European Council version of the
"EUS50 external demand-led economic growth strategy" project team
            【2025 Guideline Target】

In 2020,
The new coronavirus spread throughout the world,
and the door to time and space that occurs once every 100 years, the
【"cycle of testing our true worth,"】 could not be opened.
As Koichi Sawada, representative of the project team for the
European Council's version of the "EUS50 external demand-led economic growth strategy,"
we faced many setbacks from 202 to 2023.

Why? Couldn't the door to the space-time that comes once every 100 years to test our true worth be opened?
Why? Has a distortion occurred in the 12-year cycle of the Global Economic Trends Cycle?

I suffered. I struggled. Why? Can't this problem be solved?
I sank to the brink of collapse.

In 2022, research results finally revealed that the new coronavirus is merely a superficial phenomenon.

The origin and original image of things is determined to be the beginning of the
【"Fifth Industrial Revolution"】, which is a turning point of the "technological singularity"
according to the world economic wave theory.

Once again, the entire project team of the European Council's version of the
"Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
has opened the door to the unknown world of the Fifth Industrial Revolution,
which is a turning point of technological singularity, and as
Representative Koichi Sawada,
I have made the decision to move forward with the combined efforts of the entire team.
(Koichi Sawada)

Now, in 2025,
The European Council version of the
"EUS50 External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy"
all members of the project team 【Technological Singularity】 are about to Begin

 Re: Unknown World 【Fifth Industrial Revolution】

     【Open the Door !! 2025

     Unknown World 【Fifth Industrial Revolution】 Open the door !!

Once again, we enter an unknown world 【The Fifth Industrial Revolution】 Open the Door
We will open the door to the 【technological singularity】 and move forward with all our might.

        Don't let up,
and if anything attacks you, just brush it off."

【United Nations Headquarters】 【United Nations Climate Conference COP29】
【United Nations SDGs】 【EU 27 European Member States】

European Council version of the
"European Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50 Project "

1. Greek formula trade revenue 6th period of 50 developed countries agreement
Greek formula least common multiple ~ greatest common multiple

Greek formula ≦ Negotiations to present economic growth strategy proposal

300 billion yen per country per period x50 countries          15 trillion yen ~

1 trillion yen per country per period x 50 countries            50 trillion yen

【Frozen lunch strategy】 revenue
2 companies in the US, 2 companies in the EU, 1 company in JAPAN

If each company has 1 trillion yen in revenue per period,         5 trillion yen

                       Total amount: 20 trillion to 55 trillion yen

Every fiscal year, 20 trillion to 55 trillion yen in revenue
will be allocated to the European Council version of the
"EUS50 External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" project fund,

of which 100% will be allocated as 【humanitarian aid funds】:

UN Headquarters 23% + EU European Headquarters 20%
+ EU 27 Member States 27%=70%

*The remainder will be recorded as asset expenses, liability expenses, capital expenses, current expenses, etc.
On December 26, 2024, an Excel and Word document will be attached to the accountability document
by email to the UN Headquarters and EU European Headquarters.

December 26, 2024
European Council version of the
"European Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project Team
Representative: Koichi Sawada

For the sixth round of the 50 developed countries' agreement, please refer to the European Council version of the
"EUS50 External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" project trend 2019-2030 model forecast graph.

From here on, we will enter an unknown world 【The Fifth Industrial Revolution】 Open the door
The 【technological singularity】 and move forward with all our might.

2025 Definition: 【Start toward a new high-end cultural direction】
Subtitle:    【Improving your skills. Behaving in a refined manner.】

1.【Towards a new high-class cultural orientationstart】
  【Improving your skills. Behaving in a refined manner.】 
   【Interacting with Technological Singularities】

   ①Highclass【Skill UP】 Exchange

December 8, 2024【Research completed】
Acquire Advanced Technical Skills 【SLAPP LAWSUIT】

   ②Highclass 【Problem-Solving】 Exchange

February 24, 2025【Articles of incorporation】 Article 60 goes into effect
【Articles 1 to 60 of the Articles of incorporation for solving high-level problems in the
European Council version of the "European Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project】

Article 61 (First Succession)
In the succession of the 30 members of the European Council's version of the
"Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team, the first successor
will be a relative or spouse with more outstanding achievements in the international community,
with one member of each team providing a letter of recommendation.
In response to this (with a letter of recommendation from each team member),
the chairman or representative, one member of
the United Nations Headquarters, and one member of the EU European Headquarters
will consult for approval and resolution.

