

            SCG SawadaConsulting GroupCompany.,Limited. 
        kouichi Sawada Chief Executive Officer's New theory

                4th certificate of DPM set theory law

  Diamond-Organization-From-Pyramid-Organization-Model-Change Laws4 Governing redefines

                   DPM set theory law4G
                   Redefinition of governance
Country governance, local governments, enterprises, and re-define the organization,
to re-build the economy (control) law

The first publication date registration application

Daigo of work
DPM set theory law 4G

Author's name (name)
SCG SawadaConsulting GroupCompany.,Limited.

First publication date
2012. July 4

The contents of the work or the body like
DPM set theory law 4G was announced on December 3, 2011, 'the definition of the universe birth'
Two of the universe hypothesis theory of SCG GROUP that are editorial in the first Ⅳ Chapter
'Time and space and material energy by the tunnel effect - there is a space that has been completely different mutually exclusive.'
Proof of established law theory 'DPM set theory law' DPM set theory law that the editorial was the original figure

1. Nuclear energy development law
2. Virus infection law (evil virus A good virus B)
2-1. Virus infection law (computer - computer virus original appearance A computer - data - anti-virus software B)
3. Personnel strategy law

Followed, two of cultural theory 'culture has been born from the ancient SCG GROUP is,
Time, environment, research and development and technology was born through a completely different era, there is a disjoint been culture.
The 'cases Is a fourth of the certificate with the editorial.

DPM set theory law 4G 'Governing Redefines Laws' (re-defined governance law) is,
Two of relative cultural discussed in Figure by the oval, is a thesis to derive a solution. Also,
DPM set theory law 4G is a re-defined governance (control) law to rebuild the governance definition,
The concept of DPM set theory law 4G is a paper that definition that 'culture is played repeatedly.'

Ⅹ DPM of set theory law prove 4th

4 DPM set theory law4G

Governing Redefines Laws re-defined governance (control) law 
dvanced culture countries A national dependency Country B


Economic growth countries
Countries that have economic growth in the new industrial development・new research and development  dvanced culture countries A

Their culture, country that is dependent on the religious system
Depending on the country of the national character,Countries that have been left behind in international competitiveness national dependency Country B

Ⅰ Headed to the multipolarity of the era the world economy                                           
Currently, the number of countries in the world, 195 countries (2012 January 1, 2009) exist.
195 countries are present, but if the United Nations member countries that are recognized as a country by the country's national politics
(193 countries: 2012 January 1, 2010) There is also a country that is regarded as a country,
Countries that also have a member do not have national approval in the United Nations, but it is a UN non-member countries,
Some countries have national approval. In addition, there is also integration between the civil war and the country at 5-year intervals,
At present also, also in the future period, the number of countries in the world are believed to increase or decrease.

21 century, Gros - Bal of the world economy, was the economic scale as an indicator GDP (gross domestic product),
I went to determine the indicators of economic growth in nominal GDP (gross domestic product amount) and real GDP (gross domestic product quantity).

The concept of GDP (gross domestic product), 'corporate growers, use the workers and machinery, raw materials from other companies,
Electricity, gas, transport service - to buy and bis goods and service - to produce a screw.
This production has been goods and service - from the amount of bis (of output value in the national accounts)
Raw materials, electricity, gas and transport service - minute purchased from other producers such as bis (same intermediate input amount)
After deducting is a value-added newly created of its producers,
The total amount of a country is the GDP (gross domestic product). '

In other words, the gross domestic product to show the country's economy (GDP = Gross Domestic Product),
Domestic production has been goods and service - it is shown to be the sum of the values ​​the amount of screws.

Early 21st century, as the economic growth countries of the GDP (gross domestic product),
Three countries 50 percent of the United States, Japan and Germany of GDP the world total went to index the economy as a pillar of economic growth.
In addition, 10 countries which account for 73%, including the three countries of the developed countries of the United States, Japan and Germany
(In 195 countries, only 5% of the country), but re the world economy - began to Funding.
After that, the economy developed countries, a variety of world affairs, by the domestic situation,
While becoming a moderate economic downturn began to be maintained.

2010, GDP (gross domestic product) is 50 percent in the five countries 65.8% in the 10 countries,
While 7% down, emerging economies of a number of Asian countries · EU bloc was rapid growth,

It was decided to push up the world economy.

And the world economic growth is began facing to the multipolarity of the era continuing in several countries.

