European Council version “EUS50, an economic growth strategy driven by foreign demand”To project team

Challenge 2

The leadership of the nations of the world has become a new revolutionary style in line with changes in philosophy,
vision and environment. Recently, with the "cycle of asking the true value" once every 100 years,
and recently with the new coronavirus,
It has become an orbital cycle in which we must inevitably reform our new lifestyle.

The leadership of the nations of the world has become a new revolutionary style due to changes in philosophy,
vision and environment.
With the "cycle to ask the true value" once every 100 years, and recently with the new coronavirus,
It has become an orbital cycle in which we must inevitably reform our new lifestyle.

The world is in a crisis economic environment that it has never experienced.
It means an economic crisis different from the past due to the spread of viruses unknown to humankind.
The paradigm shift accelerates with the advent of the “era of uncertainty”.

Once in 100 years,
in order to get on the flow of the "cycle to ask the true value",You have to paradigm shift.

What is paradigm shift?
It is a revolutionary or dramatic change in the perceptions and thoughts that were taken for granted in that era or field,
and the values ​​of society as a whole.

Multiple cases of complicated international social issues:

Now that the policy has become undefined,
In the countries of the world, the adverse effect that leadership does not work due to changes in philosophy,
vision and environment ...
In other words, it is a state of inefficiency of X
(decrease in morale because no clear decision can be made due to unstable environment).

In other words, such as the US-China trade problem and the new coronavirus infection problem,
In 2020, once every 100 years, in order to get on the flow of the "cycle for asking the true value",
We must respond to the times and fields that respond to the revolutionary and
dramatically changing areas of the unknown
We must recognize that it is an era.

People have to change the perceptions and thoughts that were taken for granted to the values ​​of society as a whole.
Every 100 years, the start is 2020.

If you do not clear them, after 2021,
We plunge into the changes of the times when we are unable to handle each unknown challenge or
issue that comes one after another.Prepare.

The key is to paradigm shift the perception that human beings are a fixed concept, and the countries,
companies and people who have succeeded in their efforts will correct their trajectory to a new era and
begin to grow more and more economically.

In the countries of the world,
the negative influence that leadership does not work due to leadership philosophy,
vision, and environmental changes areEventually,
a country that corrects its trajectory by clearing the definition while resolving the undefinition and
reflecting on it will be a sign of economic growth.

The countries, companies, and people who have succeeded in their efforts will revise to a new era and
begin to grow more and more economically.

2020 8.19
European Council version "EUS50, Economic Strategy for External Demand-led" Project
Koichi Sawada, Founder Representative

Country with clear definition 
United States and Turkey

Multiple cases of complicated international social issues: Now that the policy has become undefined,
As a country that solved undefined and clarified the definition
The two most recent cases are the United States and Turkey.

Regaining technology Strategy USA

The United States has a new strategy
Regaining the Technology Taken Back
“Regaining technology Strategy” Resolving the past strategy against China and solving the undefinition.

Clarified the definition.

Explanation from the viewpoint of Koichi

『Opponent Green Mail Operation 2020』

This strategy
It is an MA operation for China Byte Dance (Tik Tok) "Operation against China Green Mail 2020".
Unlike a hostile takeover, it is an original American gentleman-like MA operation (notice Green Mail operation).

Over the next few years,
the U.S. says there are security concerns about using smartphone apps from China,
MA Gentleman Operation "Green China Operation 2020"
Expect to turn to a foretelling strategy.

The Microsoft company operates Green Mail,
and the United States prohibits Tik Tok in the United States.
(2020 9.13 Negotiations with Oracle L.N, a major US software company,
without selling. Currently in the examination stage with the aim of concluding a partnership.
2020 9.17 A plan to join Wal-Mart in the US along with Oracle in the US has emerged. )

While shaking,
the profit of the technology that was taken away (the assertion of the US side) is
"Regaining technology Strategy"

It is a strategy to solve the trade deficit at a stretch with a trading margin with a premium.

Don't believe in DATA and statistics
(2050 China GDP gross domestic product is the number one in the world)
It can be seen that it is a gentleman-like operation like President Trump.

