in the safety assessment of the fire event, it is necessary to clearly identify common mode possibility of failure
(internal risks associated with the use of fire fighting system) that occur from the separation of redundant capable equipment is incomplete.
The redundancy and diversity of power supply, there is a need for special attention.

In other words, there is a request for a connection with the start-up of the emergency generators soon, done automatically,
that there is no need manual operation. Connection of the manual to start and the bus of the emergency generator,
it is required that when it is possible any time.

Preliminary factors

At sea investigation Robot factory design, due to the movement of the physiological break room or Resutosumu
Design (factory in the center or can shorten the travel time, the plane elevator, etc.) taking into account the environment
blueprint with friendly comfort to people that do not human stress also keenly aware of the need.

The latest of the safety case
Marine survey of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Robot factory blueprint model
Le, a method that has been used in the safety case of the old factory model, the country
(in the headquarters country or the country of the relevant business area) approval procedures is,
there is also a place that is not the case, by the country, the safety case trust might have been lost to.

Thus, it maritime research Robot factory, in order to confirm that it is operating safely is the latest state of the safety case.
In order authorized by the authorization that has changed has been revised from the proceedings of the older old information approval,
in consideration of the promptly corrected, have to demonstrate that correspond to the safety of the requirements
that currency as a safety measure shall.

For example, in order to prevent the damage caused by events that may affect the robustness redundancy of internal
Instrumentation and control facilities inside and factories, in principle, redundant facilities,
such as in a physically remote location from each other , defects and damage to the facility involved in the safety
analyzes taking into account the cause.

Whether or not the mechanical damage identified, with systematic nature?
The clarity.
If there is a suspicion of systematic corruption, immediately along with the reveal it, corrective measures if necessary.
When it has been determined is the corruption throughout the redundancy, the safety-related measures required,
such as inclusion in the procedure of the operation maritime research Robot factory.

Layout design of redundant equipment of safety systems, generally, a plurality of redundant equipment in the event of a fire is,
heat and smoke from a fire, carried out as there is no such thing as a loss in the digestive agent.
About it does not lead to multiple redundancy of loss of emergency power generator facility,
physically separated or protected from each other.

3. Safety goal The final driving test (pool operation test)

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., a marine research Robot factory,
With the following objectives, the design, location, construction, commissioning and operation.

Long-term risk assessment of four years through a process of 'stress test',
 By compliance with the quality standards of the marine survey Robot,The final operation test of the
(pool operation test)Business accident possible to reduce harmful substance release to the marine
 environment that may arise from the (cliff edge effects).

・In the blueprint process, at an early stage, the final driving test (pool operation test)
 leading to a large amount of risk on the fact the accident, eliminating be removed.

In fact, for the risks can not be eliminated and removed, assuming the final driving test (pool operation test) accident,
 in terms of securing and evacuation route of the evacuation time pool area that you can escape to the public,
 pool commissioning technology who must indicate that it is a design that can be enough in the safety protection measures.

Therefore, the permanent evacuation routes and emergency evacuation: time of indoor outdoor evacuation,
a process measures of blueprint with sufficient grace period.
This safety goal is, primarily, to the factory of the final driving test (pool operation test) and the target.

The portion defining the safety objectives to mitigate the impact of the final operation test
(pooled operational test) accident shall apply also risk assessment 'stress tests'.

An object of the present invention is to elucidate the residual risk of maritime research Robot factory. Risk assessment 'Sutoresute
The strike ', should document the measures in the factory to reduce the melting scenario.

As a result, the accident scenario leading to the release and large-scale risk release of risk at an early stage have been identified,
in the design process step, if by any chance, some of the evacuation plans and or entrusted to local residents
(expertise at an early stage or fusion of technology companies and seafood with a tsunami seismic equipment that appropriate?

It is also an important issue to estimate the views of the aquarium or the like)
are the fish breeding leader with fisheries test technician, fish scholar and veterinary license.