Clause 2 (Hereditary Succession)
In the context of the times, is it a technological singularity?, a destructive singularity?,
Economic priority? Or Environmental priority?
The chairman or representative will read the once-in-a-century "cycle of testing true value"
and decide on hereditary succession (hereditary succession as the first and second generations).

Clause 3 (Second Succession)
The second successor will be a senior Foreign Ministry official with more outstanding achievements
in the international community, with one member of the T team providing a letter of recommendation.
Upon receiving this (with a letter of recommendation from one member of each team attached),
the Chairman or Representative, one person from the United Nations Headquarters,
and one person from the EU European Headquarters will then approve and make a resolution.

Clause 4 (Succession of Democracy)
In a democracy, given the current historical backdrop, is this a technological singularity? Or a destructive singularity?
Should the economy take priority? Or the environment?
The Chairman or Representative will read this once-in-a-century "cycle of testing true value"
and make a decision to succeed democracy
(succession of public opinion as a senior official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
However, the term of office will be four 4years.(3.3 2025)

United Nations Headquarters 【Asia Information Section】
EU European Headquarters New post after President・Commission Chair【NO.3】
European Council version of the "European Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
project Team Representative: Koichi Sawada

March 5, 1960: To celebrate the 65th birthday of our
Representative Koichi Sawada, we enacted Article 62 to promote 30 team members as a revelation.

Article 62 (Title of the 30 members of the European Council's version of the
"EUS50 foreign demand-led economic growth strategy" project team)

The title of the European Council's version of the "EUS50 foreign demand-led economic growth strategy"
project team shall be
【Court Noble】, and it is hereby revealed that the Ranking of the team is
the third Rank or higher in the nobility.

Clause 2 (Peership Academy)
The title of the 30 members of the European Council's version of the
"EUS50 foreign demand-led economic growth strategy"
project team shall be
【Court Noble】,
and it is hereby revealed that the organization of the team of 30 members is
【Court Noble Peerage Academy】.(3.5 2025)

   ③Highclass【Cultural orientation】Exchange

     February 24, 2025 
     High-level cultural exchange at the Final Grand Prix
     High-level cultural exchange with the representatives of the organizing committee and the finalists

Monday, February 24, 2025 BEST OF Hokkaido Final Grand Prix Tournament
Photo taken at the after party at the ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Sapporo

Center:United Nations Headquarters 【Asia Information Section】
     EU European Headquarters New post after President・Commission Chair【NO.3】
      European Council version of the "European Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project Team 
     Representative: Koichi Sawada

Right:  Daughter, 2025 BEST OF Hokkaido, Mrs. Division, Jury Prize Winner,
     EzoReha Award: 【Masayo Mochizuki】

Left : My daughter, 【Atuko】, a professional hair and makeup artist

Best of Miss Hokkaido 2025 representative decided | Japan Beauty Pageant Association

④Improve your qualities. Behave with refinement.

   【Explain and guide the differences in domain areas to destructive singularities】
   ①As the【information capacity】 is increasing, we will seek accountability based on scientific evidence from
    external investors and external administrators who have gone off the rails of the European Council's
    version of the "EUS50 External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" project, and
    we will investigate those who have approached us and ask,
    "What is the purpose? What is the axis of the definition?"

2.The introduction of a new position of 【Authority・Power 】in the
  international community will increase the
General Ship【将軍指揮能力】
  command ability, morale, and demonstrate leadership.

・Clarify Three Roles.

Chapter 4 Committee Members
(Number of Committee Members)

Article 17 This project will have 13 committee members.


Section 2: The project committee members and team composition will be selected from the member countries
        participating in the European Council version of the
        "EUS50 Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" project.

Section 3: The initial members will be:
            One staff member from the European Council Bureau.
            One administrative staff member from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of each of the
         27participating member states of the European Council version of the
         "EUS50 Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" project (27people).

            One designer and management consultant, Agia JAPAN Koichi Sawada.

Section 4: No auditors will be appointed at the beginning of the establishment.
       However, due to the need for auditors, several UN staff and European Council staff
       will be appointed as project advisors for the European Council version of the
       "EUS50 Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy".