What is Green Mail?
"I bought a lot of stock to buy your company.
We plan to continue purchasing from now on.
If you don't want to be bought, buy this stock for a high price.
" This is a so-called strategy that aims to make a profit on sale by acquiring a notice.
The green color of the U.S. dollar bill and Black Mail, which means blackmail (blackmail),
were tied together.

In MA,
it is a relatively gentleman operation (unlike a hostile takeover without notice) and
a gentleman-like social manner called Real Estate King.

About one month has passed since the new operation of President Trump on August 19, 2020.
Based on the fact that no one in the world could explain
As a research achievement cultivated by SCG Sawada, consulting group, former representative director of Co., Ltd.,
European Council's version "EUS50, Economic Strategy for Leading Foreign Demand" Project
As the founder's representative, Koichi Sawada, we will fulfill our accountability.
(*The acquisition is Microsoft, and the US government and US president are not involved.

Advice from Koichi Sawada
Here, I give advice from Koichi Sawada,
His Excellency, Mr. Trump, is
fascinated by the operations and strategies that are essentially gentleman.

What kind of strategy/strategy will you use for trade negotiations?
If it is a gentleman-like operation, a beautiful, beautiful,
and beautiful operation, the negotiation is not abandoned or withdrawn.

His Excellency, President Trump, who develops strategies and strategies one after another...

JAPAN Koichi Sawada who sees through its strategy and strategy one after another...

If you make a mistake, your opponent will fall into the trap of disobeying your own judiciary.
Countries, companies, and people who are not good at negotiation techniques fall into the trap.

Countries and people who can only be seen as threatening have broken negotiations...

YES man doesn't feel attractive to him...
YES man, absorb all profits.

If it becomes hostile, wait quietly, then move to economic sanctions
Only the gentleman-like operation, beautiful operation, beautiful operation, and excellent operation are attractive.

In other words, in the current United States, His Excellency,
Mr. Trump, has been doing business steadily since he was young.
It does not appeal to countries and persons who are not suitable for negotiations.

MBA curriculum is essential for business people Human resource management,
financial accounting, information/marketing, statistics, economics.

Did you acquire practical skills that can be used in the field when you were young?
Can you focus on?

His Excellency Trump doesn't trust statistics,
He is extremely good at managing human resources.

As will be described later,
the same is true for the country that has clarified the definition, the President of Turkey, Erdogan.

human resource management

What is human resource management?
Design and operate a system that utilizes human resources,
which is one of the management resources, to achieve the purpose of the organization.
The key to successful execution of the strategy is for managers to become members of the organization in their daily activities.
How do you work toward the goals set by the organization? Is to say.

Accountability December 23, 2020

From November 1st to December 22nd,
Even during the research period, if we do not fulfill our accountability in the US presidential election on November 3, 2020,
As the founder representative of the European Council version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50", we cannot move on.
We will reply that the results have been obtained based on the decision to confirm the electors in each state of
the United States until December 8, 2020, and the result of the Supreme Court on December 14,

US President Donald Trump dismisses Secretary of Defense Mark Esper on November 9.

This is due to the development of dismissal capacity, which is personnel resource management.
To boost morale, a senior White House HR official warned, "If any staff are currently looking for a job, they will be dismissed.
It's a show, so to speak. You must sacrifice at least one life. And for those who read the Trump Autobiography,
Some nuances that can be read are drawn.
Motivation to reach out to organizational members and boost morale.

The purpose is to encourage leadership behavior.

President Trump, his golf near Washington on November 7th, 8th and 2nd consecutive days.

This act means that you have lost (although you don't say it ...).
Once you lose, you may see new tactics to win.

It takes enough time and a little "Tsuki".

I needed enough time, so I was pondering while playing golf alone for two days.
(I don't play golf. I don't even have time to think carefully, It didn't end with one day of golf, that is, it was a two-day golf performance. )

The golf course you're used to going to ...

Even I, Koichi, have been accustomed to playing golf courses every day for several years.
Even if I go out on the course for the first time in 35 years You can go around with Par or eagle.

I think President Trump was thinking about operations, not golf.

It's a pattern of President Trump.

