
            December 3, 2011 (Saturday)
Do You Own Dear

                SCG Sawada Consulting Group --up Co., Ltd.
                                                           Representative Director Koichi Sawada

    SCG SawadaConsulting GroupCompany.,Limited. 
             New paper [DPM set theory law] will report Greetings Statement

Dear Sirs nowadays more and more your ardor of the stage, I would like to congratulations.
Also will be the last month of 2011, to everyone who approaches also the timing of Shiwasu, it seems that busy that.
Preparation and schedule of the next fiscal year budget - Le adjustment,
also, that has been our struggle in a variety of important matters that can not be immediately resolved, decision,
There is up to say you might guess.
Such there a busy time. How, if you read when you open your time,
We also, there is up to you I am very happy.

In the new paper [DPM set theory law] of this time, we have listed the three cases.

(1) nuclear energy development law
(2) virus infection law (biological virus computing - computer virus)
(3) personnel strategy law

The three cases, there is also to be an important challenge the future, we have described as a case study.

With regard to nuclear energy development law of (1), if, nuclear researchers, over the years,
If you have developed a study of detoxification of radioactivity, SCG Sawada · Consulting Group · Company., Limited.
(Hereinafter referred to as SCG GROUP.) Is, to research and development for 10 years up to 2012 - 2021,
Power (thermal energy -) of newbusiness areas SCG robot research and development has the potential of as.
(3) With regard to the personnel strategy's law, SCG GROUP is, the future, in order to increase development, our essential research. Also,
Similarly robotics start of the study period, newbusiness areas DPM application software program to research and development over the
2012 - 2021 development,Appraisals necessary when it is socially faced with the decision,
in other words, social decision-making of long-term personnel evaluation was intended to be optimized
We aim to research and development of application software program.
Third, robotics applications software program to develop next year study
Development, is the essential for the two items, a crisis management measures, also,
Also a virus infection in the defense measures measures in other words,
(2) I viral infection law of.

SCG GROUP Inc.New paper [DPM set theory law] to be important in the future in all aspects of our business is the ability that has been hidden the SCG GROUP Inc.,
This ability, it is our intention to the future, we contribute to the international community.

In 2012, We, SCG GROUP Inc., our intend to move forward from a small environment of the growth strategy.
How, degree of support, support and boost everyone how, thank your wishes, to such busy time, I would like to apologize that it has published a paper,
I would like to with your greeting the announcement of the new paper [DPM set theory law].
Also, we would like to ask directly, but to greet your reporting and your is courtesy, due to circumstances, will be very rude in your letter.
Humbly, please forgive our of your rudeness.
Best regards

Dear College and University Lecture Manager

                                                   2011 12.3

     paper announcement report

The Japanese economy entered a period of raid economic grow in the latter half of the 1950s.
Japan is from around the world nations said to be one of the major economic powers.
But, Economy in Japan has been anemic for two years now and since 2011.3.11.
And although we have tried to lure shoppers by using traditional sales methods,
New and innovative techniques are required in these sophisticated times.
So, that’s  TPPTrans Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement. 
Japan and United States should take effective measures to minimize its economic friction with.
Both grow up Japan and United States best friends and
SCG SawadaConsulting GroupCompany ., Limited.or
I sad (Japanese and
scg group loss dog) if you think.  

Title is “Diamond Organization from Pyramid Organization Model Change Laws

Research is SCG SawadaConsulting GroupCompany ., Limited.
       Kouichi Sawada Chief Executive Officer.

This manuscript has been and internet reading and the Agency for Cultural Affairs
Japan (copyright department).2011.12.3 registration making an application .
We believe this paper may interest College and University in particular.
My company (SCG GROUP) is I hope you all agree that we now have sufficient means to improve
performance down the road.

If lecture chance…Please call to me Lecture chance.
Thank you for your attention to our paper.
Thank you again for your time and this opportunity.

Dr, SCG SawadaConsulting GroupCompany ., Limited.
Kouichi Sawada Chief Executive Officer.


