Crisis management risk prevention such as
focus measure level 3

2022 April and May,
We will raise the weight of risk crisis management from 20% to 50% (level3).
(50% for extremist organization IS countermeasures)
(60% in response to the former USA President Trump's administration)

Crisis Management Risk Control, etc:

1. Collection of information in China and Taiwan situation

2. Collection of information in Syria situation

3.1.2. As a countermeasure that does not overlap in the information
  gathering of In clever words in Japan【Do not make it bad】
  Preventive measures that make up stories of falsehood and
  forgery and prevent fraud and traps from being set up.

4.A period to reinforce domestic demand so as not to drown
  in domestic demand measures.

5.BCPbusiness plan European Board of Directors
  "Display Type Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
  To carry out the bubble method distribution channel model theory】.

6.1977, for the first time in 45 years
  This is due to the situation that the【Tagi era】 started.

April-May 2022,
As the founder representative of the European Council version of
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
Don't be fooled, don't set traps
We will raise the weight of risk crisis management.

February 11, 2022
European Board of Directory Volume
"Device Done Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
Representative Koichi Sawada

【Land, sea, and air bubble distribution
channel model theory】
Book research

1.Pandemic containment theory research
(research based on the status quo books)

                         【March April May issue】   

We will study from the perspective of aerodynamics.
2.Research and Development of Aerodynamics
                         【Delayed and continue research】

① Aerodynamics
② Aerodynamics 
         【March 12-April 8】   
①Learn 【Aerodynamics】as a Spring Schedule.
②Understand the international standard atmosphere
(ISA) and learn the temperature, density and pressure of the atmosphere.

From the viewpoint of jetliner piloting   
3.Research and development of jetliner piloting
                                              【Study on April 11th START】
① Preparation for departure
② Emergency  
        【April 11-May 6th】

①Learn a jet passenger aircraft from the perspective of a gentleman pilot.
②Grasp the difference between airbathing machine and
  boeing machine and help to estimate the purchase.
③Preparation for departure-Learn the relationship between Pryflight Gyro.

From the viewpoint of helicopter mechanism 
4.Research and development of helicopter mechanism
① Aerodynamics of helicopters
② Air flow by closed doors
         【May 11-June9】
①Learn aerodynamics of helicopters.
②Learn the mechanism of the rotor.


April 2022 Network expansion period
Pattern A (for assignment to Europe) Pattern B (for relocation to Tokyo) Pattern C (for maintaining the status quo)

Effectively expand personal connections in each location.

Issue 7 Land, Sea, and Air 【Bubble Type Distribution Channel Model Theory】
We will work on new research with books.

Once external demand → shifted to domestic demand (research by books LAB notebook specifications),
                  The time to deal with domestic demand issues.

【Land, sea, and air bubble distribution
channel model theory】
Book research

1.Pandemic containment theory research
(research based on the status quo books)

                          【March April May issue】   

We will study from the perspective of aerodynamics.
2.Research and Development of Aerodynamics
                          【Delayed and continue research】

① Aerodynamics
② Aerodynamics 
         【March 12-April 8】   
①Learn 【Aerodynamics】as a Spring Schedule.
②Understand the international standard atmosphere
(ISA) and learn the temperature, density and pressure of the atmosphere.

From the viewpoint of jetliner piloting   
3.Research and development of jetliner piloting
                                            【Study on April 11th START】
① Preparation for departure
② Emergency  
         【April 11-May 6th】

①Learn a jet passenger aircraft from the perspective of a gentleman pilot.
②Grasp the difference between airbathing machine and
  boeing machine and help to estimate the purchase.
③Preparation for departure-Learn the relationship between Pryflight Gyro.

Friday, April 22          Announcement of the General Council for April 

                    First of all, as the project leader of the European Board of Directors'
                    "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50", 
                    In the midst of an emergency foreign situation
【Land, sea, and air bubble distribution channel model theory】
                    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me research time.     

                         As we have said and done in the past, Western civilizations, led by the United States and Europe,
                         have a cycle that questions their true value once every 100 years.
                         The door of the "beginning of the Fifth Industrial Revolution", which is a turning point of technical singularity,  
                         human rights issues and more mental health care eras
                         (especially U.S. and U.S. military personnel are more focused on human rights and mental health issues)
                         we are moving on to build.

                         On the other hand, the strategy that eastern European civilization, led by Russia,
                         went against the industrial revolution of the past, was noticed by all users, but it could not be stopped.

                         Future Focus
                         Will the focus for the future be on a ceasefire around May 11? Will the second phase of the new phase of anti-war be prolonged?
                         In order to demand surrender to the Ukrainian side, will neutrons be applied to the chemical weapons,
                         Uranium 235,235U, and even the worst-case fission operation be effective?

                         Will the rifts in G20 countries after the closing on April 20, 2022 create conflict in the future? (There are some errors and corrections)
                         In addition, the U.S. presidential midterm elections on November 8 and the party's annual convention to determine the party's
                         top leadership of the Communist Party of China, which is expected to be held in November
                         How will western and Russian civilization, Chinese civilization,
                         and China face western civilization at the 6th plenary session of the 19th Central Committee (all meetings out of 6)?

                         The differences between civilizations appear in the fall 2022 formation, and china's movements are worrisome,
                         but china will still not budge if they put their own countries first.                        
                         If it is as my prediction, the operation 【autumn - winter 2022】sent to the UNITED NATIONS and EU
                         (Latest EU-China Meeting: Eu President and Chairman said,
                         "The EU side will nail China that sanctions on the Russian side should not be disturbed.") 4.2TBSNEWS) side will be effective. 
                         Eus50 Project for External Demand-Led Economic Growth Originate representative Koichi Sawada predicts.


                    【Land, sea, air bubble type distribution channel model theory】In order to concentrate on research,
                    Except for risk response and passive, we will refrain from distributing the website.                   
                    Until around Friday, June 10, the period to develop
New R&D Rresearch and Development capabilities will be established.                  
                    Thank you for your understanding.