Ⅱ From the era of economic growth indicators of GDP (gross domestic product),
The world economy unaware of the fact that Utsurikawa' to change type indicator                      

This factor, but there is also the economic downturn situation in developed countries,
It is a major factor is the result brought about by efforts of wisdom by the world countries art.

New industries and research training and development of technological progress of proof (testimony) be considered to be a big factor,
It expressed as is appropriate in this century. In addition, in many countries in the standstill state,
Ruled these technologies, control while Li has been allowed to circulate - political presence of Funding countries
It is presumed that those involved greatly.


The world economy, from the country of a few developed countries ≒ (rich countries), including the ※ 1 emerging countries
Culture and to the multi-polar economic growth era is becoming transition.

※ 1 and emerging countries, economic growth in the early stages of the soaring,
In the future, that rapid development is expected countries, emerging markets guru is known around the world - as a flop
※ there is 2BRICs (brix) ※ 3NEXT11.

※ The 2BRICs (Brix), 2003, global investment banks of Gore - by Goldman Sachs
Investors report - which was revealed in bets future, emerging countries where high growth is expected
(Brazil, Russia, India, China) is a coined word that connected the English initials of.
A common point of this four countries, in addition to a large country is widely population scale,
It has been cited that are blessed with various natural resources.

2005, as economic development following the BRICs (Brix) is expected,
Gore - Goldman Sachs repo - were selected in the To ※ 3 emerging economic development national group
(Mexico, South Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam,Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey,
has been with Egypt, the 11 countries of Nigeria) NEXT11.
NEXT11 is, the population is relatively large, which is a common country's growth potential is greater.

The index of the World Bank, plus Indonesia, South Korea in 2025
About 20 countries have announced to be responsible for more than half of the world's economic growth.
In other words, 15 percent of the world's countries 195 countries (about 20 countries to 30 countries) is,
Become a Moto, which forms the foundation of the world economy, currently index the economic growth,
China and Singapore - emerging economies, such as Le is, that has seen tremendous economic growth
They are indicators and large.

A social significance from the new technology invention and new ideas, with a deeper scientific basis
To build a new creative value, the evaluation criteria by the complexity of the index,
Is an era that has been determined to be necessary in the international community.

Based on the results of the early 21st century of economic growth indicators, it is now in the near future of the era,
From the era of economic growth indicators of GDP (gross domestic product),
Transition to the complex and the transformation type index, equivalent to it
To redefine the economic growth strategy, at a time when we must be governed,
You should already notice that you have entered.

Ⅲ GII from the GDP (gross domestic product) to (Innovation - - tion Input Innovation tion output index) of the era

                  Innovation - tion input index

                            (Table 1)                                        

Systems   Research・ human resources  · infrastructure ・ market maturity  Business advanced degree
  ↓                                           ↓                                                     
Political environment    Education    Information・        Credit     Knowledge worker

Regulatory environment Higher education Energy -Investment Innovation - cooperation in tion
ビジネス環境  研究開発   一般のインフラ    取引と競争     知識の吸収
Business Environment Research and Development General of infrastructureTrade and competition
                                                   Assimilation of knowledge

                    Innovation - tion output index

                               Table 2)

Scientific achievements →
Dissemination of influence knowledge of the creative knowledge of knowledge            

Creative achievements →
Creative intangible assets creative products and services

The GII (Innovation Input innovation output index),
Graduate School of Management of the world-class, in France and Singapore with a campus
INSEAD is to evaluate ※ 1 innovation of countries in which are represented by an index.
From 2011, such as the cooperation World Intellectual organization (WIPO), currently GII is,
Country of infrastructure and resources, human resources, has become a thing that shows the elements of innovation and economic force.

And - 'tion index Innovation', Innovation - the two indices show a tion activities results
Determined from the average value of a number of - 'tion output index Innovation'. This scheme, two of ※ 2 arbitrariness
(※ 2 arbitrariness: not based on a consistent philosophy, represent two of the internal and external,
which are based on the situation of that era)7 field consists of 20 indicators,
indicators may be further subdivided, it is assessed at about 80 metric.

※ 1 Innovation - The tion (innovation), 'innovation' of things 'new cut', 'new perceptions'
'The new use of method' is that of the (creative act of), not only the invention of new technology,
A new value with social significance and creativity from new ideas,
A broad reform of the voluntary people, organizations and society to bring about major social change
It is intended to mean.

