Issue 4 Answer

Issue 4 Announcement  

    1.As the European member version of the "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team,
      The template of the mineral water project contract draft created was arranged and reduced,
      Make a draft contract for the contract.


Issue 4 Announcement 

    2.NEW『 Meeting & Party Adaptable Innovation Model 』.
      I worked on the theory as a supplementary rule.
      Regarding the introduction of remote control software, in order to make it a safe control function,        
      while incorporating changes in the current world situation, while improving and reforming
      Create a "Definition and Manual for Secure Control Functions of Remote Control Support Systems".


In Task 4, we will continue to work on step-up of process work with consideration of Issue 3 and maintaining the status quo.

On March 31, 2021, Koichi Sawada, the founder representative of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project for the European Council,
The essence of the way of working and the way of business has entered an unknown territory into the AI ​​era where the mechanism itself changes and there is no physical contact. Judging It was decided to introduce a new "remote control support system" (remote control system) in IT.

In order to ensure safety, we have decided to consider the following work process.

Working process 
1.Remote control support system testing start                          【2021 April work process】  

2.Gathering information on assignments                            【2021 April work process】 

3.By members of the European Council version of
  "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
   Innovation work Building a new business axis.                      【2021 May work process】 

4.Formulated "Definition and Manual of Safe Control Functions
  for Remote Control Support Systems".                            【2021 May ・June work process】 

Work process schedule
1.Remote control support system testing start
【2021 April work process Maintain the status quo and continue the
remote control support testing research period】                                  

Currently privately owned as Testing
①hp laptop 

②DELL laptop 

③hp "8th generation CPU LCD integrated PC"

④Media pad tablet


Install and download remote control software on 5 devices with different uses.
Start testing so that the remote control system can be safely controlled to support these devices.
The final goal is to formulate a definition and a manual.
【Download complete】

Start testing so that the remote control system can be safely controlled to support these devices.
The final goal is to formulate a definition and a manual.【Remote control 1st testing operation completed】

For④ Media Pad Tablet and⑤Smartphone,Bluetooth keyboard ipad / android / iphone / Windows compatible,
using a lightweight foldable wireless keyboard, 3 devices can be connected at the same time with a touch pad by USB charging For PC / tablet / smartphone
We decided to make up for the small shortcomings of the wide screen.
【Operation testing completed】

2.Gathering information on assignments
【2021 April Work process Maintain the status quo and continue with Task 3 Infant childcare 13-35 months research period

It is out of the question to spend time operating a computer or smartphone when you cannot take your eyes off the baby.
In addition to lack of sleep due to opening and closing of curtains, folding laundry, and crying at night, why do you cry?
It is out of the question to spend time operating on a computer or smartphone when thinking is deprived of time and detailed work is neglected.

Currently, it is described in the LAB notebook for infant care for 0 to 12 months,
It is necessary to study the basics of infant care from 13 months to 35 months.

The research period is still short because we want infant caregivers to use it.

Infants said, "During the childcare period, keep an eye on the baby's childcare. 』
In understanding things Researching the basics of baby care while maintaining the status quo、

In "Definition and Manual of Safe Control Functions of Remote Control Support System"
I have decided that it must be incorporated.

3.By members of the European Council version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
  Innovation work Building a new business axis.
  【2021 May work process
Innovation work for team Construction of new business style axis

①Building support for members of the European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50".
②Prepare for emergencies of support for members of the European Council version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50".

To build'NEW Meeting & Party Adaptable Innovation Model theory'Communication with the members of the European Council Edition
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" is indispensable.

Among the European member countries, there are also AI-developed countries and IT-developed countries.
European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project
As the founder representative Koichi Sawada, we will demonstrate the problem-solving tactical general command ability (General Ship) by the new team leader.

4. General Ship
・ Give issues to the European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team,
 and research strategic proposals that embody solutions to the issues.
 Prevent X-inefficiency (looseness of organizational managers and decrease in morale) and shift to a stage to increase morale.

・ The European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
 'NEW Meeting &Party Adaptable Innovation Model theory' will demonstrate commanding ability.

Innovation work We will build a new business style axis for the European member version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team.

4.Formulated "Definition and Manual of Safe Control Functions for Remote Control Support Systems".
  【2021 May ・ June Productivity improvement, rearrangement reduction process period.    Scheduled to be completed in June】

The essence of the way of working and the way of business has entered an unknown territory into the
AI ​​era where the mechanism itself changes and there is no physical contact.

The world is now in the process of an era of changing cycles once every 100 years.

Regarding issue 4-2 remote control, based on the fact that it is not yet the trend of the times、

1.Building a definition for a remote control support system

2.Improvement measures to ensure safety are needed.