                  SCG SawadaConsulting GroupCompany.,Limited. 
              kouichi Sawada Chief Executive Officer's Newtheory

                                 DPM set theory law】
         Diamond-Organization-From-Pyramid-Organization-Model-Change Laws

The first publication date registration application

Title of work
DPM set theory law

author name displayed at the time of first publication
SCG Sawada · Consulting Group · Company., Limited.

First publication date
2011 December 3

The contents of the work or the body like
DPM set theory, which was announced in November 2008
① clarification of the purpose (decision-making)
② area of ​​(domain)Decomposition and playback
③ current situation analysis of the market principle, a phenomenon that give this three causes (DPM set theory),
In the definition established law new theory [DPM set theory law], which was the original appearance,
'the definition of the universe birth' to prove Yes, the two of relative issues discussed in the figure by the oval,
ultimately derive the answer Result is a paper that definition the doctrine theory.



                  SCG SawadaConsulting GroupCompany.,Limited. 
              kouichi Sawada Chief Executive Officer's Newtheory

                                 DPM set theory law】
         Diamond-Organization-From-Pyramid-Organization-Model-Change Laws

Ⅰ Earth survive

The laws of science, established phenomenon happened if you give the cause, the result is determined as 'established law'
Be given the cause occurred uncertain phenomenon, the result is there are two not fluctuation determined 'probability law'.

On the basis of the two laws of science,
October 4, 2010 SCG Sawada · Consulting Group · Company., Limited
(Hereinafter referred to as SCG GROUP.) Is, at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, to define the
'promotion of long-term research and development vision',We have formally decided to promote the
'Five of research and development' as the management circulation view of the future.

(1) DPM set theory (November 2008 announcement)
(2) DPM set theory law (December 2011 announcement)
(3) DPM applique - tion research and development
 (research announcement planned 2012 research and development start-2021)
(4) SCG robot research and development
  (research announcement planned 2012 research and development start-2021)
(5) artificial sun research and development (research scheduled to start 2021)

Those that the 'definition' of the five research and development,
It is 'Earth survive'.

In November 2008, it is planning to research and development than paper DPM set theory - 2022 released by the SCG GROUP
Artificial sun research and development, to avoid the time and again a crisis situation for humanity,
In addition, by repeating the Earth extinction, as the path of the future of human civilization that has been the collapse and
regeneration and prosperity,There is up to think if Rarere you helps.

SCG GROUP is, along the winding is the global environment in the struggle of survival competition, is destroyed, to top it off,
Sea nor sky nor dirt underground territory, so as not to destroy the global humanity is without its own civilization,
Each person's decision-making, there is something you want to research and development for leading to a clean earth.

has prospered by the repetition of playing the extinction crisis.
in outer space,There is only a small micro planet.

Fluctuations in the electromagnetic force, gravity-meteorites in outer space, or,
in the phenomenon due to abnormal weather of the sun
It also can not be denied that all assembly and biological disappears.
Defined in the global environment of the human race is, in the variation of only a few millimeters of outer space,
the blink of an eye Also it believed that the definition is to collapse.

We live in the Earth, not only at the micro planet in the solar system planets.
It revolves around the sun, there is only a small planet floating in orbit in outer space.
Say the universe definition is an absolute, we are alive because there is a sun.

A phenomenon that occurs in the universespace,
Earth is alive while coexistence.

   -Planet floating in orbit in space-(Figure 1

What was the "definition of the universe birth," the original figure is,
DPM set theory
① clarification of the purpose (decision-making) is the definition,
② the decomposition and regeneration of the area (domain),
③ to the current situation analysis of the market principle.

That isBy providing this three causes, occurs definite phenomenon, it made a definite law.

                                Established law (Figure 2)

                          Clarification of the purpose

           Decomposition・ regeneration of the area  Current situation analysis of market principles

Thus, those that made the original figure to determine the DPM set theory (Proof),
SCG Sawada · Consulting Group · Company., Limited to announce
Newpaper [DPM set theory law], so there.