Cliff edge effects

The final driving test (pool operation test) important feature that has been adopted in the test,
'cliff edge effect' terminology referred to in the nuclear power generation.
Called a qualitative worsening of the safety conditions.

The cliff edge effect, 'water is beyond the embankment, a large amount of water in the nuclear power plant site infiltration,
Happening loss of AC power supply, battery capacity is also 'be more than a point that would exhausted.

The cliff edge effect, in a nuclear power plant, it is assumed the tsunami,
SCG Sawada-consulting In ing Group Co., Ltd., in marine research Robot factory, by any chance, assuming the collapse
of the pool by a large earthquake, damage of-water intrusion to the CPU of the assembly process of the control room
and maritime research Robot body is the heart is, possible loss of battery capacity also shows the extremely
some important position.

Or the computer is insufficient, since the generating function stop to become a crisis situation, it takes how much time,
cooling device is re-activated? Risk assessment is a point to be evaluated in 'terrestris test' the final driving test
(pool operation test).

These effects and it is, in order to establish a maritime survey Robot factory,
Impact on the safety of the SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.So far, for the safety review of the approval conditions,
regular risk assessment 'terrestris test',SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. Representative Director Koichi Sawada
It has not been considered. And risk assessment 'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada pointed out.

In that sense, risk assessment 'stress test' it is intended to exceed the boundaries of traditional safety analysis,
and those that can give a new outlook to the corresponding risk of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
in these polar situation .

For this reason, the risk assessment of the 'stress test' results, for such accident
To improve the business with the accident prevention of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Recommendations on the technical and organization, in the international community, as an international corporation,
leading to the evaluation of the creditworthiness and reliability. And risk assessment 'stress test'
audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada was discussed.

4. Safety goal Robustness protection level of independence

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., a marine research Robot factory,
With the following objectives, the design, location, construction, commissioning and operation.

By diversity measures, robustness protection level (to strengthen each level individually.)
To strengthen the independence, improve the relative strengthening of the robustness protection in a range
that can be achieved without difficulty.
Not just a single break in a single level, even in complex corruption at multiple levels,
To prevent its expansion, it does not damage the robustness protection of higher level,
It is a common goal of robustness protection of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd..

'Independent of the different protection level indicates a key element in meeting this goal.'

The safety goals are those that can be fully applied to marine research Robot factory running.

In principle, the marine survey Robot safety concept in all operating, those that are built conventionally,
this goal is that say either realized how consistent reality.

Safety standards for maritime research Robot factory in operation ( 'Marine research Robot factory safety standards')
It is, with the integrity of all of the level of robustness protection, to request that the separation.
This safety goal, in order to assess whether the plant is how match, whether it is responsible for the robustness
protection of multiple levels? Regardless, it must prove that acts safety function.
Level 4 of the equipment with safety characteristics of (a provisional level.),
Which device is used for robustness protection of another level? It must be identified.

SCG Sawada of Consulting Group headquarters of the Corporation or the country,
Done in the light of the criteria of the country with a maritime survey Robot factory, by the result of the check,
With respect to safety management, they come to be seen room for safety improvement.

Robustness protection levels 2 and 3, to the effective the facility development of safety measures.
It is, safety measures and facilities maintenance of robustness level 1 and level 2 is, in case you did not function,
safety measures and facilities maintenance of other protection levels, in order to have the independence,
safety-related need the higher level there is a need to build conditions. And, a single technical failure
in the robustness protection levels 1 to 3, or, is behavior that was wrong human is a human error,
so as not to impair the effectiveness of the improvement of the development of the next-level measures and facilities
It is recognized as important.

The significance of the maritime survey Robot

The significance of the maritime survey Robot, the different mediocrity resistance in various regions sphere.

Crisis management systems (such as tsunami sensing from sea cleaning and sea), in the future,
the ability to detect a flock of fish to instantly catch detectors. Monitoring of poachers as crisis management.

National and local governments, companies and fishermen, etc. that require a marine survey ROBOT these projects, the catch
Crackdown, guidance (limit the catch on the basis of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement) to the United Nations high seas fishing side.