JRC Civil Protection and Safety Institute
Scientists of the (Institute for the Protection and the Security of the CitizenIPSC)) is,
Concepts and statistics on the consistency of the GII, its configuration, and involved in the score and rank
Have done recommendations to the (GII developers) - GII developers about the impact of the major modeling assumptions.
Model to assess with the JRC is to assess indicators in the world 125 countries, it 93.2 percent of the world's population,
It is equivalent to 98.0% of world GDP

China and the world of multi-polar and digital due to the growth of emerging countries such as India networks - due to the spread of the clock
Volume of the world - with the progress of Dulles, intensified and consumers two of international competition - has been going on early changes in's,
Faster Innovation - realization of tion is required, the future, would be an indication that this index is important.

In the world of the central countries until the 21 century the medium-term, as long as there is no war and
natural disasters, such as occurs a blow to the economy,In the course of economic growth of the country,
GII (Innovation - tion Input Innovation - tion output index) policy,
Increase or decrease in the index while repeating (scaling) is also of important policy issues of the
economic growth strategy It would be considered as one.

Ⅳ Developing countries that must be international relief 
On the other hand, GII (Innovation - tion Input Innovation - tion output index) policy far, such as,
Poor ※ 1 hunger to that country, even developing countries that must be relief there.

In addition, although not in the rich countries, depends on the country's national character (values ​​and corporate culture, religion system),
Future the results of optimism, a delay of progress, the advancement of culture and research and development
There is also a country that has been left behind in international competitiveness.


Poverty developing countries A
Countries where food security is difficult in natural disasters and conflict
Country that relief food distribution

National dependency Country B
Depending on the country of the national character, it was left behind in international competitiveness country
Democratic values ​​principle measures

First of all, try to explain about the developing countries that must be relief.


※ The 1 hunger, to maintain a minimum of body weight that is valid with respect to height,
The energy required to perform the mild activity - (calories - number) refers to the state that are not able to ingest.

Necessary calories - the number will vary depending on the size and activities amount of the age, sex, body,
Need energy - and time continues for a long period of time that can not be ingested, energy - to compensate for the shortage,
Body and the brain is a movement become dull. Therefore, people in the hunger state, or to focus on things,
It will not be able to or actively involved.

In addition, hunger weakens the immunity of the body, the child is weakened the power to fight the disease and
fall into hunger,People that would die from common diseases such as measles, diarrhea,
Must be relief anytime soon people, in the world is 925 million people
Now, we are suffering.

                 World regional hunger situation       

Asia and the Pacific Ocean region   578 million people  

Sub-Saharan Africa            239 million people         
Central and South America         53 million people
Middle East and North Africa        37 million people

Currently, in the world, there is enough food that can be supplied to all of the people.
However, currently, in the world, it is the approximately one in seven, is 925 million people are suffering from hunger.

Approximately 75 percent of people suffering from hunger is the poor farmers living in rural areas of developing countries.
The remaining 25 percent is the people who live in poor areas around large cities of developing countries.
Along with the people living in urban areas in the world is increasing, even hunger urban population is increasing
I modern society.

Price that occurred in starvation, a disease related to hunger and it is that many of the children have lost their lives.
Approximately one-third of the children of death in developing countries, malnutrition is associated with, the children of hunger,
Lead to delays in physical and intellectual development, further to the country's economy in which the children live
It has brought a big loss.

The cause of hunger, it listed a variety of factors.


There is also a case of Food security is extremely difficult in the natural disaster and conflict caused by climate change.
There is also a chronic poverty of the country, in order to not be subjected to education to the children,
there is also a country where poverty of the chain has occurred.
Not the development of agricultural infrastructure, exploitation by developed countries that are considered HIV / AIDS, the only economic growth
Will be listed in the cause of hunger is also (such as the destruction of nature and environmental destruction).

As of the above description, in the world of the country, there is a country that is poor and hunger even now,
In particular, high-net-worth group of industrialized rich countries, I think we must remedy such a country.
SCG GROUP Inc. Japan Committee for UNICEF supporting members
(May apply for 2012, the same year 7 month registration and approval)

Ⅴ Countries that have been left behind in international competitiveness
Then, it is not a rich country, depending on the country of nationality
(values ​​and corporate culture, religion system),Future the result of optimistic,
delay of progress, the advancement of culture and research and development in the international competitiveness
I tried to explain about the marginalized country.

                          Figure 3


Advanced culture countries A
Countries that have economic growth in the new industrial development and new research and development
Economic growth countries A

National dependency Country B
Depending on the country of the national character, it was left behind in international competitiveness country
Country B that depends on their own culture and religion system

Unconditionally, just because were left behind in international competitiveness, their own national character
For (values ​​and corporate culture and religious institutions) is a strong country and any dependent country,
Subjectively and not a dark countries and poor countries.