Ⅱ Tunnel effect (the universe was born by the tunnel effect.)

The universe It began from 'no'.

Figure 3The size of the universe
Object located between the mountains and the mountain, can not move unless beyond the one of the mountain. But,
In quantum mechanics is a micro theory, it can be moved with a certain probability, was able to penetrate.
This punch-through object is the birth of the universe, there is immediately a sudden explosive expansion,
Then, it is to say that the phase transition has occurred.
This 'tunnel effect', which is a theory that says the universe was born.

Ⅲ Space birth 
Figure 4        Figure 5
                   The Power of the universe           
                        ① strong force                                       Grandson universe
                        ② electromagnetic force                      Child universe
                        ③ weak force                   Space life
                        ④ gravity

                   Space life                    300,000 years 11 billion years Current

Cosmology of modern, the universe that was born from the 'no'.
That unlock this 'no', is the world of micro, quantum mechanics of the investigation is a physics.

In the natural world as a source of 'no',
Four power ① gravity
② electromagnetic force
③ strong force
④ weak force
There is.

Was one originally force, is said to have been separated into four from the moment of the universe birth. Also,
Space is also multi-layered approach to exist now, parent universe, t
he universe child, grandson universe and countless of the universe word - Muho - are connected by Le,
The hypothesis that there is no boundary also. There it is, is a mathematician, also astrophysicist

A Mr. Stephen Hawking 'no boundary hypothesis', is a theoretical physicist who is a physics.
1905, published by the Albert Einstein 'special theory of relativity'
Alexander bi calculation also to space the birth of the theory of the 'absence' of Ren Ken due to the tunnel effect is a 'quantum theory' is the match.

According also these imagined beyond cosmology, our universe,
By ex nihilo quantum fluctuation and the tunnel effect is a theory that says the universe was born.

Ⅳ Two of the universe hypothesis theory of SCG GROUP  

Figure 6

                      SCG GROUP of the universe hypothesis Theory (1)

                     Space A                     Space B
                    Disjoint been universe A
          Disjoint been universe B

When hypothesis of this warm-up is established,
Time and space and material energy by the tunnel effect - if there is a space that has been completely different mutually exclusive
SCG GROUP is he was hypothesis.

In the world of quantum mechanics to the micro, 'tunnel effect' theory,
the energy of the junction of electrons metals and semiconductors - the wall It is a phenomenon that pass through.
Replacing this phenomenon at the beginning of the universe, the size of the beginning of the universe is a 10-34㎝ (minus 34 square of 10).

In other words, therefore it is a micro that
Two of the universe (or, more of the universe), but different time and space,
This means that it is also the theory say that can not be denied that 'definition' has been born in a different form.

Time Ya If the universe A made by the tunnel effect as our universe
It is also different from the universe B space

To say that has been created is a view of the universe hypothesis theory of SCG GROUP.

Universe hypothesis theory of another SCG GROUP is a 'space overlapping theory'.

Figure 7

                     SCG GROUP of the universe hypothesis Theory (2)
                          Space A Space AB Space B
                      Duplicate that have been the universe A、B


Ⅴ Definition of two of the universe
In the current astronomical research, the mother universe as (mother universe) and
child universe (child universe)Theory is known that the myriad of the universe is connected by a wormhole.

But, there is a completely different universe
SCG GROUP universe hypothesis Theory (1) or duplicate (Chofuku) and has SCG GROUP universe hypothesis Theory (2),
Up to now, astronomically hypothesis also reality does not even is the reality. But,
That just because there is no there is no hypothesis realities to conclude that 'the universe has not been duplicated' also,
It is also can not deny the universe hypothesis theory of SCG GROUP.

In other words, originally

Space A was born as the universe is a universe was mutually exclusive 'no',

Space B was born as the universe is also a universe of 'no' that are mutually exclusive.

It is definition.

