العربية           Japanese   

             Letter sent accountability to Islam supreme leader (2016 7.11 letters sent clothes Date)

                             1.6 billion people to the Muslims of everyone

Amendment of Islam precepts (postscript Amendment)

We respect the dignity and behavior of all of the people, (postscript amended statement) thanks to the surrounding, not shalt forget the heart that cares about other people.'

Revision of Islamic precepts is, IS and that irregular born from Islam,
Personal extremism affected to extremism have thought that it is a solution to long-term extinction.

Amendment of Islam precepts (postscript revised) draft, IS and that irregular born from Islam,
Personal extremism affected to extremism is, the definition of a solution to long-term disappearance
When subjected conclusion on the basis of scientifically and is the correct basis SCG GROUP's proprietary data investigation,
Present situation, based on that 'collaborators, must not have, it is no need for companies',
Without There are representative director of one of the companies and one person,
than the theoretical to say that 'there is no impact on the social situation in gear.'
Once, this was kept alive life, with a ready to use at this timing (but it will please a death sentence from Islam,
but it will be assassinated from the Muslim, there is no effect.)
A description that Islamic extremism to disappear, himself, to send a letter to Islam supreme leader
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

SCG Sawada, consulting group, Inc.
National Director koichi Sawada

Memorial beyond the borders of the Muslim religion. British lawmakers kill
deliver the Yomiuri newspaper 6/18 (Saturday) 14:22 [barstool (English Department) = Kaoru inokuchi]
rally to mourn the man who was shot and killed Joe Cox representatives (41) was opened near the night of July 17, Britain, burster scene.

Missed the sudden parting 'passionate action force me to support immigrant communities
from more than 500 people from the Muslim participants.
Initiative group in India-Muslim rally. People fit into the venue so far beyond the religious recruited filled up in a hallway.
After the boy showed the song, at the rally, with all our mourning, standing at all, a moment of silence.

France (Paris) terrorist attacks
in 11/13/2015 (Japan time 14 days) in the area of Saint-Denis France Paris City and suburban commercial
ISIL (Islamic country or IS) combatants and seen several jihadist groups by gunfire and explosions at the same time, and occurs in multiple
terrorist attacks gave birth to the 130 people dead and wounded more than 300 in.

Belgium (Brussels) terrorist attacks
22, 8:00 (Japan time on the same day 4:00 PM) around the second time explosion took place at the airport in the capital of Belgium, Brussels.
Explosion occurred at a subway station near Brussels city is about an hour later, further European Union (EU) headquarters.
At the airport by this terrorist attack, according to local media reports, including 14 people, 20 people died in the subway.
And match injured more than 180 people, the death toll may increase further.
Said crime statement of 22, de facto militant Islamic country (IS) media.

Cogglimabia 9268 flights (with interpretation)
cogglimabia 9268 flight's international passenger Charter flights operated by the airline company cogglimabia of Russia.
10/31/2015, off Sharm el-Sheikh international airport (Egypt)-Airbus A321-231 aircraft flight
headed to Pulkovo Airport (Russia, Saint Petersburg), 6:13 (4:13) crashed in the North of the Sinai Peninsula.
, Boarding 217 passengers and seven crew members on the plane four Ukraine who was Belarus who is one.
This and killing all passengers aboard 224 people, was the worst airline in the history of Russia and Egypt.

'6/12, in a nightclub in the United States the worst shootings occurred'
reportedly killed 50 people, had pledged allegiance to the ISIS is the culprit!
In United States, Florida, Orlando nightclub 6/12 2:00 around the
gun shootings, police said at least 50 people were killed and 53 others were wounded.

United States Obama President
Obama the President refers to instructions from a foreign terrorist organization, 13, taking American history became
the worst gun massacre terrorism and 'no clear evidence' that
allegedly was influenced to extremism in the United States and expressed the view that.

Republicans had claimed a Muslim temporary immigration ban, such as Trump said (69) justified itself claims again, and then
showed up strict Muslim immigrants.
Challenged to win the nomination from the Democratic Party before Clinton (68),
strengthening gun control and discrimination of sexual minorities.

Accuses ISIL (Islamic country or IS) and Al-Qaida

who was hit by heartfelt sympathies,
in contrast to those victims and their bereaved families,
deep, would like to express the condolences.

SCG Sawada, consulting group, Inc.
National Director koichi Sawada

Muslim immigrants to crackdown on strengthening gun control and stricter and sexual minorities discrimination and IS...
Is valid in the border area in order to eliminate the extremism, but

IS the revision of the precepts of Islam from Islam was born in an irregular or
believes personal extremism extremism affected disappears in the long term solution.
Effective for Islamic preach law reform (additional amendment). Influence of the
and not to the present address, United States President Barack Hussein Obama
think my SCG Sawada consulting group and President and CEO Koichi Sawada.