Not even in wealthy countries, but also no advanced medical technology, can dine every day on in the food resources is rich to live,
Looking forward to the holiday, there is also a country that is feeling a sense of well-being.
In addition, in some countries, in spite of an advanced culture countries, food self-sufficiency rate is low,
and labor in order to secure food resources,Calories - a lot of excessive order to suppress the nutrition,
received a research and development and advanced medical technology,
not slack, also filled with greed,Social security system has also been enhanced,
but there is also a country that values ​​the well-being of the long vacation.

A result, both in order to optimize the important living environment on to live day-to-day
In order to ensure the food until the next of next generation

(1)Or it has created a research and development of proprietary technology innovation? What has been the effort to produce?
(2)Or you have spent without the innovation?
(3)Whether the process had been formulated (elapsed process table)?
(4)National Plan of as a country, whether there is a national vision?


In other words, in order to build a culture, how creative, how it has been the design? Do not do anything
※ 1 mimetic environment
(※ 1 without the innovations that create a unique, industrial property: patents,
utility models, designs and trademarks, intellectual property: copyright,Copyright adjacent-circuit arrangement use or
breeder's external environment to flow remains in effect has received the environment) of the results,

(5)The future, whether we are aware of the crisis of losing the country's rights (industrial property rights, intellectual property rights)?

The difference is,
it is the strain of advanced culture countries A and national dependency Country B has been born.

It describes the two of relative culture, about the current affairs of the country and local governments, companies, and organizations
The problem extracted and editorial, to derive a solution, and re-definition, the law indicating that continue to reign,
There is so DPM set theory law4G.

Ⅵ DPM set theory law 4G concept of                              
In the DPM set theory law 4G Governing Redefines Laws re-defined governance (control) law,
The national character dependent country B, on which revealed that except for specific greed, not necessarily ≒ poor country,
Things overflow, advanced culture countries A side is the acquisitive spirit has diminished,
to country B which is dependent on the national character
To signpost for building to the new culture a major economic power, to be re-defined (trajectory correction),

How to cooperate?
Or you are going to leave as one of the ethnic culture country?

Country, picked up local governments, enterprises and organizations to the case, the original appearance on to redefine
In DPM set theory law4G theory, national character dependent countries also advanced culture countries also Sulo - period, foot-life,
While overcoming the recession DPM set theory law 4Gconcept of

「Culture is, Yuku is always played repeatedly」

Re-defined by the repetition (circulation), the new culture continues to birth,
Governing Redefines Laws re-defined governance (control) law
Is a theory of DPM set theory law 4G.

Ⅶ Modulus of transverse elasticity theory

DPM set theory law4G 'Governing Redefines Laws' (re-defined governance law) is,
Two of relative cultural discussed in Figure by the oval, is a thesis to derive a solution.
Further, G is, although intended to mean Governing (keeps governing) the keep doing,

Also it means G is a symbol of constant · ※ 1 transverse elasticity coefficient of universal gravitation,
Advanced culture countries inquiries relationship of the vertical stress and vertical distortion due to
mechanical point of view and the (A)Replaced by a strain of the two cultures of the people of dependent country (B),
The problem was extracted on the current affairs of the country and local governments, companies and organizations,
A redefinition governance (control) law to rebuild the current governance definition,
The concept of DPM set theory law 4G 'culture is repeatedly playing' that
Is a definition the paper.

※ 1 The modulus of transverse elasticity, that the rate of change of the strain according to the ※ 2 stress.
Horizontal elastic modulus, shear modulus, shear modulus, shear modulus, displacement modulus of elasticity,
It is also referred to as shear modulus.

Transverse elasticity coefficient, in the longitudinal elastic modulus (vertical) stress and
the (vertical) strain of the relationship,When replacing the shear strain relationship and shear stress
※ Figure (a) is a proportionality constant. If the constant of proportionality was replaced with
τ = Gγ,τ: shear stress, γ: shear strain, G: is defined as the modulus of transverse elasticity,
※ expression represented by the product of the 3 coefficient indicates a constant factor.


※ 2The stress, which corresponds to the slope of the linear portion of the strain diagram,
※ 3The coefficient, is that of a constant factor in represented by the product formula.

The tangent modulus of elasticity,
Stress - is that of the tangent of the slope at any point of the strain diagram,
The second elastic modulus is a value obtained by dividing the strain stress at any point,
Also known as the stress-strain ratio, E: Young's modulus, G: modulus of rigidity, r: Poisson's ratio
E = is defined as a formula of 2G (r + 1).