                          Figure 8
                     Universe hypothesis theory of SCGGROUP (1)
                     Space A                     Space B
                    Disjoint been universe A
          Disjoint been universe B

                Definition of the universe A and Space B-

    ①Space A →Universe was born as a space 'free' (as defined)

    ②Space B →Universe was born as a space 'free' (as defined)

Ⅵ Definition of duplicate universe AB

Space A was born as the universe (definition) is a space of the disjoint 'no',
Space B was born as the universe (as defined) is also a universe of 'no' that are mutually exclusive.

However, the universe AB that has been duplicated, Space A and Space B is after birth, a certain period of time
Overlapping two of the universe in the cause of the 'fluctuation' from through (the world of the very small range of micro Time ~ macro Time),
Believed that different universe A and universe B had been overlapping, mono begins with non-coming born from the universe,
Finally it ends with no. The overlapping part is the universe of 'no'. It is assumed to be.

               Definition of the universe A and Space B and Space AB-

      ①Space A →Universe was born as a space 'free' (as defined)

      ②Space B →Universe was born as a space 'free' (as defined)

      ③Space AB →The universe of the universe AB is duplicated 'no' (no definition)

A result, the two different universe A and universe B, and the universe of the 'no', but with a definition that is referred to as
'the birth as the universe',Duplicate is a universe A or B the universe is a universe of 'no',
there is no definition to say that 'the universe birth'An aggregate which not exist, aggregate A or B is an early event of collapse element,
If it is orbital space that becomes a collapse spiral is hypothesis.

       Figure 9
                    SCG GROUP universe hypothesis Theory (3)
               Birth as the universe A Space AB fluctuation Birth as the universe B
                   Space AB, it is not the birth of the universe beginning

This is the birth of the law of the DPM set theory.

Ⅶ The birth of DPM set theory law
Factor of the fluctuation of the universe AB is, 'Similarity'. ))

    Figure 10
                         The birth of DPM set theory law
               Birth as the universe A Space AB fluctuation Birth as the universe B
                   Space AB, it is not the birth of the universe beginning
                        Space AB has no definition uncertain phenomenon
Of the universe A definition and the definition of the universe B, it is a definition that is different mutually exclusive is,
Because I think that understanding can be obtained because it is discussed at the SCG GROUP of the universe hypothesis Theory (1),
I tried to explain about the universe AB to-duplicate intersect.

The aggregate of the universe AB intersecting after birth is the universe A and universe B,
and through the time some of the constant (in the range of micro Time ~ macro Time)
In which it overlapped two of the universe in the cause of the 'fluctuation'.

Space A is a 'no' deli, from that space B is also 'no', is also a collection of intersecting universe AB 'no'.

In other words, generated by the uncertain phenomena which can not be demonstrated definition (fluctuation),

Not be to not exist is a collection of non-definition.

Whether the existing Tokue no aggregate is why there? At its intersection grounds,
It is 'Similarity' (similarity).

Ⅷ 'Similarity'

Factors of Similarity , time, space, matter, energy - in the micro range, such as,
Due to the similarity of the universe A and Space B is a factor.

Part of the universe AB crossing is not a definite law, which is an aggregate of probability law by uncertainty phenomenon due to the fluctuation.
Thus, a period of time, although the universe AB having a similarity exists,
Space AB When definition the 5W1H is does not exist.

DPM set theory (2008.11 papers) is, to clarifies laws of science 'established law' has the definition
Since is based are those defined law of DPM set theory is established.
Therefore, the law that this theory yielded the DPM set theory (2008.11 Papers)
Is 'DPM set theory law'.

Ⅸ The strength of the fluctuations to grow the universe AB?
Energy of intersection of the universe A and Space B - if the aggregate that is similar is large, grown fluctuations, the universe AB is inflated,
It is uniquely created ( 'create' is not used.). However, there is also instability of gravity, etc.,
To confirm the structure of the universe AB is required the strength of outstanding large fluctuations.