If you can shift to the individual solar energy power and wave energy power that has been accumulated on the sea survey
ROBOT from the future, the United Nations and countries, companies and fishermen, solar energy,
stored in the wave energy to individuals of personal computers and smartphones power can demand capable of reducing to individuals,
will new technologies and new market is born. The SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Koichi Sawada has been discussed. However, only that there is a great evil.

Only is it, there is a large defect.
And, risk assessment 'stress test' audit team representative committee

Koichi Sawada pointed out the following drawbacks.

Drawback by marine survey Robot running

(1) Due to global warming, marine research Robot is tuned to the rising sea temperatures.

(2) Due to global warming, marine research Robot is tuned to the seawater of water vapor (typhoons).

(3) Due to global warming, marine research Robot is tuned to the release of methane.

(4) Due to the global environment, the recovery of the global garbage.

(5) Other

Blueprint of maritime research Robot, although in the process step, calculate the amount of heat that is discharged
from the Marine investigation Robot per group, or, on the design structure, in marine research Robot cooling system
the amount of heat per group, seawater temperature there is no harm to the release of water vapor (typhoons) methane rise and seawater,
or recovery circulation diagram not to earth dust has been established? Risk assessment
'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada was discussed.

Leadership and management systems for safety

Oblige things like following for businesses.

If you do not clear this drawback item, not a Robot to put out to the world.

In the period of this risk assessment 'stress test', reforming the shortcomings by the maritime survey Robot running
Good, that to complete the blueprint draft, leads to the next step up. He said.

・Be built reliably the safety management from the design process step.

For the entire maritime research Robot factory construction plan, to establish an effective leadership and
 management systems for safety, sufficient to fulfill their mandatory safety, to have the technical and financial
  resources within the company.

Against all team involved in the marine survey Robot factory construction of the design process of location, design, construction, commissioning, operation and dismantling and closure and factory premises of the real estate buying and selling, maritime research Robot of creation due to the role of secure safety of to demonstrate that you have the awareness to the problem, is it dispose of.

Included Ⅲ: SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

       Safety goals for marine research RobotArm machine

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd., for the maritime investigation Robot factory,
Different from the maritime survey Robot in operation, with the following objectives, design, location,
construction, commissioning,To request that carry out the operation.

01: normal operation, abnormal events and accident prevention

Marine survey Robot factory, by strengthening the ability to stay within the range of steady-state operation,
 possible to reduce the frequency of abnormal events.

By strengthening the capacity of marine survey Robot plant for controlling the abnormal event, the escalation,
 possible to reduce the possibility of leading to an accident situation.

02: accident without melting

Or accident without melting, does not affect the toxic substances outside the premises?

 Even it is a minor effect. (It does not require the indoor shelter and evacuation)

・In the range capable of achieving reasonable.

  Disasters and corruption of every conceivable case, and possible while taking into account the complex events,
  Reduce the frequency of damage.

  Reduce the release of harmful substances from all sources.

 In order to reduce the impact of external disasters and malicious acts,
 carry out the consideration required for the location and design.

03:Arm machine accident

・Long-term also, by strict adherence to quality based on the following criteria,
 to reduce the release of hazardous substances to the potential impact from any chance of melting accident.

Virtually removing the Arm machine accident leading to the early event of mass melting accident.

For fact, Arm machine accidents that can not be removed, to the public, enough with limited protection in terms of
 macroscopic area and time, a sufficient time for carrying out the measures It must be taken to design measures.

04: robustness multiple protection level of independence

By diversity measures, to strengthen the independence of the addition of it to enhance the level each level of
  robustness multiple protection individually, in a range that can be achieved without difficulty,
  improve the relative strengthening of the robustness multiple protection.

05: Safety and security of the interface

To implement the design process in a way that integrates the securing of safety measures and security measures.

 It should seek synergy between safety and security.