                    In addition, from October 23, 1997, he became
変則的1回性 Irregular a person lives once.
                    SCG Sawada Consulting Group, Representative Director of Co., Ltd. (established to dissolved)  
                    European Board of Directors' Project Period of "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
                     (inauguration - head of origin) -
                    In accordance with the 2019-2030 model (forecast) graph of the current European board version of
                    "External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"Although the movement is slow due to various factors
                     (corona disaster, Russia, Ukraine problem, etc.),
                    I am working as a starting representative with a view to the first, second, and third europeans as a whole.

                    That the world has become a cycle in which the international community attaches importance to
【Human rights issues】 【gender】 and in my case 変則的1回性 Irregular a person lives once.                  

I want you not to think lightly.

                    I am now working on the Eus50 External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy project
                    in the European Board of Directors
                    As the originer representative, it is our responsibility to formulate
【land, sea, air bubble type distribution channel model theory】.

                    In the international situation, we are in the
midst of a fierce battle.                  
                    The destination of the door of the unknown world 【fifth industrial revolution】
                    which is the turning point of the technological singularity is,                   
                    It does not go with a
smooth sailing violently.

                    European Member's Edition of "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" as a project team  
                    The only hope is that the "support for Ukraine spreading in Syria", which was damaged by the Syrian war,  
                    I believe that if it leads to the mineral water project, the war of the past (Syrian civil war) will be restored.  
                    Praying that the Russian invasion of Ukraine will cease as soon as possible,
                    I think it will take a long time, To be able to return to daily life that ukrainian people can feel safe.
                    but I would be happy if the Also、 mineral water project becomes a model.
                    and more than five million refugees Ukrainian people will be able to return to their safe daily lives,                    
                    Eus50 Project for External Demand-Led Economic Growth                   
                    As the founder representative, I intend to complete the formulation of the responsibility
【land, sea, and air bubble type distribution channel model theory】.    

                    April 21, 2022                   
                    Eus50 Project for External Demand-Led Economic Growth
                    The Originer Representative  Koichi Sawada

                    Announcement of the General Council for April 
In terms of the situation, it is all in one word of 【very severe situation】. 

【Land, sea, and air bubble distribution channel model theory】is
                    1. In the pandemic containment theory study, we arrived at the experts
                    【I hope for BCG that the Japanese had been inoculated in infancy and childhood】. 

                    2.As for 【aerodynamics】,
                    if the lift reduction and drag increase, the airplane will stall.
                    The faster the airplane flies, the greater the tail angle by the wings,
                    and the greater the number of critical Mach.
                    From the management of the weight and center of gravity position of aerodynamic average wing strings (MAC) airplanes,
                     there is a rule that even if there are vacant seats, it is not possible to move without permission.
                    (Passengers are about 64 kg, international flights are 73 kg, cabin attendants 59 kg baggage included)  
                    Is the air flow in the cabin constant from the viewpoint of the center of gravity position? 

                    START research from the fiscal year ending April 3. Jet Aircraft Steering Development
                    1 For departure preparation,Safe and comfortable flight plans are natural,
                    but efficiency and fuel consumption are also important.
                    Depending on the airplane model (compared to B777 and B747),
                    Haneda-New York fuel consumption is a drum can and 200 differences.
                    Haneda Airport-Between Fukuoka Airports, the difference in fuel consumption (14 minutes required)
                    by the wind of jet air and sky (14 minutes required)It was understood in the middle of research that
                    it would be more than 2 drum cans.


                    Hints that can not yet be reached in 【Land, Sea, and Air Bubble Distribution Channel Model Theory】yet.

             In Europe, it is at a
very severe situation of situations, such as Corona, aircraft reduction,
             international luggage dispatch revision, Ukraine Russian issue

                    Domestic surface facing (environment) is spring basful. The Golden Week is also near.
                    It is a week that floats up, but I am in a tough position that does not appear on the surface.

Under the water surface, each company celebrates the fiscal year ending March,
                    and companies are raising early retires. Factory closed company.
                    You can not get on the track with Corona and the economic downturn situation.
                    Even if the number of attractions is mobilized, the user is still a nest.
                    How do you decide to relax and tighten the bank side? Lost time.

                    How did you improve or reform?
                    It is in severe situations that must be explained in shareholders at the general meeting of shareholders.
                    The European Board of Directors "Display-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project
                    involves as a representative of the resolution and approval.
                    European Property is also unclear in the European operating status.
                    Information that can not send luggage, and the air flight also takes three months.
                    Relevant to shipping, delayed information to be delayed for more than 6 months.

                    【According to the instruction of safety operation regulation】 from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
                    Transport and Tourism Do not call it.

                    ANA and JAL International Phone continues to connect in various reasons.
                    Later, Limited Luggage Deposit Liquid etc. Check →
                         ① Archangeable Charge Gel 330G② Skin Milk 200G ③ Skin Lotion 300ml ④ Baby Oil 300ml ⑤ Hand gel 500 ml
                         ⑥Mouse wash 600 ml is not the content  volume,
                         but if it is actual lightweight and 2L or less, luggage deposit OK. ※ Hair spray 260g is baggage OK with gas.

                    European Board of Directory Volume "Device Done Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
                    As a representative, the standby state is now. There is no way other than waiting.
                    Now there is no way to clear one of the research issues in front of you.

                    Research fiscal year Expectations for the fiscal year ending March
                    The only, expectations for the fiscal year, bright hope,
                    27 Member states in Europe European Board of Directors "Display Listed Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
                    Project TEAM Members Expect the bright topic of special support.

                    In addition, the European Board of Directory Version "Devard-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
                    As a Team 【EU European government special machine】 introduction proposal
                    A dedicated machine that allows EU governments to relieve the people of the European member country,
                    as in paragraph 1 and ever.
                    In paragraph 2 and ever, you can quickly supply urgent supplies to European member countries as EU governments 
                    It is a correct choice. I believe it.