Ⅷ A country, proportional constant graph replaced with a country B strain relationship (a)


A Country:Sudden nor a low growth nor growth duly economic growth country.
National strategy that becomes the foundation, to build a research and development as defined by innovation,
Crisis management system of the state was also a thoroughgoing.
In addition, in a country where there is hunger state, we have taken steps to food rationing
Country of soundness.

B Country:But it has experienced rapid growth, national dependency high degree of capitalist countries.
If you rapid growth to remain flowing imitative environment, it has entered into negative growth period,
It is likely to be at once economic drop without cooperation among the advanced technology without any national
Extremely high country.

result:A, in the case of positive growth period due to domestic demand expansion in country B, of the deflationary spiral period
Numerical difference between the negative growth rate, in other words, cause the width of the strain, due to technological innovation
It is the difference in research and development, it can be predicted by the proportionality constant graph (a).

Here, α (proportional) by the difference in research and development by the country of technological innovation but
we have to replace the strain of the country in constant graph,In the current affairs of the complexity of the national and
local governments, companies and organizations, it is determined on the basis of realistic numerical value, it will be to develop,
Economic growth, and a postscript that is not a = α (proportional).

Ⅸ Advanced culture countries α and national dependency countries by a factor of type β

Coefficient formula ① 4α + coefficient of 3β

= Coefficient of α is 4, the coefficient of β is 3.

Coefficient formula ②
Coefficient of the α, national dependency countries (the three of dependency index) β -
advanced culture countries (tion put index four of Innovation)

Advanced culture Country:Four of Innovation - tion put index

① business advanced degreeResearch and ② human resources③ infrastructure④ maturity of the market

National dependency Country: three of dependency index
①-dependent country culture ② dependence religious culture ③ dependence military system
Coefficient of advanced culture countries α is 4,
 the coefficient of the national character dependent countries β 3.

Ⅹ DPM set theory law 4G solution theory

               Table 1

Type of culture                        method for solving a problem                    

(1)New industries, new research
and development training countries → 

a Redefine governance relief support and crisis management training
GROUP of definition countries to share   

New industries, new research and development training countries
  (Although free-standing, not de results)  →
ab encourage relief assistance plan after → independence)                 

(3)National character dependent countries
dDemocratic values ​​remedies
e Support and joint development of the country's growth industries.

(4)Poverty developing countries (starvation)→ 
Food distribution relief aid

(1)New industry, for a new research and development training countries,
by the re-defined governance relief assistance,Create a new definition culture,
by continuing infrastructure development,It becomes the new research and new industrial technology.
In addition, from the fact that in the period of growth, crisis management system is neglected,
It is re-emphasis is, lead to the reproduction and cultural country.

The national character dependent countries, the past, the rapid population growth of praying for rain and
royal temple Such as the sacrifice of the monks, not infrastructure development in the climate doctrine and
royal system of clan From the fact that there is also going civilizations that perish,
Create culture to growth industry by taking advantage of d democratic values ​​and e their own characteristics
It is necessary to support the first step to the (agricultural development assistance).

(4)The poor developing countries (countries in the hunger state), can take measures to food rationing
Considered to be the duty of as an advanced culture countries.


After 5.5 billion years, the solar system itself, such as solar variation and solar life becomes the thing to fall into crisis to be devastating.
However, human beings can not prevent all of the various natural disasters that occur in the universe.
Also so that the falling is a natural disaster, the earthquake also in on the earth in space area.
In addition, secondary disasters and man-made from the natural disaster, human carelessness, negligence is a disaster occurring in the cause,
Note there is a need for the neglect audit specific check system.

Before the crisis, which the solar system itself, such as the sun changes and the sun life is destroyed,
In the last line of the end of the international competition of their own humanity advanced culture countries,
such as the Earth is devastated So as not to perish is the human race in the war,

(1) Construction of definitions for research and development
(2) crisis management system of the world's countries (the human race)

The two re-defined, also in order to govern the advanced culture countries, even on crisis management of the country to
protect their own culture An important cases, also, is to develop the ability to disaster prevention and protection in the
development and new research and development of new industries,Keenly aware that the mission
that has been kept alive as a person.

Currently, SCG GROUP's force is very small.
However, in the future toward the future period,
We, SCG Sawada · Consulting Group · Company., Limited. Companies,
That 'is an important company in the international community',
I want to prove in the new paper [ DPM set theory law4G].