06: toxic substances protection and waste management

SCG Sawada-Consulting Group Co., Ltd., the country you are driving a marine survey Robot factory
(Marine investigation Robot factory location countries), to the extent that can be achieved without difficulty,
to defend against harmful substances. In the final blueprint process, it is reduced by design measures leading up to the
waste management and demolition activities, and final decommissioning.

・Individual hazardous substances quantity and the investigation and improvement of the population hazardous substances
 amount to the factory technician.

・Hazardous substance release study and improvement of the environment.

・Waste management and proper disposal.

07: Leadership and management systems for safety

  Oblige things like following for businesses.

・Be built reliably the safety management from the design process step.

For the entire maritime research Robot factory construction plan, to establish an effective leadership and
management systems for safety, sufficient to fulfill their mandatory safety, to have the technical and financial
resources within the company.

Against all team involved in the marine survey Robot factory construction of the design process of location,
  design, construction, commissioning, operation and dismantling and closure and factory premises of the real estate
 buying and selling, maritime research Robot of creation due to the role of secure safety of to demonstrate
 that you have the awareness to the problem, is it dispose of.

Included Ⅳ: SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.

    Safety goal for the cafeteria plan type personnel evaluation

cafe'teria type personnel evaluation system

The cafe'teria type personnel evaluation system,

(1)Enterprise, medium- and long-term management design (Human Resources, General Affairs, accounting) application software

(2User (individual) for, life blueprint (department move and welfare)Application software

Side that employment, and alternatively all the affairs in the application software functions,
Side to be hired, can decision-making in the PC (personal computer) or a smart phone application software
function operation of a system that can decision-making branch point of the alternative is life designed
to calm the time in a quasi-business within the time and private time application is a software function.

Of cafeteria plan type personnel evaluation system

Confinement of accident occurrence of computer virus
Virus infection law (evil virus A  good virus B)

Infect organisms present in nature, the virus serving as a disease of the original is composed of genes and proteins
that wrap it carrying the genetic information. Structure is simple, it is not possible to synthesize their own proteins.
It does not have the organization to convert to - energy to eat something.
Also, do not be able to make a Denpun'n using the sunlight from carbon dioxide and water.
In other words, the virus is a microorganism of the not live on their own.

Evil virus A is, because it does not live on their own, infected with any organism of cells including humans,
breeding and use.While repeating the breeding, the virus results in a disaster that infection to us.
People in order to combat the virus is an effort to minimize the infection to develop a vaccine.
As we human beings are living and breeding, we need also to live virus.
However, there is a problem with the way of life of the virus.

ty, is coming era of coexistence of the people and the virus.
The age is what is a good virus B.

Good virus B is, natto bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, Koji (Koji) is to build a sake, give the benefit to our lives.
That is, the virus A and virus B is a virus that has been disjoint, even duplicate virus AB is present, a temporary incubation period,
are attracted towards that both definitions, the larger the virus A, evil bacteria harm (evil virus a) becomes, the larger the virus B,
things to say that virus AB from the fact that the benefit Zenkin (good virus B) does not exist.
The is evidenced by DPM set theory laws to be characteristic of virus.

Virus infection law
(Computer virus original appearance A computer anti-virus software B)

1950, 'Electric machine' has been developed. This is the predecessor of the computer.
After 10 years, this electronic computer went to evolve as a 'computer' of later.
Then, the computer was phenomenal growth continued to develop.

While achieve phenomenal growth, the risk of program code brings to the PC, in other words, that has come to be studied crisis management leave item, 25 years ago (1987), computer viruses in order to with the definition of the existence wonder,
it is that the three virus 'stoned', 'cascade', 'Friday theiBth' has been created in the laboratory of the University.

Computer viruses in modern also are those produced microscopically in this three.
Harm to the PC in the illegal program, infected with or, is an evolution while operating alone.

Computer viruses, unlike biological virus, the rule has not yet been unified. The current virus, the future of the virus are also a combination of multiple functions, incubation period, while you do not know symptoms of infection, so that before long it takes to disease called computer viruses.
The computer virus is not suddenly occur. Do not download suspicious programs (such as mail or file), do not run the program, what sense of crisis,
it is one of the defense method, is evidenced by the DPM set theory law.