                    April 202, 2004,
                    Pulling the specific gravity of risk crisis management to 20% → 50% (level 3) is judged to be appropriate.


                    Pandemic containment, bubble method distribution route model quest pathway is far.

April 22, 2022
                    European Board of Directory Volume "Device Done Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
                    Representative Koichi Sawada


May 2022 Beginning

A pattern (for assignment to Europe)
A more detailed strategy It will be created together with the European Council version of
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team.

【Land, sea, and air bubble distribution
channel model theory】
Book research

1.Pandemic containment theory research
(research based on the status quo books)

                          【March April May issue】   

From the viewpoint of jetliner piloting   
3.Research and development of jetliner piloting
                                            【Study on April 11th START】
① Preparation for departure
② Emergency  
         【April 11-May 6th】

①Learn a jet passenger aircraft from the perspective of a gentleman pilot.
②Grasp the difference between airbathing machine and
  boeing machine and help to estimate the purchase.
③Preparation for departure-Learn the relationship between Pryflight Gyro.

From the viewpoint of helicopter mechanism 
4.Research and development of helicopter mechanism
① Aerodynamics of helicopters
② Air flow by closed doors
        【May 11-June9】
①Learn aerodynamics of helicopters.
②Learn the mechanism of the rotor.

May 13th (Friday)   【Brussels at the time of Brussels】
               The European Union (EU) senior officials were on the 6th President Michele EU visited
               the Peace Memorial Museum in Hiroshima City, a bombed area on the 13th,
               and stated that he would give a speech.Michelle, with Chairman Fondareen Europe,
               with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on the 12th in Tokyo.
               They are planning to visit Japan to hold the EU regular leader consultation.

               Taking this opportunity, as a message of International Peace
                (Russia's Ukrainian invasion of Ukraine invasion),
               I wish I could send it ...

               In addition, in regular 【day EU regular leader consultation】Eight years of petition,
               the European Director's version of the "Foreign Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
               Location to resolution and approval is the "external demand -led economic growth strategy EUS50" project
               Expected as the founder representative Koichi Sawada.

               May 13, 2022
               European Director -country version of "External Demand -led Economic growth Strategy EUS50" project
               Status representative Koichi Sawada

May 22 (Sunday) 6:00      May 17th Review


Following the April quarter, the severe situation
                     (really tough. Even Saturdays and holidays, tension continues).
                     There are days when steady work is painful compared to the thought period.
                     In addition, various 【risk crisis management】 must be performed.
                     You have to overcome this.
                     I tell you We will continue this effort on Thursday, June 9th.


                     The only 【Customs Notice Subsidy Paper】 The temporary input in printing is 【completed】.

May 24 (Tue)                                     

【Flash Report】Japan-U.S. Summit Joint Press Conference:
President Biden Japan Announces Support for Becoming a
"Permanent Security Member" of the United Nations       

Prime Minister Kishida held a joint press conference after meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden in Tokyo on the 23rd,
President Biden revealed that he had expressed his support for Japan to become a permanent member of the
"Reform of the United Nations Security Council."
5/23 (Mon) 14 31 Delivered (FNN Prime Online)   

On behalf of the European Council member's EUS50 project team,
"EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand",

As a representative of the promoters,
Japan's declaration of support for its entry into the United Nations "Permanent Security Council" is:
EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand, a copy of the European Security Council in Japan
It is also the wish of the promoter representative Koichi Sawada,
For 10 years, SCG Sawada, Consulting Group, Inc.
As Representative Director Koichi Sawada, this is also the words and actions that he made at the time.

Also, in 2020 

1.His Majesty Emperor Naruhito   
※Noticed, Secretary's Division, Secretariat of the Chief Secretary, Internal Department, Imperial Household Agency

2.His Excellency the 99th Former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga   
※Cabinet Government Public Relations Office Notice 

3.His Excellency the Former Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso 
※Cabinet Government Public Relations Office Notice  

4.His Excellency Mr. Toshimitsu Motegi, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs  
※Cabinet Government Public Relations Office Notice  

6.Harumi Takahashi, Member of the House of Councillors
※To the House of Councillors House of Councillors 


【Japan to become a permanent member of the Security Council EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand,
a copy of the European Security Council in Japan
I will not give up as the promoter representative Koichi Sawada】
I have sent you a letter of intent.
※After one year, it is impossible to track

U.S. President Joe Biden Expresses Support for Japan's Entry into the United Nations "Permanent Security Member"
On behalf of the European Council member's edition of the EUS50 project team, Strategic Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand,Supporting the efforts of His Excellency Mr. Kishida, the 100th Prime Minister of the Government of Japan,
I would like to express my heartfelt condolences and condolences to the ministries and agencies involved in this.

May 24, 2022
Representative of the project team of the European Council
"EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand"
Promoter Representative Koichi Sawada

May 26 by Dear Chris Morgan 
Thanks for the reconfirmation email.          
But I haven't received the email I sent yesterday.
If it's an important email, I'll send you a [missent] message.
When I go to New York, I will see you there.
Senior Investment Broker Independent Finance
241West 37th Street、Garment
New York District, New York, USA

May 26, 2022
European Council Member Edition EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand Project           
Promoter Representative Koichi Sawada


May 28 (Sat)   Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced the Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting and the Quad Summit Meeting,
           a framework of Japan, the United States, Australia, and India.
           He has shown the world his willingness to counter the growing threat posed by China in the Indo-Pacific region.
           As countries become increasingly wary of China's acquiescence to Russia's invasion of Ukraine,
           expectations for Japan's security role will also increase.         
           Prime Minister Kishida intends to intensify diplomacy to take a leading position in Asia. (5.24 Sankei Shimbun)
           It was also on the agenda in international media coverage 2022 from 4:20 in the early morning of Saturday, May 28,
           European Council Member Edition EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand Project
           As a representative of the promoters, he planned a simulation operation for the
【invasion of Taiwan by the Chinese side】
           It has already been submitted to His Excellency the Secretary-General of the United Nations,
           to His Excellency the President of the European Security Council and to
            His Excellency the President of the European Security Council in October 2021.