However, this time, under difficult circumstances In the Republican Party, in the Trump clan Who will take the leadership?
To select "
future personnel and successors to future presidential elections

It's also two days of golf. I guess.

Many appear to be unprecedented crazy people who "do not admit defeat in elections.
He continues to have the image of winning a battle with the former governor of New York.
The result of the presidential election was laid down to the judicial strategy.
This strategy has a precedent of winning and winning several trials during the real estate business.

Case study
During the real estate business period, when a building was demolished and a new building was to be built on the site
There is a case where the residents opposed as a group.

Residents won to win.
However, real estate prices have skyrocketed in the last few years ...

We were able to deploy it at a lower cost than originally planned.

This strategy is also a strategy that was previously contested in court with the former Governor of New York.

Because President Trump's strategy is to hold the Chinese side accountable,
New coronavirus problem, economic recovery problem, all problemsIf you're sick, you have a chance.
Trump is looking.
(It's Trump that makes me sick. Some people say that ...)

[AFP = current affairs] US President Donald Trump announced on November 13th.
Although he did not explicitly admit that he had been defeated by the president, he showed a similar perception.

Koichi Sawada's view conclusion
2020 is a new era of START,
The future trajectory of the world has not yet appeared.
The economic wave theory, the economic wave has a wave of 9-year cycle.
If applied to SCG GROUP's economic recovery pendulum theory (9-year cycle),
The world is still in a
period of turmoil.

It is not the time for the economy to recover.
In the 2021 period, we will enter a new trajectory where conventional wisdom becomes
It worked on SCG GROUP company period 2019
Ⅱ: Acquisition of world common sense Established the terms and conditions of the European Council version of
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50".
It leads to.
The figure represents the 2023 period.

The turmoil will be apparent until 2022 and in 2023.
The message "Time will reveal"His Excellency Trump said and acted on January 6, 2021.
This message looks ahead to the long-term outlook.
it is conceivable that.

It will appear in the 2023 period.

Is it human? Is it a thing? Is it digital? Is it a new theory?

Mankind makes it clear.
This is my view at this stage.

Supplementary explanation
Either way, it ’s a threat, European member version
"Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" As the founder representative Koichi Sawada 
There is no other way but to proceed with a
gentleman's strategy, a beautiful, beautiful, and splendid strategy.
I believe.

In other words, based on the perspective of international competitiveness strategy and management strategy in the global standard.
A highly independent American-style management professional who seeks to clarify responsibilities and speed up decision-making bodies 
Remarks that lead to America First and withdraw from the military in the future
We aim to be a professional and highly independent economic and business strategic country,
not as a political initiative (a method of establishing national law).

It is also the trajectory that Britain, which has left Canada and European member states, is aiming for.
Do not rely on the United States or Europe.

It is an orbit called.
Therefore, the strategy and trajectory of the politically-led US Democratic Party are different.
The current situation is the phenomenon of bipolar division and conflict.

How will the world change in the future?
It will appear in the 2023 period.

Is it human? Is it a thing?
Is it digital? Is it a new theory?

Mankind makes it clear. This is my view at this stage.

In the meantime, the European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project 
You have to keep it in the shape of a strong skeleton with a good team.

This is the view of Koichi Sawada, the founder representative of the European Council version of the
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project. 2020.12.23

                      To His Excellency Trump
                      His Excellency Trump handles the delicate chores called the King of Real Estate.
                      I was made to study all the negotiation techniques that I had cultivated.
                      It is not possible to catch up with the UN Secretary-General and the UN Secretariat.
                      There were some cases that could not be tolerated due to threats and heavy pressure.
                      I thought that I was still immature, and I was keenly aware that I had to improve my research knowledge.
                      I would like to thank you for being able to pay homage and study for the hard work of the President of the United States for four years.

                      December 23, 2020
                      Private Koichi Sawada

                      To Miss Ivanka
                      Regarding the White House Chief of Staff, Ivan Katrump, four years ago, I wrote a letter to the former real estate vice company for a long time.

                      The meaning of sending a message during the difficult times of Mr. Ivanka is the kindness of me, Koichi.
                      Born to a great father, a great Trump clan, when there was a lot of bashing, the same as when 
                      If you don't have any friends, I'll be Koichi.
                      The feeling of saying and acting does not change.