Also, for such measures by cyber attack (white hat), in 2021, changes in the world is seen, considered to be commentary on the application software
development period. (December 2011 SCG Sawada Consulting Group, Inc. Excerpts from the paper [DPM set theory law])

Application software design concept Ⅰ 

If you do not clear the issue with prudence can not be reached until the body.
Body application software (cafe'teria type personnel evaluation system) will be a single red-event-driven program.
In other words, it is possible to run only one of the full program at a time.
To be successful in the creation of this application software (cafe'teria type personnel evaluation system) is,
there is a need to understand the structure and construction method of the system itself.
Application software of each partial place has a Pilot main function which corresponds to the main C program

System to track the application software, call the Pilot main, it sends a track code. Track code, application software, becomes active,
the application software of the user interface to specify to be displayed. Alternatively, application software, and run a small task as a stand-alone,
but also with the preliminary designation be to be specified so as to terminate without displaying the application software of the user interface.
The purpose of the Pilot main function receives the track code, be responsive to the track code.

Application software design concept Ⅱ

Fast-resistance and robustness (robustness), other applica- on the device while maintaining the consistency
 To design the application software that interacts with tions software.

The optimization of the comparative effect, integration and performance of the software to each other that you
 created tested comparative analysis of the data, selecting the superior application software.

③Retention of low-rise backward compatibility in the work of the small limited.

④Development of application software with a reserve capacity to have a game sense, a sense of fun.

Application software expert design, development, and test collection of data by. Hearing from engineers,
  test tube, researchers carried out a design, development, and test data.

⑥The development cycle initial keep paying attention to the guidelines of the guidelines and the
 roller Kai internalization of the user interface and lead to savings and avoid troubles.

The early stages of research and development of the
cafe 'teria plan type personnel evaluation system

cafe’ teria plan
The cafe 'teria plan, out of welfare for employees, more than one menu - is that out of the,
of the mechanism for selecting the benefit content to suit the needs of the individual within a certain frame.

cafe'teria is a system that has been originally adopted by US companies spread. In the downturn of the economy,
it is not easy as well as trying to reduce the welfare. From the strength of vested rights awareness of employees,
Fear also interfere with business.
At this time, as a compromise point of labor negotiations, it is necessary to use the cafe 'teria plan.
cafe 'teria plan is for the company side, and streamlining of cost management, for the employee side, among the recession,
although the salary is limited, charm that can be maintained on the welfare menu choose their own life design is there,
also, it can be expected to increase the cost-consciousness.
From now on the cafe 'teria plan, long-term system menu that can be selected at the branch point things of life -
if there is, be limited salary, company side can also cost management, employee side,
the cost-consciousness enhance, considered to be a valid plan menu for both.

Construction of long-term personnel strategy
Under the soaring of the economy, asset prices, continued to permanently rise, the original of the accounting system
of the historical cost, the company that held a huge amount of unrealized gains, the includes as a base,
a stable management It is received. It has served in the sense that.
However, the prospect of no age to grow hand in hand and the hand is now domestic enterprises with each other to the end,
now that the asset value has dropped significantly,
it became a way of possession of the survive of partial M & A and stock with overseas companies It was.
In the final retirement age, since 2000, amid early retirement schemes stand out, in the near future retirement system,
UP personnel such as retirement age extension system and promotion officers handpicked by
'closing papers of submission' and retirement benefits and corporate pension reward and foreign companies possession
of the partial M & a and stock, if there is a management strategy that HR strategy is optimized, will come a time
when survive even a small company. Evidenced by the DPM set theory law that.
However, all by DPM set theory law (cafeteria type personnel evaluation system) is, do not get better.
In order to ensure the retirement benefits and corporate pension, cafe 'teria plan reduction of branch point thing to
reward cuts and bonus of assessment and individuals of the cafe' In designing the teria plan,
reduction and reduce the remuneration, such as described above, there is also a time to cut assessment.
There is also the case that the word itself say that bonus becomes the dead language, in the future,
going to be a cafe 'teria plan type of design.
Also, paradoxically There is also a case that can be managed individually, without receiving a retirement allowance, corporate pension,
receive an assessment evaluated in the annual bonus cafe 'teria plan assessment also Arieru. Research and technology by building a
long-term management policy, the sense that it is possible to sell it abroad. If we build a long-term personnel strategy three this in historical background,
even in small companies, business operations of strong-boned is to stick to the body.
Human resources development and cafe 'teria plan from joining up to retirement age also does not inhibit the vested
rights of employees, must support while keeping a distance with the appropriate treatment system, people do not move is a normally.
(SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. cafe 'teria plan type Excerpts from the personnel evaluation system description)