           Whatever the case, China is preparing to invade Taiwan and The European Council member's
           version of the EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy EUS50 project team has made a decision.
           The Chinese Communist Party will be effective
【even if Mr. Xi Jinping is covered in mud】,
           The next Chinese president has already read that a new president of the Uyghur Autonomous Region
           at home and abroad is a vision.

           The "quad" summit will lead to deterrence,
           What should be done to prevent the next move in the future?

We already have a sense of crisis that it is 【late】 and should take measures
           The European Council's version of the EUS50 Strategy for Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth is judging the project team

           Saturday, May 28, 2022           
           Representative of the project team of the European Council "EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand"
           Promoter Representative Koichi Sawada

June 3 (Fri)
Fraudulent receipt of 200 million yen in corona benefits Arrested on suspicion of fraud by consulting officers (June 2022)

For defrauding the country's "sustainability benefit" of the new coronavirus countermeasures,
The Omori Station of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department announced on February 2 that it had arrested three people on suspicion of fraud,
including Itsuki Tani, a 25-year-old consultant company officer from Kaizu City, Gifu Prefecture.
The police department is investigating the alleged fact that Tani and others fraudulently received a total of about 200 million yen
in total from acquaintances in late May to late September 2020, and received a total of about 34 million yen as a fee.  
According to the arrest charges, in June 2020, he had a man in his 20s whom he knew make a false application,
and defrauded the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency of 1 million yen in benefits. (June 2, Japan Mainichi News)

SCG Sawada, Consulting Group, Inc.
As a former representative director and as a representative liquidator,
this is an extremely vicious incident that I regret.

This is my third time as a management consultant in Japan.

1.  Paper Campani on the Tokyo Olympics Bid Issue – Case as a Management Consultant

2.  Harvard University Graduate, MBA and Management Consultant Fraud Case of False and Fraudulent Fraud

3.  The case of fraudulent receipt of 200 million yen in corona benefits

SCG Sawada, Consulting Group, Inc.

As a former representative director and representative liquidator,

I am truly regrettable and, like 1.2, BCG Boston Consulting Group, Inc.,
the world's largest company located in BOSTON in the United States,

This is how we reported this to the CEO as a reminder.

It is an extremely vicious incident, and I sincerely regret it.BCG Boston Consulting Group Company Limited
located around the world Thank you for your attention.

June 3, 2022
SCG Sawada, Consulting Group, Inc.
Former Representative Director Koichi Sawada  Representative liquidator Koichi Sawada
European Council Member Edition EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand Project
Promoter Representative Koichi Sawada

June 2022 Foundation construction period
A pattern (for assignment to Europe)
A more detailed strategic foundation
It will be created together with the European Council version of
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team.

What is the relaxing environment for the team?
With the European Council version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team
We will hold events such as social gatherings, consolation parties (commendations, etc.),
party, family meetings, summer vacation schedules, etc.

【Land, sea, and air bubble distribution
channel model theory】
Book research

1.Pandemic containment theory research
(research based on the status quo books)

                        【March April May issue】 

From the viewpoint of helicopter mechanism 
4.Research and development of helicopter mechanism
① Aerodynamics of helicopters
② Air flow by closed doors
        【May 11-June9】
①Learn aerodynamics of helicopters.
②Learn the mechanism of the rotor.


                【Congratulatory Address】
June 6 (Mon)     The Crown Prince of England thanks 'Mom', '
            Paddington' also appeared at the 70th Anniversary Concert of Queen Elizabeth's Reign

              A celebration concert was held at Buckingham Palace in London, England,
              on April 4 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's reign as Platinum Jubilee.           
              His son, Prince Charles, also took the stage and read a thoughtful letter to his "mother" (Mummy).    
              Although the Queen was absent, the bear "Paddington", who is popular in children's literature and movies,
              was present at the palace.
              A video of her having tea with the Queen was played at the beginning. (Sunday, June 5, BBCNEWS JAPAN)

              On behalf of the EUS50 project team, a European Council member's version of the EUS50 Strategy
              for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand 
              Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's reign
               Like the British national anthem         
              I can only hope that Queen Elizabeth will live a long life forever.

              Once again          
              On behalf of the EUS50 project team, a European Council member's version of the EUS50 Strategy
              for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand            
              I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on the concert to celebrate the 70th anniversary
              of the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

              Also, when I visited the UK, I played a game of British tradition 【Polo Club】 
              I want to play a hockey game with a horse and the Crown Prince of England (I want to have fun).

              June 6, 2022
              European Council Member Edition EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand Project 
              Promoter Representative Koichi Sawada

June 10th (Friday) 0:40
First of all, the European Director's version of the "Foreign Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
For TEAM members of 27 member countries as the founder representative KOICHI SAWADA In Japan,
a person who does not recognize my abilities is a person who does human resources like a piece 
We apologize for the existence of a person trying to reduce the morale of the project,

【Be sure to make a success of the European Director's version of
"Foreign Demand -led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" projects.
It depends on TEAM members.】

【Goddess Operation】
European Director -country version of "External Demand -led Economic growth Strategy EUS50" project
The founder representative KOICHI SAWADA will also work, build,
and all TEAM Build an information strategy inquiry for the year, month, day, and time to compete in the international community,
We are going to work as a representative of the founder so that all Team will lead the victory.

27 Project TEAM members of the member country, all

Do your best without giving up,

Let's enjoy the 3rd Friday party every November! !

June 10th (Friday)      1.【Land・ Sea・ Sky Bubble Distribution View Model theory】 Formulation START

                    【Land・ Sea・ Sky Bubble Distribution View Model theory】Enter the draft thinking period.
                    As a result, (draft thought period) shift from Data input period to draft thinking.
                    It is a period of slowly working on it,
                    The irregular routine work (midnight 12:00, 1:00 wake up, 2:00 wake up)Return to everyday life (4:00 wake up).