In order to uncertain phenomenon and was the universe AB, the aggregate universe AB is not defined to grow,
Immeasurable definition is required.
That is,

(1)It requires a clear definition, due to it
(2)Optimization by region (decomposition and regeneration of the domain) is required, after the conversion of fluid tissue environment,
(3)Control function is restored, the opinion that it is necessary that the fixed tissue environment is re-conversion.

Really, or it will be able to space AB, which had been fluctuating is with outstanding big strength?

If you have outstanding big strength, it becomes a theory coming out of the presence of 'space C'.
If, if there are not enough the strength of the fluctuation, is absorbed into the first was born universe A,
Sometimes paradoxically also considered, when gravity of the 'space A <Space B' is the drawn in space B.
Also in the worst case, it can not be denied because also be disappear division,
More, will continue to unstable fluctuations.

     Figure 11

                                    A clear definition
                    Optimization of the area (domain)  Reconversion of fixed tissue environment

Now, trying to explain the cases to prove the DPM set theory law in the next page.

ⅹ Proof of DPM set theory law

1       Nuclear energy development law
(Nuclear power A, which started from nuclear weapons technology
Nuclear B, which started from the engineering and commercial technology)

Figure -12-1
                        Nuclear energy development law (1)
Nuclear A was launched from the nuclear weapons technology             Nuclear B, which was converted to the engineering
               (the original figure)                         and commercial aspects (copy)
The development of the atomic bomb is defined A
                Copied opaque definition B

12 May 1938, 73 years ago, nuclear fission phenomenon of uranium needed for nuclear power that occurs has been discovered.
At that time, the Second World War eve, the reaction is, an order of magnitude of the energy compared with other materials reaction - it is to be released
found. It is, to be utilized in the bomb were also found to be extremely high.
Physicists around the world to understand that thing, also, at the time, fled the Nazi persecution,
Physicist Einstein went to the United States as well, was to develop nuclear weapons technology (atomic bomb).

The original technology, there is no military use is also peaceful use.
Rudder advances on the political history, the one technology that the military economic growth era of the one peaceful economic growth era,
Rudder is Kira in that era.
Thus, nuclear power technology, the results based on the DPM set theory law,

Essentially the definition of nuclear technology,

In military economic growth era, it is a nuclear-weapons technology to military use was built for the purpose
It is correlated defined as.

       Time                    Technology              Era                 Result

Nuclear energy development initial    Development of nuclear weapons technology  Military economic growth era      Fear of the atomic bomb

Converted to use engineering and commercial expectation (electrical energy from the nucleus - to the conversion of the era)
Nuclear energy development mid-term  Energy - source development technology  Primary commercial economic growth era  Fear of accident

Nuclear energy development growth phase  Nuclear power plant running propulsion technology  Second commercial economic growth era  Fear of radioactivity

(By increasing, nuclear power plant accident of environmental protection consciousness, to the era of conversion to a maximum of safety)
Nuclear accident period  Accident processing capacity measures  Clean energy environment era    Fear of waste disposal

(To the new technology development and high-level waste for final disposal site determination of the combination of age)
Nuclear energy development turning point  Detoxification development technology Living environmental protection era Expectations for medical care

    Figure -12-2
                                Nuclear energy development law (2)
High-level waste and spent                                           High-level waste and spent
To determine the final disposition countries and disposal sites of nuclear fuel.           It does not determine the final disposal countries and disposal sites of nuclear fuel.
Isolated from the living area environment of mankind (A)
                    Expected to detoxification of technology (B)

The innovative development of nuclear technology, the success of the detoxification, the conversion to the medical (medical treatment), or,
Also is expected to commercial, lead to economic growth, high-level waste and spent final disposal country of nuclear fuel,
The DPM set theory law logic the final disposal site also becomes blank.

Originally, nuclear technology, in military economic growth era, is a nuclear-weapons technology to military use was built for the purpose.
If Although this fact can not overturn, the innovative non-toxic technology that exceeds the nuclear technology is research and
development, was successful,Figure 12-1 nuclear energy development (1) beyond the original appearance of the development
of the atomic bomb is defined (A), a new technology development that exceeds the quantum of micro.
In other words, the field of industry is born.