Section 5 (Project organization chart and project structure)
           The project organizational chart and project structure for the European Council version of the
       "EUS50 Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" are in accordance with the
       UN Charter, EU European regulations, and the public will of the European Council version of the
       "EUS50 Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" project
       articles of incorporation and terms and conditions regulations, and are as follows:

        【Project organization chart structure

    UN Charter           EU European Law          Terms and Conditions
       ↓                  ↓                   ↓
  UN Secretary-General       EU European President        JAPAN Koichi Sawada

                  EU Commission President       (Representative)

                      (Until January 12, 2036
      ↓                  ↓                   ↓

   United Nations          EU European Headquarters        【G/M Trade Strategy
Asia Information Section       after PresidentCommission      【M/WProject Strategy

 JAPANKoichi Sawada       ChairNO.3】Koichi Sawada     【F/L Project Strategy

         ↓                  ↓                   ↓

  UN  (1 person)
          EU Headquarters  (1 person)      Project Architect

                                                    Strategic Consultant

                                 One from each member country's    Koichi Sawada(1 person)

           Ministry of Foreign Affairs (27people) 


               The team will have a total of 30 members.

1. The project organizational chart and project structure will follow the public will of
  the UN Charter, EU European legislation, project statutes and terms and conditions. In carrying out the project,
  the UN Charter, EU European legislation, project statutes and terms and conditions are the first premise of
  the organizational chart and structure, based on the democratic right to freedom of public expression of opinion.

2. While Koichi Sawada moves to JAPAN, the UN Headquarters Asia Information Officer will be
  AsiaJAPANKoichi Sawada, who will provide information to
  the UN Headquarters and EU Headquarters on humanitarian aid, emergencies, etc.,
  and provide information and reports on Asia that are not provided in
  the US and Europe from Koichi Sawada's perspective.

3. EU European Headquarters New post after PresidentCommission ChairNO.3
  Koichi Sawada has been appointed as the new post to carry out the introduction of

EU government aircraftand financial assistance for the purpose of humanitarian assistance in
  the EU27 member states in the event of an emergency until January 12, 2036
  (hereafter, promotion personnel), and it has been determined that the role of

NO.3 is an appropriate and suitable post to take on the responsibilities.


4. After the end of the Syrian civil war and conflict, he is in charge of launching the Mineral Water Project,
  a project to allow Syrians who fled from Syria to Europe to return home.

   He has sent letters to the King, Queen, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Chairmen of the Council of
  Ministers of 27 European member states regarding the Syrian conflict resolution and
  Syrian reconstruction strategy.
  He also personally sent a letter to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the supreme leader of Islam,
  explaining that Islamic extremism will be eliminated.

   He has also received letters from the French presidential government, including
  The 24th President Hollande and The 25th President Macron,
  and has technical uniqueness in terms of his core capabilities and qualities.

   In addition, Taking into account negotiations with Dubai, UAE, we sent a personal letter to Supreme Leader
  Mohammed bin Rashis AI Maktoum, who is unable to contact the UAE government
  (EF629755605JP and EF820908817JP).

  for the Mineral Water Project, Koichi Sawada, who is an authority on water, sent a personal letter to the  
  Imperial Household Agency and His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, which is unusual,
  and we judged him to be a person of great generosity, determination,
  and resolve who is in the right position to carry out the project as
  EU European Headquarters New Post After President
Commission Chair No.3

5. As AsiaJAPAN Koichi Sawada,
  he has indicated that he will not receive any remuneration as representative until the project is
  completed or the deadline is set (January 12, 2036), and is prepared to cooperate with
  The United Nations Headquarters and EU European Headquarters in humanitarian aid.

   However, the 60.4 billion yen in personal remuneration for inventions and
  strategy consulting to design engineers for the F/L Project Strategy is deemed to be a
  legitimate invention remuneration based on the blue light-emitting diode lawsuit.

         Don't let up,
and if anything attacks you, just brush it off."

a United Nations Headquarters
【Asia Information Section】Koichi Sawada
   ・As the UN Headquarters Asia Information Officer, I will provide information on Asia.
      I will also express my opinions as Koichi Sawada.
     ・If Requested, I will travel to the United States New York Headquarters in August 2025 to
      fulfill my responsibilities in providing 【question and answer】, 【answering】, and【explaining】 the details.
     ・I will request cooperation with the 【Frozen Lunch Strategy】, which will be used as 【humanitarian aid funds】.
     ・Led by the United States and Europe Western civilization represents Asia
      Fulfilling the responsibility of the 【technological singularity】.

b EU European Headquarters New post after President・Commission Chair
Provide information as Koichi Sawada, the new 【NO3】 at the EU European Headquarters.Also, provide opinions as Koichi Sawada.
     ・Steadily advance the possibility of 【Reconstructing Syria】 (although it is premature)and ensure the【Mineral Water Strategy】.
     ・If requested, travel to the EU European Headquarters in Belgium Brussels in August 2025 to take responsibility for the process
      【Question and Answer】,【Response】, and 【Explanation】.
    ・Request cooperation with the 【Frozen Lunch Strategy】, which will become 【Humanitarian Aid Fund】.
      As the European Headquarters
【NO. 3】, we will proceed with preparations for the
    ・【cause and purpose of protecting the lives of the people】 of the 27 European member states.

c "European Council version of the EUS50" external demand-led economic growth
  strategy project team Representative Koichi Sawada

    ・European Council Members' version of the "European Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team
     Representative Koichi Sawada, I will follow the UN Charter and EU Headquarters Legal Guidelines for Humanitarian Aid,
     and as Representative Koichi Sawada, I will raise the morale of the team and demonstrate leadership with my
General Ship【将軍指揮能力】 command skills.
     I will express my opinions as representative Koichi Sawada and work to build a trajectory.