Tense period→In order to become a period with 【a smile little by little】,
                              We will enter a process where we can have a more fulfilling private life
                               (respect for the feelings of the other party).

                    To all of you who have been given time for research,
                    I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who supported us.

                    In addition, as a representative of the promoter,
                    European Council Member's Version of the EUS50 Strategy for Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth Project Team
                    Laboring for special support (promoter's representative wife) and special support (child),
                    Also, to friends who are getting along,
                    At the time of the resolution and approval of the EUS50 project of the European Security Council's
                    version of the EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy,The day after the ban on Beaujolais Nouveau,
                    On the third Friday of November each term submitted to the European Member State Secretariat
                    I will ask the team to prepare a
【Guest Support Post】
                    for the labor party.

 June 10th (Friday)
                    European Council Member Edition EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand Project
                    Promoter Representative Koichi Sawada

June 10th (Friday)        In the book,
                    Ready to work                   

                    【English conversation that can be spoken instantly in business】
                    Phrase Special Training Business                 
                    【Basic Greeting】 【Conference】 【Business Negotiations】    【English Proficiency Study START】

June 10th (Friday)        Priority Measures for Crisis Management Risk Prevention Level5→
【Adjustment to release】    

Message to the EUS50 Project Team of the European Council Member's
Version of the EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand

【Website Reform Date】Notice
Raising issues related to the EUS50 project of the European Council member's version of the EUS50
Economic Growth Strategy Over the years, I have explained this to the members of the international community.

In the fiscal year ending February 2022, February 17 (Thursday)
Pattern A (in the case of a European assignment)Letter sent by the Government of
U.S. President Joe Biden dated February 11 While consulting with the EUS50 project team,
a European Council member's version of the EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy,
I will send a letter to the Government of President Biden of the United States.  

【As of February 11, there was no GO signature from the European Council, so the sending of the letter will be postponed.】  

Pattern A (for European assignments)

Letter sent to the government of Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China, dated February 11,
While consulting with the EUS50 project team,
a European Council member's version of the EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy,
We will send a letter to the Xi Jinping Government of the People's Republic of China.

【As of February 11, there was no GO sign from the European Directors, so the letter sending will be postponed.】


Letter sent to the government of Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China, dated February 11,
While consulting with the EUS50 project team,
a European Council member's version of the EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy,
We will send a letter to the Xi Jinping Government of the People's Republic of China.

【As of February 11, there was no GO sign from the European Directors, so the letter sending will be postponed.】

For this, to the UN Secretary -General, to the President of the European Directors,
and to the President of the European Director of the European Directors, to the President of the European Director.

Sending the parent book is surprisingly 2022【February 11】
.5. 【SDGS Beijing Action Network, Friendship 2024】, which is in charge of the
special frame chairman,
has the chance to interact with China China.
If you miss 2022 【February11】, you must delay after 2025. WhenThere is a background 【clearly conveyed】.

By missing this opportunity Simulation strategy plan for
【Chinese side invasion operation by China】In October 2021,
he has already submitted to the UN Secretary -General, to the President of the European Directors,
and to the European Representative President.
When? where? What is the strategy? What is your weapon? From where? It connects to.


The European Director's Country Director "External Demanded Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM
【Strategy】 【Action】 【Message】 I couldn't deliver a serious and serious message. I have a thought.

With this project With the international globalization era,
European Director -country version of "External Demand -led Economic growth Strategy EUS50" project
As a representative of the founder,
I decided to learn Japanese 【transmission power】 →
【to acquire the skills of 【English】 in English】.

【Thanks and thanks to the Japanese people】

Thank you to many Japanese people who supported me,
【Delete】 all Japanese on the homepage 【deleted】
Skills of 【transmission power】 in English that is a world standard From January 6, 2023,
we are going to START as an immediate force.

In addition, in Japan, in Japan Special support【Goddess】 did not appear. year,
Women who have been honored by the Knights in Malta We are looking for it from scratch and
will be examined in the direction of the original form
【turning to the world and the international community】.

In that case, we apologize to the candidate for one special support 【Goddess】
I would like you to be in a disadvantage, and in your original beloved environment.
December 17, 2022
【Homepage Reform date】 (Reform from Japanese to English),
The Japanese translation will be the last and will be accountable.

As a result, as a representative of the founder, he will also be able to improve his position with

Homepage reform date (reform from Japanese to English) schedule】

・December 17, 2022 (Saturday) Homepage Reform date (reform from Japanese to English)
(TESTING period: December 17, 2022 (Sat) -An January 5, 2023 (Thursday))

・December 17, 2022 (Saturday)
【January 2022 to December 2022】 (Japanese translation English translation)  ※Homepage above Japanese translation

December 17, 2022 (Saturday) 【GODDESS Operation】 testing start  
・January 6, 2023 (Fri) from Japanese to English

・Friday, January 6, 2023
NEW【Meeting & Party】AI model theory
 Cultural Affairs Agency Secretary -General Copyright Division 1st year of publication 【Registration is scheduled】※Homepage above Japanese translation

・Friday, January 6, 2023 
【Land・Sea・sky bubble distribution route model theory】 Announcement※Homepage above Japanese translation

Friday, January 6, 2023 【Land・Sea・sky bubble distribution route model theory】
Cultural Affairs Agency Secretary -General Copyright Division 1st year of publication

・In April 2023,   
Benge's English Jay START.

In April 2023,  【GODDESS Operation Full -scale effective START

As a European director's country version of "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM 
European Director -country version of "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM Leader
As a representative of SYOUGUN General Conductor
In English, as an immediate force

From June 10, 2022 (Fri)
【Proceed to the next stage and declare the position UP】.