Also, 3. In the formulation of "Definition and Manual of Safe Control Functions of Remote Control Support System"
The research period is still short.

The word "remote control" itself is a modern society that still rejects.

Therefore, Task 4 is
As the next representative of the European Council version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
The era of a cycle that changes once every 100 years, which asks the true value, is a period when the environment begins to change drastically.
A new paradigm shift (recognitions and ideas that were taken for granted in that era and field,
It means that the values ​​of society as a whole change revolutionarily or dramatically. )to 
European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project team members
This is an issue that must be overcome when negotiating with advanced AI countries such as the United States and China.

To that end, on behalf of the
European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team 
We intend to demonstrate the
SYOUGUN general command ability (SYOUGUN General Ship).

We have entered the
new core of "the era of remote control support". age,

1. Also as an unknown area (future world common sense) where the mechanism itself changes in IT・ AI

2. It is a task that must be learned in
preparation for an emergency.         I have decided that it is.

Also, 3. In the formulation of "Definition and Manual of Safe Control Functions of Remote Control Support System"
The research period is still short.

The word "remote control" itself is a modern society that still rejects.

Therefore, Task 4 is
As the next representative of the European Council version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
The era of a cycle that changes once every 100 years, which asks the true value, is a period when the environment begins to change drastically.
A new paradigm shift (recognitions and ideas that were taken for granted in that era and field,
It means that the values ​​of society as a whole change revolutionarily or dramatically. )to 
European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project team members
This is an issue that must be overcome when negotiating with advanced AI countries such as the United States and China.

To that end, on behalf of the 
European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team 
We intend to demonstrate the 
SYOUGUN general command ability (SYOUGUN General Ship).

We have entered the 
new core of "the era of remote control support". age,

1. Also as an unknown area (future world common sense) where the mechanism itself changes in IT・ AI

2. It is a task that must be learned in preparation for an emergency.         I have decided that it is.

Then, I will answer Task 4.

Task 4  1.As a European member version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team
         Organized and reduced the template of the created mineral water project distributor contract draft 
         Create a draft contract for a distributor.

Task 4   Answer: Completed draft contract for mineral water project distributor


In the European Council Edition "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
    1. Mineral Water Project Dealer Contract Draft Sending materials

    TO Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres  UN Secretary General Excellency 


In the European Council Edition "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
    1. Mineral Water Project Dealer Contract Draft

    Sending materials

 Tracking number 272503498326

    TO European Union Charles Michel President Excellency 

    In the European Council Edition "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
    1.Mineral Water Project Dealer Contract Draft

    Sending materials
    Tracking number 272503498330

    TO  European Union Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen Chairman Excellency   

    In the European Council Edition "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
    1. Mineral Water Project Dealer Contract Draft

    Sending materials

    Tracking number 272503498083

Task 4  2.Worked on the NEW "Meeting & Party AI model" theory as a supplementary provision 
         Regarding the introduction of remote control software, in order to make it a safe control function 
         While incorporating changes in the current world situation, improving and reforming Create
        "Definition and manual of safe control function of remote control support system".

Task 4  2Answer:

『Completed the creation of "Definition and Manual of Safe Control Functions for Remote Control Support Systems".』

『"Definition and manual of safe control function of remote control support system"』 document sending 


TO Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres  UN Secretary General Excellency

    2."NEW meeting & party AI model theory" by the European board member
    "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project TEAM "Remote control support system" edition
     Ⅰ Action guideline Ⅱ Definition Ⅲ Remote control manual support Ⅳ Remote control manual

    Sending materials

  Tracking number 272503498326


    TO European Union Charles Michel President Excellency 

    2."NEW meeting & party AI model theory" by the European board member
      "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project TEAM "Remote control support system" edition
     Ⅰ Action guideline Ⅱ Definition Ⅲ Remote control manual support Ⅳ Remote control manual

    Sending materials
    Tracking number 272503498330

    TO  European Union Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen Chairman Excellency   

    In the European Council Edition "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
    1. Mineral Water Project Dealer Contract Draft

    2."NEW meeting & party AI model theory" by the European board member
     "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project TEAM "Remote control support system" edition
     Ⅰ Action guideline Ⅱ Definition Ⅲ Remote control manual support Ⅳ Remote control manual

    Sending materials

    Tracking number 272503498083

European Council version "EUS50, an economic growth strategy driven by foreign demand"To the project team,
task 4 is regarded as being executed (learning)