    ・As the Representative of the European Council's version of the "EUS50 external demand-led economic growth strategy" project team,
     Koichi Sawada will follow the UN Charter at the UN headquarters and the EU headquarters legal guidelines for humanitarian aid,
     as Representative Koichi Sawada, I will raise the morale of the team and demonstrate leadership with my
"General Ship 【将軍指揮能力】command ability".
     I will express my opinions as representative Koichi Sawada and work to establish a trajectory.
    ・If requested, I will travel to the New York headquarters in the United States and the EU headquarters in Belgium and Brussels
     in August 2025 and take responsibility for the process 【question and answer】, 【response】 and 【explanation】.
    ・Selection of the European Council's version of the "EUS50 external demand-led economic growth strategy" project team members.
    ・When the actions of the following 【technological singularity】 and the trajectory of the flow of the 【cycle of questioning true value】
      that occurs once every 100 years opens the door, the European Council version of the
     "Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM
     【Articles of Incorporation】【Conditions】 will become the firm legal regulations of TEAM.

TEAM symbol mark:
    Blue color. Blue luminous color. Angel mark 【Angel mark 30 + α】
    A mark of 30 angels and + α holding hands
    Angel number 30 is 【a number that tells us the trajectory we should follow.
    A messenger of God who shines brightly and illuminates the trajectory we should follow by heaven】
    + α (plus alpha) is the generation born after 2010, 2 billion people【α generation】.
    It is the largest generation in history.
    It indicates alpha that brings added value and profit.

    In other words, 1 person from the United Nations headquarters.
    1 person from the EU European headquarters. 1 person from each EU member state (27 people).
    1 person from Asia JAPAN, TEAM Representative, designer,
    and strategic consultant Koichi Sawada. = 30 people
    The messenger of God 30 brought by heaven
    is a bright trajectory that shines brightly and moves forward.

    The α generation is a messenger who brings added value and profit
    as a country that joined the EU after 2010,or as 【International Relief Special Support】.

Image of an angel.
     Please consult with the team and a design expert regarding the symbol mark and badge.

3.【Problem solving ability】Improvement.
①European Council version of the "EUS50 External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" project
    As a team, we will tackle the issue head-on and improve our 【problem solving abilities】.

   ②Set your own goals.Improve efficiency and solve each mission one by one.

TEAM representative Koichi Sawada's assignment schedule

       Assignment 1.              Assignment 2.                Assignment 3.
(Mon) - 1/5 (Sun)       1/6 (Mon) - 3/25(Thu)           4/1 (Yue) - 7/24 (Thu)
New Year's holiday return

     【Syria in turmoil】        【British history】    【Norway position international community】

Thursday, July 24, 2025                    October 21, 2025 (Tuesday)
TEAMmember assignment submission date      
The 1st European Council Edition Project TEAM Meeting
                                   "EUS50" External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy


Task 1.Shift from reading about 【Trouble in Syria】 to starting research and development
        Research and development period: Monday, December 2, 2024 to Sunday, January 5, 2025

        On Monday, December 2, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. Japan time,
        I sent a congratulatory telegram to the United Nations Headquarters and the European Headquarters for
        Antonio Costa, the new President of the European Union.
        The research and development of the SLAPP lawsuit was also completed,
        and I had planned to leisurely read a book on the democratization and dictatorship of Syria in December,
        but at 5:00 p.m., the international news of the Syrian civil war rekindling came in.
【Breaking news】 Syria's Assad regime collapses, rebels declare - video broadcast on national television,
        TBS News, Sunday, December 8th.
        This is also international news that has just come in. About a month ago,
        I explained in an email to the UN headquarters and the EU European headquarters that the year 2024
        would be the most stagnant year for the Assad regime, it would be in a difficult situation,
        and it was not the time for it to recover, so this happened.
        The Syrian civil war rekindling was expected, but I analyzed that the main factor was the destructive
        singularity that was trying to open the door to the once-in-a-century wave of cycles that test our true worth.
It was an emergency that could be measured in minutes and hours,
        but I decided to prioritize the international news and quickly switch my response.
         I decided to quickly switch my brain from reading to research and development, and to work on it from Monday,
         December 2, 2024 to Sunday, January 5, 2025, giving up the New Year holidays.
         Third Price Location: Hakodate Siesta, 4F Hakodate G Square (Library loan certificate date: November 30, 2024)