                      As a representative of the founder of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
                       for the European members of the Security Council.
                      Corresponding to a person (your father) who exceeds the social manners of the world,
                      both the country with the royal family and the manners of the royal system 
                      I, Koichi, must experience it.

                      I am looking forward to seeing the couple (husband Kushner and Ivanka) somewhere in the social circle someday.
                      Let's dance in Waltz with each other's partners.
                      I, Koichi, told my father that he should be "gentle and calm".
                      I was able to speak politely.
                      I think that the result is unacceptable due to the judgment of the Supreme Court on December 14, 2020.
                      I hope that you will persuade everyone around you to take the next step for the American people.

                      December 23, 2020
                      Private Koichi Sawada

There are two main approaches to achieve this,
He is good at developing severance skills and
human resource management that encourages organizational members to motivate and take action.

In other words, did you acquire the practical skills that can be used in the field when you were young?
Can you focus on?

His Excellency Trump doesn't trust statistics,
He is extremely good at managing human resources.
I interpret as Koichi.

What will you do next?
What kind of strategy/strategy will you break through?

The stage level of negotiations is becoming very advanced and macro,
and countries in the world are in a position to follow the trend without catching up.

Gentleman strategy, beautiful, beautiful, splendid strategy, strategy,
Megacompetition has won in the mega competition (global competition by companies around the world)
The history of US M&A is telling.
And finally, we will reach the Agile Competition, where we will win one person.

What is Agile Competition?
It means agile competition.
In the fast-changing era, speed is a condition of competition for all management activities, which means that competition is fast.

The current US President Trump's administration is
You cannot survive unless you are Agile.
What is"Agile l" that brings amazing international competitiveness?

Discussing the China-China (China Communist Party) issue, planning an operation to correct the twisted ones,
Agile Make decisions and take action.

The current US President Trump's administration has changed the perceptions and values ​​of
China (Chinese Communist Party) up to now,
Shifted to a new Paradigm Shift.

※What is Paradigm Shift?
It is a revolutionary or dramatic change in the perceptions, ideas,
and values ​​of society as a matter of course in those times and fields.

And clarify the Reveal responsibility. I have an aim.

As a result of pursuing Regaining the Technology Taken Back "Regaining technology Strategy
" It reflected the past China strategy and resolved the undefined.

That is also the once-in-a-century “flow of the cycle of asking the true value”.
(This will lead to the trend of the forecast index of the world's No. 1 ranking in the 2100 world GDP ranking that predicted the US economic power.)

Unless it’s a gentleman’s strategy, a beautiful strategy, a beautiful strategy,
For the time being, I advise Koichi Sawada that we cannot negotiate with the United States.

The European Council's version of the "EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy Based on External Demand" project
is a strategy based on the negotiations.

That is the track record of gaining credibility from the
UN side and the Secretariat of the European Council.

2020 8.19
Koichi Sawada

Turkey country
Presidential Decree on Islamic Mosque
As for Turkey, Turkish President Erdogan has decided on July 10, 2020 to make it an Islamic mosque.
The Hagia Sophia, a building that represents the World Heritage site of Istanbul's historical district,
was signed again as a presidential decree to make it an Islamic mosque.

A significant turning point in the heritage of Christian cathedrals, mosques and museums.
There is growing concern over international criticism and religious conflict,
but this is a bit of a situation.

Refugee host country: Turkey (3.7 million)

1st: Turkey (3.7 million)
2nd: Pakistan (1.4 million)
3rd place: Uganda (1.2 million people)
4th place: Sudan (1.1 million people)
4th: Germany (1.1 million)

Turkey has 3.7 million refugees, making it the most accepted country in the world.
The lives of Turkish refugees far exceed the capacity of refugee camps run by the Turkish government,
Over 90% face the difficult situation of living outside the camp.

90% of the Syrian who have fled Syria are Muslims.
To make it a Muslim mosque again,
It is speculated that the Presidential Decree has been useful for Turkey,
for the people of Turkey, and for a stable long-term government.

In other words, racial thoughts and religious thoughts cannot be changed.
More internal circumstances have to be sensitive.
This decision was made by President Erdogan of Turkey.