At Tsuibun ...

Source of electricity

The sun is followed by a about 20 million of the galaxy planet.
Universal gravitation, electric power and electromagnetic wave-polarization power and radioactivity electrolytic, etc. are involved.

Breaking the substance to macro, to reach the minimum of the molecule.
Is further broken down into is decomposed atom to micro.
Its atoms, electrons are rotated, negative electron (charge) is an electric source.

Space of the Earth is a dynamic field.

Newton's law, universal gravitation, is gravity that dominates the celestial body, the force mass attract each other is,
an object at rest on Earth, attracted by the Earth's gravitation, it is made up by attracting force of gravity.

The sun is a nuclear fusion reaction paths furnace of high temperature and high pressure.
Energy inside the large explosion that does not look at an example in the past of the sun, by the solar wind,
would be if Once rained down a storm and the radioactivity in the Earth.

If the sun is, there is no example in the past, if you fell into 'a sign that was overturned from the root
(for example, with no maximum of huge flare of movement in the past'), would be if the Earth?

All wired and wireless materials, shut down.
Outage (propagation stop). All of the electrical system is shut off.

When the number of black spot is small to decrease the temperature of the Earth.

Now the state of the sun indicates that there is a possibility that the earth towards colder. This century,
Earth is attacked by the big chill.

What will become of the earth?

At that time, it is safe to (Whether it is possible to lead?)of the human race?

Whether the company is able to function?

Or safely Michibikeru of the employees?

By the explosion of the sun, radioactivity and the plasma gas in the nuclear fusion reaction paths furnace of
high temperature and high pressure, explosive style

The case that has reached the Earth, sea survey Robot billions of groups floating in the sea around the world, function

Without stopping, you can re-run on their own so as not to adversely affect the earth?

cafe 'teria plan personnel evaluation system, either to the client destination, also, do not give anxiety to the individual?

Such not look at an example in the past, while the assumption if you fell in a sign that was overturned from the
root (motion), the 4-year period from 2017, during the period of risk assessment 'stress test',
safe The period to consider the design process again.

In nature, solar, solar wind, waves, lightning and the like in the sun ...

Photovoltaic and solar wind there is no example in the past, until no westerly flow now, cause the ocean circulation.

Earth is located in the galaxy planet, as one of about 20 million pieces of planets, the sun, must follow.

As an international corporation, as an international company, as long as arranging the researchers and the shoulder of the world,

To understand these things, promote the business of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd..

African Development, which was held in Kenya (TICAD),
'Nairobi Declaration' was adopted, has been specified as 'emphasize the importance of the ocean maintain order
based on the principles of international law'. JAPAN Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is to show off a new diplomatic
strategy of Japan to be 'free and open India Pacific Ocean Strategy',
for Asia and the Indian Ocean connecting the African continent Pacific Ocean,

'Peaceful, to the sea to the control of the rules' and called for cooperation to the world.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. risk assessment 'stress test' audit team
Representative committee Koichi Sawada also, maritime research Robot development of SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
is also, as the world standard in the future of the global environment,
'peace, into the sea to the control of the rules' a coordinated cooperation GROUP of the world and mind ,
'research and development is not a safe, guidance, or, to stop.' is also provided once the stop period,
towards the mechanism construction of the safety measures,
it must be reflected in the risk assessment 'stress test' specification.