Task 2. 【British History】 Research and Development

         Research and development period: Monday, January 6, 2025 to Tuesday, March 25, 2025

        "British History" was a project that was raised as an issue in December last year to the European Council's
        "EUS50" project TEAM.
         President Trump is interested in the UK. 
         Will the US and UK build a closer relationship in the future?
         As representative Koichi Sawada, I will explore this and research and develop "British History"
         with the aim of supporting TEAM members.  (Library loan certificate date: November 30, 2025)

Task 3: 【Norway's position in the international community】

      Research and development period: April 1, 2025 (Tuesday) to July 24, 2025 (Thursday)

      【"Norway's Position in the International Community"】 was a topic raised to the European Council's
      "EUS50 External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" project TEAM in December last year.
      What position does Norway have in the international community?
      As representative Koichi Sawada, I will be conducting research and development on
      【"Norway's Position in the International Community"】 with the aim of supporting TEAM members.
      (Library loan certificate date: November 30, 2024)

The deadline for TEAMmembers to submit their assignments is
                 Thursday, July 24, 2025.

      Tuesday, October 21, 2025
      We will support project TEAM members in researching and developing the projects that have been
      raised as topics for the first European Council version of the
      "EUS50 External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" project TEAM meeting.

   【Keep your distance from the destructive singularities】
   ③We have a strong will to confront head-on those who deviate from the core of the design project
    (UN Charter, EU European regulations, EUS50 Project Articles of Association) and do not pander to them.
    【No to pandering】。
   ④We will distance ourselves from survivalists who do not like the strictness of
    【outwitting through lies, deception, mimicry, and deception】 that is not part of Western civilization,
    and will expand our interactions with technological singularityists to improve [problem solving].

4.Capital investment year one start
  【First year of highest common multiple capital investment,
   First year of lowest common multiple general affairs,First year of cost reduction】
Highest common multiple capital investment
   ①Make capital investments appropriately and with the Greatest common multiple MAX through careful design.
②Buy quality products based on their cyclical trends.

The lowest common denominator: Reducing general affairs and expenses
A precursor to 【unprecedented general affairs】 and【unprecedented expenses】 for the 2026 fiscal year.

   ①By carefully determining the【 Break Even Point】,]
    we can reduce general affairs and expenses appropriately and by using the least common multiple theory.
   (This is due to the preparation period for
     【unprecedented general affairs】 【unprecedented accounting】 for the2026fiscal year.
   ②The search for the turning point between
    【appropriate personnel】 【appropriate work】【Prevention of deviation】
   ([Phase Plan 2026】 【Based on the consideration of the foundations of per capita productivity】)
   ③Subdivision of Investments(Distribution・Division of Duties)

5.【For difficult times】Mental health care
  (maintaining health and improving physical strength)
【Five types of mental health care】
   ①【Maintaining health】
   ③【Increase your metabolism】
   ④【Quality and comfortable sleep】
   ⑤【Rest and rejuvenate】

   【With these 5 mental health care tips】, you can overcome future difficulties.
   Modern society demands deep thought, so to train your brain, you must reduce mental stress and
   control your autonomic nervous system on a daily basis.
   You must also maintain your health and physical strength in your daily life in order to overcome
   future difficulties.

   Nowadays, a disaster could occur at any time.
   When will we reach a point where we have to debate and exchange opinions in parliament until late at night?

   If you do not ride the flow of the axis of the orbit that occurs once every
   100 years 【a cycle that tests your true worth】, your mind and body will collapse.
   Also, regarding 【basal metabolic energy amount】,I have requested support from Rejuvenation.
   (Voluntary request as a non-profit collaborator)
   Therefore, in order to keep the trajectory of the European Council's version of the "EUS50”
    External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy" project from deviating,it is important to maintain a
   home position during peacetime (a still, relaxed state with the deviation value of the peacetime state)
   and prepare for external damage(in an emergency situation, the deviation value of the issue is adjusted
   to the maximum MAX state)and eliminate hesitation and indecision to keep it to a minimum,
   which Koichi Sawada, the representative of the company, has decided will lead to 【maintaining health】.



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