For neighboring countries (especially Greece), the building Hagia Sophia,
which represents the World Heritage site of Istanbul Historic District,
It is regrettable to make it an Islamic mosque again,On the Greek side,
the European Council's version of the\"European Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project,
which enables independent growth, Depending on the point of view, you can repay the debt borrowed from EU countries,
Debts borrowed from other countries (China) can also be repaid and paid off
I want you to quickly notice that Greece is the most popular strategy in Eastern Europe.

2020 8.19
Koichi Sawada

Challenge 2 Predictive preamble
4th: Germany (1.1 million)
The acceptance of refugees has increased the working population.
This plays a role in improving national productivity.
However, due to discrimination against employment for invisible refugees,
the current situation where it does not work is hidden.
It can be said that working native Germans and refugees on the same stage requires further legislation and understanding.

European Council version "EUS50, Economic Strategy for External Demand-led" Project
Founder representative Koichi Sawada has already presented solutions for immigrants and refugees.

There is discrimination against employment for invisible refugees,
As a solution that is hidden even in the current situation where it does not work well,
if Prime Minister Maykel of Germany understands,In addition,
the invitation of White Country for the European Council's version of the
"European Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
This is the process of the first stage of medical treatment in which several Eastern European countries that are non-EU member states join the EU,
I am keenly aware that it is also the wish of Prime Minister Maykel of Germany.

On the other hand, countries that have long been sick continue to get more and more serious.

2020 8.19
Koichi Sawada

Then, I will present Exercise 2.


Going to the EU team's
"foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project team

Challenge 2

For countries that have accepted many refugees and migrants,
answer the current situation, which is invisible and unsuccessful,
as the EU team's "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team.

European Council version "EUS50, Economic Strategy for External Demand-led
" Project Answer of Challenge 2 as the representative of Koichi Sawada

First of all,
he lost his life because he could not reach a peaceful land to escape from Syria where conflicts continue.
Also, an migrant ship seeking a peaceful land capsized in the Mediterranean.
To many who lost their lives after swimming
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to all the people who were evacuated in search of a
peaceful land with the feeling of nine death
I would like to express my deepest sympathies.

European Council version "EUS50, Economic Strategy for External Demand-led" Project
Koichi Sawada, Founder Representative

In light of this tragic event, the European Council's version of the
“European Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50” project
Founder representative Koichi Sawada has already presented solutions for immigrants and refugees
(according to the 2018 document).

Members of the project "team" of the European Council's version "EUS50-led economic growth strategy"
In light of the tragic events above, find the best solution.

Is it more concrete and submit it to the European Secretariat side (His Excellency of the President of the European Union, Excellency of the European Commission)?
Is It depends on the response from the EU team's"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team.
As Koichi Sawada, Founder and Representative of the European Council “Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50” project
As a responsible position, I am prepared to create it from September to November 2020 and
submit it to the United Nations side and the European Council member side in January 2021.

However, the refugee/immigrant issue is the purpose of advancing the European Council's version of the
"European Demand-Based Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project.
The refugee/immigration issue is as presented by Koichi Sawada, the founder and
representative of the European Council's version of the Foreign Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50 project
Project work Concentrate on the main duties and outsource matters related to immigrants and refugees to third parties.

Solved the difficult problem in the EU team's “Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50” project team, and
was approved and approved by European member states.

We expect that the gears of the European Council's version
"European Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project will rotate (decision/approval).

2020 8.19
European Council version "EUS50, Economic Strategy for External Demand-led" Project
Koichi Sawada, Founder Representative

Problem 2 answer                                                                                       

Invisible unsuccessful situation for countries that have accepted many refugees and migrants 
As a European member's version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team.
Answer the solution.

On behalf of the European Council version of the"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team
The mineral water project plan opens the door to a solution.