IS born in irregular Islam preach Islamic law amendment (revised: PS) and
definition of personal extremist ideology inspired by extremist ideology disappeared in the longer term solution is
scientifically correct basis if the conclusion is based on the SCG GROUP companies own data investigation,
status, 'no cooperation, no need in taking the
and one company President alone without the' gears of society don't have influence. 'And the theory says more
prepared this life again, to use at this time
(' death sentence from Islamic, from the Muslims going to be assassinated, but the effects are not. )

Describing the disappearance of Muslim extremism, Islamic Supreme Leader Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the correspondence sent to.
SCG Sawada, consulting group, Inc.
National Director koichi Sawada

(1) advocating the Islamic fundamentalist
activation of terrorist

Terrorist attacks by terrorist groups advocating Islamic fundamentalism, international terrorism after the cold war, and occupied the main current
said that the trend in the recent further downsized. In the terrorist organization advocating Islamic fundamentalist terrorism,
has the following features.

(A) Jihad and fatwa (Islamic instruction) and based it on the terrorism of suicide as a means of easy-to-selected.
(B) holy war of the fatwas (Islamic teachings) and terrorism based on the general public, including indiscriminate terrorism is justified.
(C) (former Iraq, Saddam Hussein, etc.) is also the incentive money to families of suicide bombers run, etc.,
there is incentive for suicide bombers.
(D) simultaneously for maximum impact of terrorism, often occurrence of terrorism.
(E) tend to Al-Qaida and improved networking of terrorist organizations, mainly the agile terrorism on a global scale.

And the repeated terrorist attacks by terrorist groups advocating Islamic fundamentalism in the emergence of terrorism in recent years,
from the above proves to be a strong relationship. More (& Nichido risk consulting co., Ltd. data)

(2) the changes in the purposes

In the past was common in regional terrorism in terrorism aimed at independent and autonomous growth.
Said, however, in terrorist attacks in recent years, has transformed its purpose.

Particularly advocating the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organization, whose purpose is to eliminating Westerners
from the Islamic world and Islamic world in there are vague objectives, such as the establishment of the Islamic State.
Therefore, in terrorist attacks in recent years and accomplish the goal of terrorism rather than
strong side 'purpose is terrorism itself'. More (& Nichido risk consulting co., Ltd. data)

(3) network of terrorist

Salient points network of terrorist organizations in recent developments in terrorism.
And extensive terrorist purpose once was in the general assistance by State sponsors of terrorism, but the
are easy to coordinate between terrorist organizations.

Especially the Al-Qaida materially support through advocating Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organization,
is characterized by its many networking.

, Said that establishing a situation be repeated terrorist attacks throughout the world. More (& Nichido risk consulting co., Ltd. data)

             ISIL (Islamic country, IS) and Al-Qaida, a militant teaching correct

                   duty of Supreme Leader of the Islamic

              'non-extremist thought to teach correct as this society.

                      'The mission 1600000000 Muslims.

、According to the terrorism prevention experts Consulting Corporation data

(1) activation of advocating Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organization
(2) the purpose of
(3) network of terrorist

Terrorist attacks by terrorist groups advocating Islamic fundamentalism in international terrorism, these three are mainstream.
Anymore, said principles, accomplish the goals through terrorist attacks more than more than 'purpose is terrorism itself,

is a strict Islamic preach law

amending and preach Islamic law ' mind and respect others, caring for other people not to forget the'

Preach Islamic law revision (Note revised)
'action of the dignity of all people respect, (added revised text) must not forget caring for other people, around the grateful heart'

do preach Islamic law revision in
irregular militant fundamentalist Islam from the
a true Muslim 1600000000 Muslims are 'militant ideology taught correct as this thing. 'The
of Supreme Leader of the Islamic duty, and think the Mission of the 1600000000 Muslims.

By preach Islamic law amendment (revised: PS) was born in irregular from Islam and the
definition of personal extremist ideology inspired by extremist ideology disappeared in the longer term solution is

scientifically correct basis and is based on the
SCG GROUP companies own data investigation,
concluded was.

One company and CEO alone without the 'gears of society don't have influence. 'And the theory says more
prepared this life again, to use at this time
' death sentence from Islamic, from the Muslims going to be assassinated, but the effects are not.

Describing the disappearance of Islamic extremism,
SCG Sawada consulting group co., Ltd. Representative Director koichi Sawada 1 itself, the
Islamic Supreme Leader Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in letters to send.

          ISIL (Islamic country, IS) and Al-Qaida, a militant teaching correct

                  duty of Supreme Leader of the Islamic

           'non-extremist thought to teach correct as this society. 'The

                      mission 1600000000 Muslims.
 SCG GROUP, concluded.

The Islamic Supreme Leader Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in letters to send.

SCG Sawada, consulting group, Inc.
National Director koichi Sawada

Accused ISIL (Islamic country or IS) and Al-Qaida.
And Islamic leader headed the Islamic Muslim 1600000000 who is in the law of Islam preach a disproportionate and urged corrective.
1600000000 Muslims turned to the enemy, and honesty and his

who made the death sentence from the Supreme Leader?
Or from Muslim assassinated?
Or be handed over to Muslim countries and ISIL?

In the country of Japan. To not disturb anyone else as not disturb to JAPAN.
Completed overseas view path.

This life again, and prepared to use at this time.

And eradicate terrorism became like this stage even would reverse the waves of non-natural disasters, catastrophic virtuous economic
economic waves a virtuous cycle to the mission as a management consultant
caused the action as a claim of legitimacy.

On the results of all the
SCG Sawada, consulting group, Inc.
responsibility of the Representative Director koichi Sawada .