Technology and is not do without things that the site of the original support it industry.

<Expectations for new technology innovation>
Technology is to be the various applications depending on the purpose. In the history of nuclear power is shallow peaceful economic growth era,
Itself that safety culture is also to suddenly grow up, there are unreasonable.
Originally, in the industrial site if there is a history of certain techniques, such as the use of nuclear power,
Part of it is stacked to things, energy - is intended to be the industry.

Definition of [DPM set theory law] is a global survival.

Bombed countries and bombing countries or other countries,
To the technical development to play a role of global survival
That many of the engineers and researchers appear SCG GROUP expect.

Never, even in order to not return to the military economic growth era,
Is only to nuclear technology and nuclear research and development, a fixed circulation orbit shift conversion,

It plays a role of global survival, something that must be converted to the
new technology innovation
When Keenly aware as one of the researchers.

copy copy -: 'copy' by the hand we do not use the copy machine.
Here, the meaning from the development of the atomic bomb by a copy
by the hand of man with nuclear power for industrial and commercial aspects have been converted.
※ of copier copy - in the case of, photocopy

2       Virus infection law (evil virus A good virus B)

                     Figure 13
                                      Virus infection law
                                   Evil virus A       Good virus B
                                Disjoint virus A     Disjoint virus B


It infected with organisms present in the natural world, the virus that becomes a disease of the original, and the gene carrying the genetic information
It is composed of a protein that wraps it. Structure is simple, to not be able to synthesize their own proteins,
It does not have the organization to convert to - energy to eat something.
Also, do not be able to make a starch using the sunlight from carbon dioxide and water.

In other words, the virus is the microorganisms that can not live on their own.

Evil virus A is, because it does not live on their own, infected with any organism of cells, including human, breed and use.
While repeating the breeding, the virus results in a disaster that infection to us.
People in order to combat the virus is an effort to minimize the infection to develop a vaccine.

As we human beings are living and breeding, we need also to live virus. But,
There is a problem with the way of life of the virus.
If Kaware its way of life and to safety, is coming era of coexistence of the people and the virus.
The age is what is a good virus B.

Good virus B, the koji to make natto bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, the wine, give the benefit to our lives.

That is, the virus A and virus B is a virus that has been disjoint, even duplicate virus AB is present,
Is a temporary incubation period, are attracted to the better of both definition,
The larger the virus A, evil bacteria harm (evil virus A), and the
The larger the virus B, and to become a Zenkin (good virus B) to benefit,

Things to say that the virus AB does not exist.
The is,

Evidenced by DPM set theory laws to be characteristic of virus.

2-1Virus infection law (computer - computer virus original appearance A computer - data - anti-virus software B)

                      Figure 14
                           Computer virus infection law
Program A was made to attached define the risk of virus                    Build the rules of anti-virus
                                             To avoid the danger yourself,B with a sense of crisis
Computer viruses original figure A made on crisis management             Computer software B made for antivirus

1950, 'Electric machine' has been developed. This is the computer - the predecessor of the data.
After 10 years, this computer is later - began to evolve as a 'computer data'.
Then, computing - data was phenomenal growth continued to develop.

While achieve phenomenal growth, the risk of program code brings to the PC, in other words,
That has come to be studied crisis management leave item, 25 years ago (1987),
In order to define with the wonders of the presence of a computer virus,
It is the three of the virus in the laboratory of the University were created.

It is a 'stoned', 'cascade', 'Friday theiBth'.

Computer of in the modern - computer virus is also what was produced microscopically in this three.
Harm to the PC in the illegal program, infected with or, is an evolution while operating alone.

Computer viruses have not yet been unified unlike biological Virus rule.
The current virus, the future of the virus are also a combination of multiple functions,
incubation period, while you do not know symptoms of infection,
Before long, so that it takes the disease called computer viruses.