Friday, June 10, 2022
European Director -country version of "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM Leader
Statrier representative Kochi Sawada



           【Information strategy overview 9 items】

  Business content:1.
 Secret 【Most important items】 70 % of GODDESS operations

                European Council Member's Edition of the EUS50 Project for Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth
                Strategy Promoter representative Koichi Sawada tries to compete
                Information strategy inquiry to find the year, month, day, and time

              2.【Information strategy strategy by natural environment (weather)
                 (solar flare, western wind, hurricane, volcanic activity, typhoons, etc.)】

              3.European Director's Country Director "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50 Project
                Safe Moving Route Information Inquiry

                Going to Japan → US Boston  
If the US Boston Airport is canceled because of a hurricane
                       Analyze the weather status and refer to the means of transporting safely air and land routes

              4.Weather status ・wind analysis inquiry at each airport

                Initial airport analysis       →Domestic airport analysis      →Overseas airport analysis
Hakodate Airport          →Haneda Airport ・Narita Airport   →International airport weather conditions

              5.【Information Strategic Chief of Staff】Information strategy explanation account

              6.Subcute of the future of the next generation of information strategy
【Production and training】

              7.Ultimately useful for the international community
【New Information Strategy Society】 Paper Announcement
              8.The first 【Information Strategy Chief of Staff】 i
s the European Director's version of the
                "Foreign Demand Economic growth Strategy EUS50" project The founder representative is
                also a servant, and the concept of weather information is changed to 【strategic interest】
with its own strategic method.【Information Strategy Operation Study of Staff】
The European Director of the Director of the European Director of the
                "Foreign Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project Build an important POST.

              9.1~ 8. The associated information strategy overview of.

The meaning of 【GODDESS OPERATION】
                G → GENERAL      To the general (SYUGUN General Conductor).
                O → OBSERVANCE
                D → DECISION      Decide.
                D → DIVERGENCE    For branches (points)
                E →  EFFICIENCY    More efficiently and efficiently.
                S → SCIENCE       In science and natural science
  SCRUTINY      Scrutinize.

                Compliance with 【Shogun commanding ability】
【1. The most important items of secrets 70 %】and 【Natural environment ・weather information】
                 at the branch point (axis)Using various information strategies, the European Director's
                 "External Demand -led Economic growth Strategy EUS50" project As a chief of staff for information strategy
【GODDESS】 Principal analysis based on scientific and natural scientific evidence,
                 and efficiently and efficiently An messenger who leads to a safer route (orbital) information strategy.

As a result, international goodwill, rituals, events, dinner, foreign visit to foreign countries, etc.
                 European Director -country version of "External Demand -led Economic growth Strategy EUS50" project
                 As a wife of a special support and a recycled person,
                 the Imperial Public Public is expected in the international community.

                 ・December 17, 2022 (Saturday) 【GODDESS Operation】 testing start  

                 In April 2023,  【GODDESS Operation Full -scale effective START

June 26 (Sun) -Special announcement from April to June period

【Land, Sea and Air Bubble System Distribution Route Model Theory 】Announcement of the
【Scheduled for January 2022】

※In the first half of June, we will do a summary of
 【Research and development summary】 for three months.
In the second half of June, we will build the foundation of
Land, sea, and air bubble distribution channel model theory】.

Confirmation of the position of the project team of the European Council member's
version of the EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy Led by Foreign Demand

king        His Majesty the Emperor

Mr. President

Mr. Prime Minister
   ↓                                    Guidance for the European Council Member's
                                        "Strategy for Foreign Demand-Led Economic Growth" EUS50 Project Team  

                                         Secretariat of the United Nations and the Secretariat of European Member States    
(※Matters for guidance and administration have been initially sent to the Secretariat of the
                                                    United Nations and the Secretariat of European Member States.)

                                         Promotion of Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff from 27 member states
                                         after several years of experience in the EUS50 project team 

                                          【Promoted to UN Secretariat Department Post】or
                                          【Promoted to the post of department of national upgrading】
                                                    (※Proposals for promotion have been initially sent to the Secretariat of the
                                                      United Nations and the Secretariat of European Member States.)

Representative of the Promoter of the EUS50 Initiative in Economic Growth Strategy "EUS50"
Initiative for Foreign Demand of the European Council Koichi Sawada
                                        Rank → parallel     27 European Council member's version of external demand
                                                         "EUS50 Leading Economic Growth Strategy" project team       
                                                        EUS50 Project Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
                                                        27 Member States
Special Support (Blood Relatives) 
Guest Support                                                              

Representative Director,                        Rank → parallel       SCG Sawada, Consulting Group, Inc.
Large Company Corporation                                      Representative liquidator Koichi Sawada                                                                            Representative Director Koichi Sawada 

                                          ※Established for 10 years ~ until dissolution, finance, general affairs,
                                            accounting, sales, etc. All of them have a track record of effective
                                            implementation by Representative Director Koichi Sawada.  
                                            Regarding investment knowledge, during the representative director's period,
                                            United States investor, business owner, financier, and philanthropist
                                            Warren Edward Buffett, the world's largest investment holding company 
                                            I've done some research. As testing,
【NISA】Small Investment Tax Exemption
                                            System, Tax rates on gains on sales and dividends on investments in stocks
                                            and mutual funds in Japan There is also a track record of a system that
                                            exempts taxes under certain restrictions.
                                            If you search for memory drawers, you can see that you have a track
                                            record of 【investment research】.

                                            His Excellency the Foreign Ministers of Other Countries, MIT Professor
                                            (Professor Maggie, Robot Engineering Authority During a business trip to
                                             Singapore, another MIT professor taught me a code with a PIN, 
                                             I was guided to the laboratory while chatting) ・ According to the degree to
                                             which I interviewed with an officer of an overseas company,
                                             The ranking is parallel to that of the representative director of a large company.