Times of Day         Epoch number          Discriminant model     Generative model
                                 loss function value     loss function value
2021 06.22 06:00 EpochEUS50Task4(Koichi   Sawada)= 1/27,DLoss=0.0406,  GLoss=3.3515
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )= 2/27,DLoss=0.1637,  GLoss=2.5252
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )= 3/27,DLoss=0.7516,  GLoss=7.6838
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )= 4/27,DLoss=1.9916,  GLoss=1.3702
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )= 5/27,DLoss=0.7754,  GLoss=2.7273
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )= 6/27,DLoss=1.9261,  GLoss=1.2708
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )= 7/27,DLoss=0.9618,  GLoss=1.7924
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )= 8/27,DLoss=1.2910,  GLoss=1.9915
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )= 9/27,DLoss=1.1480,  GLoss=1.7470
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=10/27,DLoss=1.9297,  GLoss=0.6260
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=11/27,DLoss=0.8205,  GLoss=1.5320
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=12/27,DLoss=4.5450,  GLoss=0.2745
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=13/27,DLoss=1.6000,  GLoss=1.1333
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=14/27,DLoss=1.2182,  GLoss=1.3663
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=15/27,DLoss=2.0620,  GLoss=0.6955
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=16/27,DLoss=0.5146,  GLoss=3.6865
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=17/27,DLoss=1.4754,  GLoss=1.0996
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=18/27,DLoss=1.6442,  GLoss=0.9287
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=19/27,DLoss=1.3229,  GLoss=1.4367
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=20/27,DLoss=1.1268,  GLoss=1.7145
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=21/27,DLoss=0.5400,  GLoss=2.2727
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=22/27,DLoss=0.9565,  GLoss=1.9661
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=23/27,DLoss=1.9263,  GLoss=0.8327
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=24/27,DLoss=1.0471,  GLoss=1.7495
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=25/27,DLoss=1.1532,  GLoss=1.1715
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=26/27,DLoss=1.4425,  GLoss=1.1054
2021 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task4(          )=27/27,DLoss=1.3414,  GLoss=1.2924 running (learning) number of epochs 27/27 (27 members of the European Council's version
"EUS50 strategy for foreign demand-led economic growth project" team)
It is OK if you gather your opinions and approach the final 0. )

①Epoch is an era that has a distinctive color.
  An era that reminds us of an event. New age. New stage.
②EUS50 is the European Council's version of the
 "EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project.
③Task4 is task 4.
④The name in (     ) is the author's name.

The value of the loss function of the discriminant model and the value of the loss function of the generative model
The numerical value data is an assumed number, and the number quotes that is being executed (learning).
※In this case, it is a data verification to proceed with the “Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50” project of the European Council version,
and it is different from the voting right that the chairman consults the meeting at the meeting.

Skype remote conference (meeting with Koichi Sawada) connection method
Consider Skype Meeting

About the Skype meeting, two years ago On March 19, 2018,
I made a proposal (conference on July 19, 2018) to the European Council by email.

At that time, the schedule was a meeting on July 19, 2018.
7/19 (Th) 1st annual European Council Edition'demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50' project meeting Starting July 20,
start Malta and make final visit to Cyprus, October 9 (Tu) Cyprus.

Economic Strategy for External Demand" project meeting.
If there is a problem or if the team member cannot travel, join in the Skype conference.

I proposed a schedule to say.
There is a history of explaining the timing and details of time allocation (months, days, hours).

European Council version “Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50” project As a process order before approval,
the European Council version “Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50”
project team and issues and problems were raised, and the Skype remote meeting (Koichi Meeting with Sawada).

Skype remote conference (meeting with Koichi Sawada) connection method
Location of country by email 
②Department name
③Approval will be made after submitting the desired date and time.

International phone number   +8150-5328-5912
Domestic phone number       090-5984-1184
Address registration        1-26 Honcho Hakodate City Hokkaido JAPAN

Final sentence
The European Council's "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project is
strong against the new coronavirus.

Because it is a world trade negotiation that does not have the concept of manufacturing and selling until now,
Strong against the new coronavirus.

The only contact European Council version "EUS50, an economic growth strategy driven by foreign demand"
It is a diplomatic negotiation with the countries of the world by the project team.

Consult with each country on the issues they are struggling with and guide them to the path of solution.

It is by no means an easy road. Acquire each ability,
One of the most sophisticated sophisticated diplomatic negotiations and artificial intelligence AI,
Ride the flow of the "cycle for asking true value" once every 100 years.

Above all, team unity is important.

That is the European Council's version of the “EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy” project.

To the members of the European Council and to the members of the
President and Prime Minister who are members of the European Union,
we would like to ask for your
 approval 【approval】 of the European Council's version of the
Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50 project. I will.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the UN and Japan for their understanding and
support of the European Council version of the "EUS50 Strategy for External Growth-Driven Economic Growth" project.

June 22, 2021
European Council's version "EUS50, an economic growth strategy driven by foreign demand" project 
Organizer Representative Koichi Sawada