European Council version "EUS50, an economic growth strategy driven by foreign demand"To the project team,
task 2 is regarded as being executed (learning)

Times of Day     Epoch number               Discriminant model  Generative model
                                       loss function value   loss function value

2020 08.19 06:00 EpochEUS50Task1(Koichi Sawada)= 1/27,DLoss=0.0406,  GLoss=3.3515
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )= 2/27,DLoss=0.1637,  GLoss=2.5252
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )= 3/27,DLoss=0.7516,  GLoss=7.6838
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )= 4/27,DLoss=1.9916,  GLoss=1.3702
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )= 5/27,DLoss=0.7754,  GLoss=2.7273
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )= 6/27,DLoss=1.9261,  GLoss=1.2708
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )= 7/27,DLoss=0.9618,  GLoss=1.7924
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )= 8/27,DLoss=1.2910,  GLoss=1.9915
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )= 9/27,DLoss=1.1480,  GLoss=1.7470
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=10/27,DLoss=1.9297,  GLoss=0.6260
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=11/27,DLoss=0.8205,  GLoss=1.5320
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=12/27,DLoss=4.5450,  GLoss=0.2745
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=13/27,DLoss=1.6000,  GLoss=1.1333
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=14/27,DLoss=1.2182,  GLoss=1.3663
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=15/27,DLoss=2.0620,  GLoss=0.6955
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=16/27,DLoss=0.5146,  GLoss=3.6865
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=17/27,DLoss=1.4754,  GLoss=1.0996
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=18/27,DLoss=1.6442,  GLoss=0.9287
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=19/27,DLoss=1.3229,  GLoss=1.4367
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=20/27,DLoss=1.1268,  GLoss=1.7145
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=21/27,DLoss=0.5400,  GLoss=2.2727
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=22/27,DLoss=0.9565,  GLoss=1.9661
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=23/27,DLoss=1.9263,  GLoss=0.8327
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=24/27,DLoss=1.0471,  GLoss=1.7495
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=25/27,DLoss=1.1532,  GLoss=1.1715
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=26/27,DLoss=1.4425,  GLoss=1.1054
2020 00:00 00:00 EpochEUS50Task1(          )=27/27,DLoss=1.3414,  GLoss=1.2924 running (learning) number of epochs 27/27 (27 members of the European Council's version
"EUS50 strategy for foreign demand-led economic growth project" team)
It is OK if you gather your opinions and approach the final 0. )

①Epoch is an era that has a distinctive color.
  An era that reminds us of an event. New age. New stage.
②EUS50 is the European Council's version of the
 "EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project.
③Task1 is task 1.
④The name in (     ) is the author's name.

The value of the loss function of the discriminant model and the value of the loss function of the generative model
The numerical value data is an assumed number, and the number quotes that is being executed (learning).
※In this case, it is a data verification to proceed with the “Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50” project of the European Council version,
and it is different from the voting right that the chairman consults the meeting at the meeting.

Skype remote conference (meeting with Koichi Sawada) connection method
Consider Skype Meeting

About the Skype meeting, two years ago On March 19, 2018,
I made a proposal (conference on July 19, 2018) to the European Council by email.

At that time, the schedule was a meeting on July 19, 2018.
7/19 (Th) 1st annual European Council Edition'demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50' project meeting Starting July 20,
start Malta and make final visit to Cyprus, October 9 (Tu) Cyprus.

Economic Strategy for External Demand" project meeting.
If there is a problem or if the team member cannot travel, join in the Skype conference.

I proposed a schedule to say.
There is a history of explaining the timing and details of time allocation (months, days, hours).

European Council version “Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50” project As a process order before approval,
the European Council version “Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50”
project team and issues and problems were raised, and the Skype remote meeting (Koichi Meeting with Sawada).

Skype remote conference (meeting with Koichi Sawada) connection method
Location of country by email 
②Department name
③Approval will be made after submitting the desired date and time.

International phone number   +8150-5328-5912
Domestic phone number       090-5984-1184
Address registration        1-26 Honcho Hakodate City Hokkaido JAPAN

Final sentence
Became a member of the project team of the European Council version
"Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"

The issue is a very important issue for the European Council's version of the
Foreign Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50 project.

In negotiating the"European Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project with the countries
of the world Negotiate while hugging "projects and challenges".

that is,
Prevent each country from being disadvantaged by the European Council's version of the
"European Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project Lead to solving national problems.

The cost-effectiveness will bring benefits to each country
Members of the EU member's "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team members must solve various issues.