                                            After the dissolution, all the handovers were handled by the representative
                                            liquidator Koichi Sawada alone.European Council Member's Version of Foreign
                                            Demand "EUS50 Leading Economic Growth Strategy" Project
                                            He has a track record of watching as a founding representative liquidator. 
                                            In addition, by dissolving SCG Sawada, Consulting Group, and Co., Ltd., 
                                            Contract fee with European member states
                                            20 million? ≒2.7 billion yen→2 million? ≒ 270 million yen
                                            SCG Sawada, Consulting Group, Inc. 
                                            Decided as Representative Director Koichi Sawada and as
                                            Representative Liquidator Koichi Sawada,  
                                            European Council Member's Version of Foreign Demand "EUS50 Leading
                                            Economic Growth Strategy" Project He has a track record of entrusting
                                            it to the promoter representative Koichi Sawada.

                                            Agenda ~ Minutes ~ Intense work up to the Legal Affairs Bureau, Tax Office,
                                            and Government Offices Based on the achievements we have fulfilled,
                                            this makes us more than the representative director of a large company,
                                            The European Council member's version of the EUS50 Foreign Demand-Driven
                                             Economic Growth Strategy project,The ranking was exceptional.

                                            Separately, the European Council's version of the EUS50 Foreign Demand-Led
                                             Economic Growth Strategy On the side of European member states as a
                                            project team
【Boldly, clearly and humbly】 the proposals presented:
                                            European Member State Secretariat Side, Promoter Representative
                                            Individual Koichi Sawada Side, he 27 member states would be able to give
                                            a reason by presenting a 100% contribution ratio.

                                            May 31 (Tue) Miscellaneous work is done, and work starts at 0:00

Specific limited businesses   

June 10th (Friday) 5:40
Japan and UN Security Council Emergency Directors are selected for the 12th time in history

Among the UN Security Councils (15 countries) emergency directors (10 countries), the election of five countries,
which expires the term at the end of this year, will be elected on the 9th (midnight on the 9th of Japan time).
It was held at the United Nations General Assembly (193 countries). With a de facto confidence vote without a rival horse,
Japan has decided to select from the Asian Pacific frame. The number of votes obtained is 184 votes.
Japan's security has been the 12th time since 2016 to 2017, the largest in the United Nations. The term is two years from January next year.
(JAPAN Mainichi Shimbun)

The twelfth, the highest in the United Nations, is a very heavy selection comparable to【[permanent directors】.
Based on the history of President Biden at the Japan -US leadership joint meeting on May 23
On behalf of TEAM of the European Director of Director of the European Director of
"Foreign Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50 project It's time to
rejoice more.

June 10, 2022
European Director's Country Director "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM
representativeStatus representative Koichi Sawada

June 10th (Friday) 14:00

Prime Minister Kishida departs for Singapore
"Peace vision transmission" at the Asian Security Conference

Mainichi Shimbun 2022/6/10 10 18 (Last Update 6/10 12 44) 

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will be held in Singapore on the 10th To attend the
"Asian Security Council" (Shangri -Rira Meeting) He left Haneda Airport on a government machine.
Before the departure, the prime minister said to the reporter at the Prime Minister's Office.
What role will Japan play?
I definitely want to send my vision for peace to the world. "

The European Director's version of the "Foreign Demand -led economic growth strategy EUS50" project
is also available It is a project to recite peace.
As a European Director of Director of Director of Director,
"External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM
We are looking forward to disseminating international peace as the Prime Minister of Japan.

June 10, 2022
European Director's Country Director "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM
representative Status representative Koichi Sawada

Friday, June 17, 2022      【GODDESS Operation】 
                     The 【Goddess Goddess Operation】 announced on June 10 is
                     It is from the European Director's version of "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
                      project TEAM Special Support
【Goddess Goddess Operation】 Information strategy
                     is not the chief of staff.
                     In addition,
【Goddess Operation】 is a strategy that supports 27 European member countries.
                     【Technical information leakage】 of
【GODDESS Operation】 is 【Crime】
                     based on the European Country.
                     Please do not imitate a third party planning.

                     In the European Director -country version of "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
                     Project TEAM Those who have received
                     will immediately be punished under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 27 member countries.
                     For advance and exit, the European Director's version of the
                     "Foreign Demand -led economic growth strategy EUS50" project
                     The founder representative will submit to the 27th Members of Foreign Affairs,
                     along with the
【Improvement Plan】 and 【Interpretation Human Resources Plan】.
                     For companies and offices in the country that have been handed out,
                     which are instruction order systems,
                     To the President, the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country
【strictly careful】
                     Along with the European Director of the country,
                     "Foreign Demand -led economic growth strategy EUS50" project revenue
                     Pay the refund as a violation.

                       In addition, if a case in which a special support guest support and
employment of the child try to do a spy is discovered,
【report to the founder representative】 immediately.

                      June17, 2022                     
                     European Council Member Edition EUS50 Strategy for Economic Growth Led by Foreign Demand Project
                     Promoter Representative Koichi Sawada 

Thursday, June 23rd

                  More than 1000 people in the Afghan earthquake

                        6/22 20:13 【Kabul joint】
                      The earthquake in the eastern Afghanistan has killed more than 1,500 people injured.
                      A state -run media reported.

                          I sincerely pray for the souls of those who died.In addition,
                       for those who were damaged by this Afghan Stan Eastern Earthquake,
                       We sincerely thank you.