Computer virus is not suddenly occur. Do not download suspicious programs (such as mail or file),
Do not run the program, it is that what crisis consciousness, is one of the defense,
Evidenced by the DPM set theory law.

Also, for such measures by cyber attack (white hat),
In 2021, application software program change is observed in the world
I think to be able to commentary in the development stage.

3 Personnel strategy law
(traditional short-term personnel strategy A
future-oriented long-term personnel strategy B)

                     Figure 15
                            Personnel strategy law
Repeat the management pressure                                  Simulate the management allocation in the long-term process
Conventional personnel strategy                                  Future-oriented personnel strategy
Short-term personnel strategy A
                           Long-term type personnel strategy B 

Short-term personnel strategy A can not assess the human resources nature   Future personnel strategy B to move the re-building and human definition

To the management strategy, human resources is an important strategy, is a department.
Identify the persons engaged in management strategy,Taking advantage is important for companies,
market value principle is strengthening the management strategy as personnel strategy.

International accounting      standards

            (Market value principle


Management strategy

-Cash flow -

Personnel strategy

                  Achievements merit system

 Personnel systems

        Annual salary system, retirement benefits, cafeteria plan

Market value principle, including the International Accounting Standards Board,
are adopted by the Western countries, glow - as de - Val stander
It has been evaluated. When the 'fair value' is introduced into the corporate accounting,
price formed on the market at the time of closing
Company financial statements will be formulated in the 'fair value'.
Cash flow - of estimates, net based on the accrual basis, cost, than the evaluation of profit,
cash flow - as a whole,Companies are evaluated.

'Fair market value principle', 'transparency', 'cash flow -' but these three,
the global market as a global company In, which is an important item in order to continue to survive.
Then the following three plans among the personnel strategy in the management strategy is important.

(1) enhancement of wage system ① cafeteria plan

(2) human resource development system

(3) retirement plans ① retirement plan ② corporate pension plan

Under the soaring of the economy, asset prices, continued to permanently rise,
the original of the accounting system of the historical cost,
The companies that held a huge amount of unrealized gains, the includes base - as vinegar,
in the sense that it can receive a stable management It has functioned. However,
unlikely era to grow hand in hand and the hand is now domestic enterprises each other to the end,
Now that the asset value has dropped significantly, it became a way of possession of the survive of
partial M & A and stock with overseas companies.

In the final retirement age, since 2000, amid early retirement schemes stand out,
in the near future retirement plans,Also UP personnel and retirement benefits and
corporate pension compensation, such as retirement age extension system and promotion officers
handpicked by 'closing papers submission'Possession of partial M & A and stock of the foreign companies,
personnel strategy is optimized, if there is a long-term dense management strategy,
Coming era that survive even a small company. Evidenced by the DPM set theory law that.

Human resources development and cafeteria plan from joining up to retirement age also does not inhibit the vested rights of employees,
If you do not support while keeping a distance with the appropriate treatment system, people do not for the work, which is a normally.

Among the near future vision, business strategy due to the efficiency of the human and the working robot as a break-even point of cost
Era that called into question would come soon.
In addition, in order to establish a future-oriented long-term human resources strategy, and define the construction of
unwavering management policy,Macro adjustment of the fiscal year events is essential, of the personnel evaluation system
until joining - at the end of workday Application software program development,
For the future management, it will be the important things should not be without.

                                                  that's all

Proof of DPM set theory laws, in the process to prove,
Scientists, like the description to promote researchers, or, there is also opinion similar to the opposite,
DPM set theory ① purpose, which was announced in November 2008, decomposition and regeneration of clarification ② area of ​​the (decision-making) (domain)
③ current situation analysis of the market principle, a phenomenon that give this three causes
(DPM set theory),
Prove to define a definitive law
new theory DPM set theory law which was the original appearance, 'the definition of the universe birth'
Two of relative issues discussed in the figure by the oval, ultimately derive the answer
Pleased to report that it is a result of principle theory as the last to postscript