Risk assessment 'stress test' audit team representative committee Koichi Sawada is,

The international corporation SCG Sawada, Cosa Consulting Group Co., Ltd.,

As the future of the
'international companies that play an important salvation to the future of the planet',
up to page 44 
The definition of risk assessment 'stress test',
international corporation SCG Sawada, Cosa Consulting Group Co., Ltd., has complained.

       Supplementary provisi
          Basic formula in risk assessment 'stress tests'

  MTBF(Mean Time Between Failures

MTBF=R+R+・・・+Rm  / m(time)

The average value of the time the system is operating correctly in succession.

②MTTR(Mean Time To Repair

MTTR=F+F+・・・+F   / (time)

From the system is stopped due to a failure,
the average value of the time to resume the operation to complete the repair.

③Occupancy rate

Occupancy rate=MTBF  / MTBF+ MTTR

The rate at which the system is up and running during a certain period of time
(the probability of running at the time that there is a system).
Since operating rate is the probability takes a value between 0 and 1.

(1)What state is the operating rate 1? 

Failure, etc., indicating that the system stop is no. Difficult to think as a practical matter.

(2)Any state or the operating rate 0.9. System is running at an average of 90% of the rate.

Thus, 10% of the time is a system stop state by such failure.

(3)Any state or the operating rate 0.

The system indicates that there is no work and remain stopped state, Tari 1 second.

System of utilization rate

 Utilization rate of series-based system

At the failure of any one device, if the entire system would be stopped.

apparatusA  apparatusB

Occupancy rate=a  Occupancy rate=b

Of the entire system availability=a×b

Capacity utilization of parallel systems

 If one or more of the devices is operating in Seijo, considered to operate properly as a whole system.

apparatusA   apparatusB    apparatusC

Occupancy rate=a  Occupancy rate=b  Occupancy rate=c

Of the entire system availability=1-(1-a)(1-b)(1-c

Bit error rate

Bit error rate=The number of error bits / Number of transmission bit

If the 72-bit error occurs in 10 minutes at 1200bps communication line,
calculate the bit error rate.

Bit error rate72Bit/1200×10×600.000110-5

m  /  n Redundant system
Among the n components that constitute the system, if more than m platform is running,
the system that the whole system is running that m / n redundant system.

(Of the entire system availability)=

           1-〔(1-a          +      Ca(1-a2

The probability that all three cars to failure) (In three, the probability that two fails

        (Probability two or three cars, to fail)3a22a3

Combination to take out the two from each other different of the three things,
certain ways 3C2 3 · 2/2 · 1 = 3.

failure rate
Computer system, the percentage to cause failure at a given time.
The probability that the system is not running.

             failure rate=1―Occupancy rate

As a basic formula of computer Science, factors of error (failure) of the computer system,
whether a human error? Or malfunction of the machine? Or operation of the regulating system?
To explore the factors, identify the failure factor,
be returned to the optimization state (normal state) is important.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group Co., Ltd. is also,
in order to retain the trust of the domestic demand,
as a basic formula in risk assessment 'stress test', to append as Annex. (
2016 10.1

Contents of the work or the body like
SCG Sawada Consulting Group Inc., an international corporation strategy-based management consulting firm,
in conjunction with the light of the happened work accident in the world (an error by the business.),
Risk assessment 'stress test the scope and style of ', as an international corporation company,
in the international cooperation framework, in their own business,
also, in research and development company, is the audit work for' holding the safety '.

SCG Sawada Consulting Group risk assessment 'stress test' specifications of the Corporation,
all of the safety of the business part of the company, on the basis of a comprehensive and
risk assessment in a transparent 'stress tests', in the future, verification and ,
is a copyrighted work registered for connecting to the next step,
'the program design process.'(First publication date of registration: registration date 2016 October 17, registration No. 37669 1)