                       Thursday, June 23rd 
                     European Director -country version of "External Demand -led Economic growth Strategy EUS50"
                      project Status representative Koichi Sawada

           June 20th Testing Distribution              June 24 (Fri) 【[Confirmed】


June 24 (Fri)  U.S. -China leader, "Near" talks, Videnn,

             【Washington joint】 US President Biden said on Tuesday that it would have a "nearby" meeting with China President Xi Jinping.
            He told reporters in the local Delaware State.
            It seems that the authorities are adjusting the telephone talks between the United States and China. (6.18 Kyodo News)

            The friendship between U.S. President Biden and President Xí Jìnpíng China was in August 2011,
           and Biden went to China as Vice President.
           It was from his first visit. Mr. Biden, who entered Beijing on August 17, the same year, an unusual long period of six days.
           He was staying in China.
           At that time, he served as Biden's host, at the time, the vice -owned vice -owner Xí Jìnpíng.
           On the afternoon of the 18th, Tsunpei held a welcome ceremony at the Beijing People's Great Hall, and held a dinner that night.
           "I fully understand that Taiwan -Tibet is an innovative interest in China," said Biden.
           Taiwan independence is not supported. I admit that Tibet is part of China. "In a six -day stay, Mr. Viden and Mr.
           Xí Jìnpíng had a fairly close relationship. (Excerpt from a new US and China crisis)

           On the afternoon of the 18th, Xí Jìnpíng held a welcome ceremony at the Beijing Great Hall of the People and a banquet that evening.
           At the meeting, Biden said, "I fully understand that Taiwan and Tibet are China's innovative interests,         
           I do not support Taiwan independence. We fully acknowledge that Tibet is part of China."         
           During his six-day stay, Biden and Zhou Jinping had a fairly close relationship. (Excerpt from the new US-China crisis book)

           From July to September 2021, the European Director's version of the
            "Foreign Demand Economic growth Strategy EUS50" project How do you capture US strategies and
            Chinese strategies as the founder representative Koichi Sawada?
            He was working on 2. It leads to further harmonious goodwill with the United States
            【EUS50 Project TEAM ・ US Public Friendship Strategy】 With Strategy Plan 3. For the first time,
            as a representative of the European Director's version of the "Foreign Demand -led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
            project Facing with the 5th highest leader of the People's Republic of China,
            Xí Jìnpíng It has appeared as a result of the research period that focuses on【[The People's Republic of China】.

            This talks are on April 22, the European Director -country version of the
           "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50 project.
           It is the first step in
【the team in the fall of 2022】, which was said by the founder representative.

            November 8, 2022 US President Intermediate Election
            Decide the Chinese Communist Party's Supreme Guidance Department, which is said to be held in November 2022,
            a party tournament once every five years What do you do with
            How far can you walk? How far will it not be shaved?

           【Preparation for processing to explore the answer】
           This is the meeting between President Biden and President Xí Jìnpíng in China.
           Excerpt from the remarks on April 22, 2022
            November 8. The US President Intermediate Election and ⑤ ⑤ The party tournament will be held once every five years to determine
            the Chinese Communist Party's Supreme Guidance Department, which is said to be held in November 
            The 19th Central Committee 6th Meeting of the 6th Conference (6 Central General), Russian civilization, and how Chinese civilization,
            the Chinese side are facing each other?

            The differences in civilization appear in 【Fall 2022】 and are worried about the movement of China,
            but China does not work yet if each other has the highest priority on its own country.
            As expected, the United Nations EU side (EU ・ China's Latest Talk: President EU and Chairman will nail China
            if it is not in the way of sanctions on the Russian side. " 4.2TBSNEWS) will be effective in the 【2022 Autumn to Winter Camp】.

            Koichi Sawada, a representative of the European Director of the Director of Director, "External Economic Growth Strategy, EUS50,"

           Understanding the position of the European Director of the Director of the European Director of
           "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project TEAM members
            As the founder representative Koichi Sawada

           1.To the United Nations Secretary -General
           2.To the President of the European Member States
           3.To the European member of the country.

           To the
【document princess book】
           As a European Director of Director of Director of Director,
           "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM Which position is it?
【Clear decision】 I sent it.

            In addition, as a minister of Prime Minister Kishida, Japan, what is currently showing the position in Japan is
           I am sure that the direction is visible in【news coverage of each company】.

            Friday, June 24, 2022
           European Director's Country Director "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM
           Status representative Kolichi Sawada

June 27, 2022 (Monday) 23 00

On June 26, 4 (local time), Prime Minister Kishida visited Munich in the German Federal Republic
to attend the G7 Ermau Summit.

After attending a session on the agenda of the world economy, etc., t
he Prime Minister started taking a group photo with the G7 leader.
After attending a session on the agenda investment in infrastructure, he met with
Prime Minister Oraf Cholz of the German Federal Republic.
After that, he attended a side event and then met with the French Republic President Emmanuel Macron.
At night, he attended a cultural event after attending a working dinner with diplomacy
and security on agenda. (Prime Minister's Office JAPAN)

Received the G7 El Mau Summit European Director -country version of
"External Demand -led Economic growth Strategy EUS50" project The founder representative
Koichi Sawada the other day, the 27 -European member country Inspired to officially certify Ukrainian countries to
【EU member country candidate】 As an invited country of European Director of Director of Director,
"External Demanded Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"He instructed TEAM to be summarized as
【Invited Country Candidates】.

In response to this instruction, the chairman of the invitation country promotion committee became the leader.
Each chairman will discuss the Ukrainian country to 【Invited Country Candidate】 and consider a resolution.
Koichi Sawada, the founder representative, urged him.

June 27, 2022
European Director -country version of
"External Demand -led Economic growth Strategy EUS50" project
Status representative Koichi Sawada

Friday, July 8, 2022
The 90s, 96s, 97s, 98s Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan He was fulfilled his hard work in the raging era.

Respect His Excellency Shinzo Abe, and give a letter saying "Abenomics is still true.
" I will remember that I sent it.

In the period when I was sick and exhausted,
I was in the 【Book of Gourge】
I was careful to read it at a time when it was stable by the secretary.

According to the book of the visit, "I will get well and once again in Japan.【The first president】
I sent a book of encouragement to see the face of Abe.

I am very frustrated.

European Director -country version of "External Demand -led Economic growth Strategy EUS50"
project Representative Kochi Sawada I wanted to play golf with Abe.

The European Director's Country Director "External Demand Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
Project TEAM On behalf of,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude, and my family.

Friday, July 8, 2022
European Director's Country Director "External Demanded Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project TEAM
Representative Kochi Sawada

For the fiscal year ending July 2022,
for the diplomatic activity period,Actively work.