Let's negotiate with the partner country, "If that is the strategy,
the European Council version of the "European demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project."
Both sides make a profit.

In short, it creates new trade negotiations that can reduce the cost of each country's economic and social systems.

Have the members of the "team of foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project team demonstrate their capabilities.

If that's the strategy, the other country will negotiate and sign the EUS50 project,
an external demand-driven economic growth strategy, which is a member of the European Board.

Both sides make a profit. So to speak,
it creates new trade negotiations that can reduce the cost of each country's economic and social systems.

Now, now it's time to
It is the first time to demonstrate the capabilities of team members of the
"External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project team members,
a European member's edition of the "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50".

The United Nations, the European Board of Trustees, and
European Member's Edition of "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project Team Members and
The Gears of the Organization
It's time to start turning around.

In January 2021, the gears of the international community will begin to turn toward a new era.

To that end,
representative of the European Council's "External Demand-Led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" Project
Founder As a responsibility of Koichi Sawada

1.『"Fiscal 2021 Management Plan" 』Drafting Reform Period

2.『NEW Meeting and Parting Koichi Sawada model theory』(alias)
     Research and development start!!


3.European Member's Edition of
 "External Demand-Driven Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
  Assignment to project team 2 Formulation of solutions to the
  World's immigration and refugee problems.


will be created by January 2021.


In the management plan (draft) for 2021, Goals set by 193 UN member states to achieve in the 15 years from 2016 to 2030
Towards SDGs "Sustainable Development Goals" Goals European board version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50"project TEAM By creating an organization that can help you to move on to a trajectory that solves the problems of each country.
The cogwheel of the organization with the UN side, the European member side, the European member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project team members It is a plan to start turning.

Representative of the founder of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
As Koichi Sawada, past achievements to the present 
We will work toward the solution of the problem by respecting the coordinator and harmony that will advance
the trajectory of the solution without
No conflict or conflict.

European board member version "Foreign demand-led economic growth strategy EUS50" project team members move on to solveproblems
It is a project that can receive support and cooperation from the United Nations side, the European members,
and 193member states of the United Nations.
Representative of the founder of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
We will create it as Koichi Sawada.

Therefore, the members of the project team of the"European Strategy for Economic Growth EUS50"
version of the European Council You must be a person who can clear the challenges.

2020 8.19
European Council version “EUS50, an economic growth strategy driven by foreign demand” project
Koichi Sawada, Founder Representative

The European Council's "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project is
strong against the new coronavirus.

Because it is a world trade negotiation that does not have the concept of manufacturing and selling until now,
Strong against the new coronavirus.

The only contact European Council version "EUS50, an economic growth strategy driven by foreign demand"
It is a diplomatic negotiation with the countries of the world by the project team.

Consult with each country on the issues they are struggling with and guide them to the path of solution.

It is by no means an easy road. Acquire each ability,
One of the most sophisticated sophisticated diplomatic negotiations and artificial intelligence AI,
Ride the flow of the "cycle for asking true value" once every 100 years.

Above all, team unity is important.

That is the European Council's version of the “EUS50 Economic Growth Strategy” project.

To the members of the European Council and to the members of the
President and Prime Minister who are members of the European Union,
we would like to ask for your
approval 【approval】 of the European Council's version of the
Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50 project. I will.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the UN and Japan for their understanding and
support of the European Council version of the "EUS50 Strategy for External Growth-Driven Economic Growth" project.

The European Council version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
In Chapter 1 (General Rules) Article 1-2
The proceeds of the European Council version of "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50"
will be used for international peace and not for military purposes.
Thing Even if the European member states consider the United States and China as a threat,
as stated in the contract Even if Greece buys a military fighter from France against Turkey, which is a military opponent,
The European Council version of the "Foreign Demand-led Economic Growth Strategy EUS50" project
Negotiate with the United States, China, Turkey, and 193 UN member states while tying "projects and challenges.
"Negotiate with countries around the world for the purpose of international peace.
The definition for international peace remains unchanged.

2020 8.19
European Council's version "EUS50, an economic growth strategy driven by foreign demand" project 
Organizer Representative Koichi Sawada
